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File metadata and controls

1674 lines (1257 loc) · 71.5 KB


Authors: Jacob MacDonald, Bob Nystrom

Status: Work In Progress


The motivation document explains why we are working on static metaprogramming. This proposal introduces macros to Dart. A macro is a piece of code that can modify other parts of the program at compile time. A macro application invokes the given macro on the declaration it is applied to. The macro introspects over the declaration it was applied to and based on that generates code to modify the declaration or add new ones.

A macro declaration is a user-defined Dart class that implements one or more new built-in macro interfaces. Macros in Dart are written in normal imperative Dart code. There is not a separate "macro language".

You can think of macros as exposing functionality similar to existing code generation tools, but integrated more fully into the language.


Most macros don't simply generate new code from scratch. Instead, they add code to a library based on existing properties of the program. For example, a macro that adds JSON serialization to a class might look at the fields the class declares and from that synthesize a toJson() method that serializes those fields to a JSON object.

This means that when a macro executes, it often introspects over some part of the program to look at its existing structure. A macro can look at the declaration that it is applied to. For example, a macro applied to a class can see the class's name, superclasses, members, etc. Some of those properties are type annotations, like the superclass or the return type of a method. From that type annotation, the macro may be able to traverse to the declaration that the annotation refers to. In this way, a macro applied to one part of the program may ultimately access information about distant parts of the program.

Allowing deep introspection like this in cases where a macro needs it while ensuring that users can understand the system and tools can implement it efficiently is a central challenge of this proposal.

Default Constructors

Default constructors are not introduced until after phase 2 (the phase which might introduce generative constructors). They should not appear in introspection results until phase 3. If, after phase 2 a class still has no generative constructor, then the default one should be added, and it should be visible for introspection in phase 3.

Omitted Type Annotations and Inference

In general, the introspection APIs will only provide exactly what the user has written for the types of declarations. However, this presents problems when the type is omitted, and in particular when the type is omitted but a useful type would be inferred. For example, see this class:

class Foo extends Bar {
  final inferred = someFunction();

  final String name;

  Foo(, {super.baz});

class Bar {
  final String? baz;


When introspecting on the inferred field, the parameter, or the super.baz parameter, there is no hand written type to use. However, a macro may need to know the actual inferred type, in order to emit an equivalent type annotation in generated code elsewhere in the program.

In order to resolve this, there will be a special OmittedTypeAnnotation subtype of TypeAnnotation. It will have no fields, and is just a pointer to the place where the type annotation was omitted.

There are two things you can do with an OmittedTypeAnnotation:

  • Pass it directly as a part of a Code object.
    • This is only allowed after phase one (the types phase). Using an omitted type in phase one is not allowed and will cause an exception.
      • Users should be instructed to add a type to the location where the omitted type came from in this case. It is guaranteed to be in the same file as the macro annotation, so they can always do this.
    • When the final augmentation library is created, the actual type that was inferred will be used (or dynamic if no type was inferred).
  • Explicitly ask to infer the type of it through the builder APIs (only available in phase 3).
    • We don't allow augmentations of existing declarations to contribute to inference, so in phase 3 type inference can be performed.

This allows you to generate correct signatures for any declarations you need to create in Phase 1 or 2, without actually performing inference in those phases. At the same time it allows you to get the inferred type in phase 3, where you are creating the bodies of functions and may need to know the actual inferred type (for instance you might want to do something for all fields that implement a given interface).

The primary limitation of this approach is that you will not be able to inspect the actual types of declarations where the type was omitted prior to phase 3, but this situation will also be made very explicit to macro authors.

Conditional URI directives

When introspecting on a program, which conditional uri directives are selected (even transitively) may affect what a macro sees. This means that macros may produce different code based on the conditions present in these directives and the compilation environment.

It is necessary that it works this way (as opposed to choosing the default for instance), because we do not require anything other than the selected URI to be present during compilation. Even the default URI may be missing.

In particular this complicates the debugging experience, as the analysis environment in the IDE would ideally match up with the compilation environment for an app during debugging, otherwise stack traces, breakpoints, etc may not match up. It is generally anticipated that these situations should be rare, because typically the APIs exposed from conditional directives are identical.

Ordering in metaprogramming

Macros can read the user's Dart program and modify it. They are also written in Dart as part of the same program. When you have lots of macros all looking at and modifying the same program while it is in the middle of being compiled, it can be hard to define a coherent compilation and macro expansion order. Can a macro body call a method generated by another macro? Does a macro that looks at the fields on a class see the fields generated by some other macro?

The rest of the proposal addresses these specific ordering challenges in detail, but the basic principles are:

  1. When possible, macro application order is not user-visible. Most macro applications are isolated from each other. This makes it easier for users to reason about them separately, and gives implementations freedom to evaluate (or re-evaluate) them in whatever order is most efficient.

  2. When users apply macros to the same portions of the program where the ordering is important, they can easily control that ordering.

In other words, in cases where you care about the order that macros run, you should be able to control it to get what you want. And in most other cases, the system should ensure that you don't have to care.

Macro applications

Macros are applied to declarations using the existing metadata annotation syntax. For example:

class MyClass {}

Here, if the MyCoolMacro type is a macro class, then the annotation is treated as an application of the MyCoolMacro() macro to the class MyClass.

Macro applications can also be passed arguments, either in the form of Code expressions, TypeAnnotations, or certain types of literal values. See Macro Arguments for more information on how these arguments are handled when executing macros.

Macro applications must always be constructor invocations. It is an error to annotate a declaration with a constant reference to a macro instance. In the future we may explore a more concise macro application syntax.

