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Goals and Constraints

We're investigating adding pattern matching to Dart. If you aren't familiar with the concept, this Stackoverflow page might help. This tracking issue also helps frame things.

Before I get into details of the design, I wanted to walk through our specific goals and constraints. It's not enough to just yank pattern matching out of, say, Haskell, and cram it into Dart. We need to define what a good pattern matching feature looks like in the context of Dart.

Note: In this doc, I'll use a made-up match statement and other hypothetical forms that could contain patterns as a way to show examples. The important part of the examples is the patterns themselves contained in those forms. This doc does not concretely propose any of those specific features.

General Goals

Before I get to specific pattern matching features, here's some higher level goals that I have in mind when I think about designing this feature. Most are not hard requirements, but soft constraints we will make trade-offs between and aim to maximize.

Be unambiguous and syntactically simple

Of course, the grammar must be unambiguous. If the user writes a valid Dart program, it needs to mean only one thing. Further, we'd like the rules that determine what a given pattern means to be as simple as possible.

Ideally, they would be completely context free. If not, they should at least avoid relying on static type analysis in order to be meaningfully parsed. It may be acceptable to rely on variable resolution to determine what a piece of syntax means, much in the way that we rely on resolution to know if foo in is an import prefix or a variable.

Offer good static checking

Dart is generally moving in a direction that if we can detect a user error at compile time, we should. The earlier a developer can find and fix a mistake, the better. That implies good static checking, in a few different ways:

If we can determine at compile time that a given pattern will always fail to match a value, we should probably report that as an error. For example:

String s = ...
match (s) {
  case 1 => print("???");

The compiler knows s is a String and the 1 pattern can never match any possible strings, so this code isn't useful.

Patterns are also often used in places like variable declarations where users don't expect a runtime failure to occur. In that case, if a pattern might fail to match, it should probably be compile-time error:

num n = ...
let int i = n;

Here, let is some made-up syntax that takes a pattern (int i) and matches it against the initializer. In this case, a num might not match a pattern that requires the value to be an int (it could be a double). Instead of failing at runtime with an exception, this should probably be a static error.

Check for exhaustiveness

One aspect of static checking is exhaustiveness checking. At compile time, many languages can tell you if the set of patterns you are matching a value against fully covers all possible values that might occur. If not, it tells you that your patterns are not exhaustive -- some errant value may sneak through and match none of the cases.

This is similar to how a switch statement on an enum type today gives you a warning if you don't cover all of the cases. Extending this to arbitrary patterns is a useful, powerful feature, because it means that when users add new cases to some enum or enum-like type, the compiler will tell them all of the places in code that may need to be extended to handle that case.

Follow familiar pattern syntax and semantics

Pattern matching exists in some form or another in a number of languages today: Haskell, SML, Scala, Kotlin, Swift, etc. Many users come to Dart from other languages. When Dart builds on what they already know, it reduces the amount they have to learn to be productive.

So, when it makes sense, we should look and work the same as similar features in other languages.

Mirror the syntax used to construct values

Pattern matching, especially destructuring patterns, are basically the dual to expressions. An expression like a list literal or constructor call takes a series of subexpressions (the list elements or constructor arguments) and bundles them together into a new composite object. A list or instance destructuring pattern does the opposite. It takes a composite value and pulls out the elements or fields.

A brilliant aspect of patterns in other languages is that the syntax reflects this duality. A list pattern looks like a list expression. This helps users infer what it does. Consider:

var list = [1, 2, 3];
var [a, b, c] = list;
print("$a $b $c");

Even if you've never heard of destructuring, there's a good chance you can guess what's going on here just from the syntactic similarity.

Follow existing variable syntax when possible

Most languages that have patterns use patterns for all variable declarations. Dart already has its own variable declaration syntax which it inherited from C by way of Java and JavaScript.

We almost certainly want some kind of variable declaration syntax that uses patterns so that you can destructure objects in a single statement like the list example above. It may be that we can subsume all variable declarations into that syntax.

Either way, given that there are already millions of Dart variable declarations, a new pattern syntax that also lets you bind variables, possibly with type annotations, should hew to that if possible so that the two styles are similar. It's less to learn, easier to move between the two forms, and less to visually distract the reader.

Likewise, a function's parameter list can also be considered a kind of pattern and explicitly is in some other languages with patterns. (We may want to consider even supporting patterns in parameter lists.) In that case, it would be good if the pattern syntax doesn't clash with the parameter syntax.

Allow user extensibility

One way to make languages more powerful and flexible is by mapping the language's syntax to a protocol whose behavior users can define. This way a single language feature can do many different things just by users implementing that protocol in different ways.

The canonical example is for-in loops. A for-in loop is a built-in statement form in Dart. But its semantics are defined in terms of invoking methods on the Iterable object being looped over. By implementing Iterable in interesting ways, you can use for-in loops to walk custom data structures, generate infinite numeric sequences, or whatever else you want.

I think it's a good goal for at least some patterns to be extensible in the same way. That means some patterns would be syntactic sugar for some kind of "match and destructure" operation. For example, Scala does this using unapply().

Kinds of Patterns

That's how I look at the feature in general. Now, more specifically, what kind of functionality do we want pattern matching to support? What kind of patterns do we want?

Bind variables

A fundamental aspect of pattern matching is binding new variables to subcomponents of a matched object, so we'll need variable patterns that introduce a new binding. We'll likely also want a "wildcard" pattern that accepts all values but doesn't introduce a variable.

Match against literal values

Many users aren't a fan of the existing switch statement. The required break; statements are needlessly verbose, and it might be good to have a form that can be used as an expression and not just a statement. That means a new pattern matching construct should be able to do what switches can do.

An obvious simple feature is matching against literal values: numbers, strings, Booleans, etc. All other languages support this. So you should be able to use things like 3 and "a string" as patterns. They match when the value is equivalent to the literal:

var value = 2;
match (value) {
  case 1 => print("one");
  case 2 => print("two");
  case 3 => print("three");
// Prints "two".

Match against constants

Literals are fine but good programming practice is that literals should be stored in named constants instead of being used directly as magic numbers. Most current switch statements do not switch on literals. They usually switch on named constants or enum values. We certainly want to support enums:

enum Color { red, green, blue }

showColor(Color c) {
  match (c) {
    case => print("red");
    case => print("green");
    case => print("blue");

We probably also want to support named constants:

const one = 1;
const two = 2;
const three = 3;

var value = 2;
match (value) {
  case one => print("one");
  case two => print("two");
  case three => print("three");
// Prints "two".

This introduces significant complexity. We'll also want variable binding patterns, which are also naturally represented as an identifier. If we allow constant patterns to also be simple bare identifiers, it means we need to do lexical scope resolution to determine if a pattern is a constant pattern or a variable pattern.

We'll presumably want to support dotted identifiers for enum cases. I imagine users will expect that to also work for named constants imported from libraries with a prefix.

That raises the question of whether we want to support arbitrary constant expressions. That has some appeal, but means that much of the expression grammar would overlap the pattern grammar, which leads to ambiguity and pain. Consider, for example, [1, 2]. Is that a constant pattern containing a constant list literal, or a list destructuring pattern containing two literal patterns?

Destructure collections

A key goal and a feature offered by other languages is patterns that can match and pull elements out of collections. Dart already has lists, maps, and sets. Patterns to let you destructure those are an obvious feature.

We also want to add tuples and those almost require destructuring because it's difficult to otherwise access the elements in a type safe way, since tuples are heterogeneously typed.

As in other languages, the syntax for these should mirror the corresponding collection literal expression form:

Object obj = ...
match (obj) {
  case [a, b] => print("list with elements $a and $b");
  case {a, b} => print("set with elements $a and $b");
  case (a, b) => print("tuple with elements $a and $b");

Maps are a little trickier. Do they match specific entries, in which case the key is a value, or do they destructure any entry, in which case the key is a pattern?

Destructure instances of classes

Another common use of pattern matching is for working with sum types. In typed functional languages, sum types are the typical way to define values that can be one of a few different cases, with potentially nested data for each case. Pattern matching is then how you implement behavior that varies based on which case you have.

In an object-oriented language, those cases are modeled using subclasses. Thus, to use pattern matching to select behavior based on a sum type case, we need patterns that match a specific subclass and extract fields from it.

For example, something like this:

abstract class Shape {}
class Rect extends Shape {
  final num left, top, right, bottom;
  Rect(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom);
class Circle extends Shape {
  final num x, y, radius;
  Circle(this.x, this.y, this.radius);

printShape(Shape shape) {
  match (shape) {
    case Rect(left, top, right, bottom) =>
        print("Rect $left, $top, $right, $bottom");
    case Circle(x, y, radius) =>
        print("Circle $x, $y, $radius");

Here, the Rect(...) and Circle(...) are matching on shapes of the appropriate subclass and then, when they match, somehow pulling out fields. This would let us enable the sum type functional programming style many users want by expressing it in terms to the object-oriented model Dart already has.

Match on types

Destructuring against instances implicitly also requires that the value be an instance of that destructured class, so there is some level of type testing going on. But it's also useful to just test a value against a type without doing any destructuring. For example, code like this is fairly common:

printJson(Object json) {
  if (json is String) {
  } else if (json is num) {
  } else if (json is List<Object>) {

Here, we rely on type promotion inside the then branches to promote json to the tested type. That works, but gets verbose. It would be good to be able to use a more concise pattern matching structure for code like this.

Extract runtime type arguments

It doesn't happen often, but you occasionally want to write code that takes the type argument of one object and propagates it to another. For example, say you want to convert a list to a set of the same type. Often you can accomplish what you need just using generic methods:

Set<T> listToSet<T>(List<T> list) {
  var set = Set<T>();
  for (var element in list) set.add(element);

The list's type is propagated statically through the program and the result is a list of the "same" type. But here, "same" means the same static type:

main() {
  List<Object> list = <int>[1, 2, 3]; // Upcast.
  var set = listToSet(list);

If you run this, it prints Set<Object>, not Set<int>. Because of the upcast, the static type system has "lost track" of the precise runtime type of the list. The set you get back doesn't have the same type argument as the actual list object passed in at runtime.

Fortunately, this is rarely a problem in practice. But sometimes, especially in frameworks that do things like generic serialization, you actually need to be able to create an object of some generic type whose type argument is the same as the runtime type argument of some other object.

We identified this need during the transition to Dart 2.0, but didn't have time to design a good solution. Instead, we added a hacky library so gross I won't mention it here in order to migrate the few packages like observable that need it. Since then, we have wanted a better solution.

Patterns give us a natural place for that solution. A type pattern could match an object of a generic class and bind a new type variable to the object's runtime type argument(s). Then the body of that match case can use that type variable in things like generic constructor calls.

Guard clauses

This isn't quite tied to patterns, but most languages with a pattern matching construct also support guard clauses. These are arbitrary predicate expressions you place after the pattern. A pattern only matches if that expression evaluates to true.

In C#, these are when clauses. In Haskell, they appear after a |.

Uses for Patterns

Once you have patterns, they need to be embedded in some other language constructs that developers can actually use. I've mentioned a few, but I'll run quickly through places we should or could consider:

  • A pattern matching statement. Like a switch statement but where each case clause is a pattern instead of a simple constant expression.

  • A pattern matching expression. Statements are fine for imperative code, but people using patterns often like to write in a functional, expression-oriented style. In that case, it might be good to have a pattern matching construct that can be embedded in an expression.

    Match expressions rely on good exhaustiveness checking. A statement can simply do nothing if no case matches. An expression must evaluate to some value (or throw an exception, which is rarely helpful). That means ensuring that at least one case matches and telling the user at compile time if that may not happen.

  • A declaration statement. If you have some object that you know has a certain structure and you just want to destructure it and pull out some data bound to new variables, it's very handy to have a variable declaration statement form that takes a single pattern and matches it against the initializer.

    Most languages with pattern matching use this for all variable declarations.

  • For-in loop variable clauses. A for-in loop is another place where a variable can be declared. We could extend that to support arbitrary patterns. This might be particularly useful for iterating over the entries in a map:

    for (var (key, value) in someMap) {
  • A pattern-based if. This is basically a lightweight, single case pattern match statement. You have one pattern and a "then branch" you execute if the pattern matches and an optional else branch if it doesn't.

    For example, C# allows a type pattern inside the condition of an if statement and Swift has if case.

  • Exception catch clauses. Semantically, a catch clause says "if the exception is this type, then execute this block with a new variable of that type". That's basically a pattern. We could extend catch clauses to allow arbitrary patterns in there.

  • Parameter lists. We could allow deeper nested patterns inside function parameter lists. This would let you define a function that, say, accepts a list and immediately destructures its elements all from the parameter signature.

There may be others, but those are the obvious applications.