Code Arguments

Consider this example macro application:

int get a => 1;
const b = 2;

class SomeClass {
  @Add(1, a + b)
  int addThem(); // Generates: => 1 + a + b;

Here, Add is a macro that takes its arguments as expressions and produces a function body that adds them using + and returns the result.

Because macros are applied at compile time, the arguments are passed to the macro as objects representing unevaluated expressions. Here, the Add macro receives objects that represent the literal 1 and the expression a + b. It takes those and composes them into a function body like:

=> 1 + a + b

Most of the time, like here, a macro takes the arguments you pass it and interpolates them back into code that it generates, so passing the arguments as code is what you want.

Type annotation arguments

If you want to be able to introspect on a type passed in as an argument, you can do that as well, consider the following:

library my.library;

class MyType {
  final String myField;

  MyType({required this.myField});

/// Generated by introspecting on the fields of [MyType].
class MyTypeSerializer implements Serializer<MyType> {
  Map<String, Object?> serialize(MyType instance) => {
    'myField': instance.myField,

class MyTypeDeserializer implements Deserializer<MyType> {
  MyType deserialize(Map<String, Object> json) =>
      MyType(myField: json['myField'] as String);

Here the macro takes an Identifier argument, and introspects on it to know how to generate the desired serialization and deserialization classes.

Value arguments

Sometimes, though, the macro wants to receive an actual argument value. For example, a macro for defining vector classes might take the dimension as an integer and need to know the actual passed integer value at compile time to know how many fields to define. To support that, macros can also accept arguments as values. However, only built-in value types (int, bool, etc.) are allowed and arguments must be simple literal expressions.

TODO: Metadata annotations currently only allow expression arguments. Do we want to expand this to allow statements or other grammatical constructs (#1928)?

Application order

Multiple macros may be applied to the same declaration, or to declarations that contain one another. For example, you may apply two macros to the same class, or to a class and a method in the same class. Since those macros may introspect over the declaration as well as modify it, the order that those macros are applied can matter.

Fortunately, since they are all applied to the same textual piece of code, the user can control that order. We use syntactic order to control application order of macros:

  • Macros are applied to inner declarations before outer ones. Macros applied to members are applied before macros on the surrounding type. Macros on top-level declarations are applied before macros on the main library directive.

  • Macros applied to the same declaration are applied right to left. For example:

    class C {}

    Here, the macros applied to C are run First(), Second(), then Third().

Aside from these rules, macros are constrained so that the result is the same whatever the application order. In most cases this achieved by the split into phases: within each phase macros can run in any order because the output is not visible to other macros until the next phase. As a special case, introspection of types in Phase 2 waits as needed for other macro applications to complete, failing if there is a cycle.

TODO: give an example of a cycle.

Augmentation library structure and ordering

It is important that applying macros in a given library always results in a consistent augmentation library. In particular, multiple tools should be able to run the same macros with the same inputs, and get the same augmentation library. This allows debugging and stack traces to work consistently, and be meaningful and useful.

We have several rules based around maintaining the consistency of generated output across tools.

Rule #1: Nested augmentations on type declarations are merged

When there are multiple augmentations of the same type declaration, they are merged into a single augment <type> {} block. This is easier for end users to understand. This includes multiple augmentations of the same declaration, they should appear as separate declarations within the same type augmentation.

This does result in constantly shifting source offsets between phases, and in particular throughout Phase 2 of macro expansion, given that some macros can see the outputs of other macros within that same phase.

For example, if both of these macros add a new declaration to A:

class A {}

Then the resulting library should have both declarations merged into one augmentation of A like this:

augment class A {
  void b() {}
  void c() {}

Note that we previously considered an "append only" approach, with no merging of augmentations. The goal was to avoid changing source offsets, but this doesn't work since later augmentations may need to add additional imports, which would result in shifting offsets anyways. Since we have to deal with the shifting offsets either way, we might as well derive user value out of it.

Rule #2: Augmentations are sorted by phase, application, then source order

Sorting by phase

Augmentations from earlier phases appear before augmentations from later phases:

@AddMemberB() // Runs in phase 2, adds a member `b` to `A`.
class A {}

@AddTypeD() // Runs in the first phase, creates the class `D`.
class C {}

Would result in:

class D {}

augment class A {
  void b() {}
Sorting by application order

Where an application order is explicitly defined, the augmentations are appended in that same order as the primary sort:

@AugmentB() // In phase 3, augments the member `b`.
class A {
  void b() {}

  @AugmentC(); // In phase 3, augments the member `c`
  void c() {}

Since inner macro applications run first, we get the augmentation of c first:

augment class A {
  augment void c() {}

  augment void b() {}
Sort by source offset of the application

If no order is defined between two macro applications, then their augmentations are sorted based on the source offset of the macro application.

class A {
  @AugmentB() // In phase 3, augments the member `b`.
  void b() {}

  @AugmentC(); // In phase 3, augments the member `c`
  void c() {}

Since there is no defined application order, source order is used for the augmentation ordering:

augment class A {
  augment void b() {}
  augment void c() {}
Merge type augmentations together

When augmenting a type declaration, if that type declaration has already been augmented then the new augmentation(s) are merged into that augmentation per the first rule. Ordering within that type augmentation follows all of these rules.

This only applies to augment <type> declarations and not new type declarations.

Note that when multiple applications are on the same declaration, there is a defined order, which is the reverse source offset order.

@AddTopLevelFoo() // In phase two, adds a top level variable `foo`.
class A {
  @AddC() // In phase 2, augments the member `c`.
  @AugmentB() // In phase 3, augments the member `b`
  void b() {}

Since an augmentation to A is added in phase 2, the augmentation of it's member b in phase 3 is merged into that augmentation, which puts it above the variable foo which was added in phase 2 (this rule takes precedence over other rules).

augment class A {
  void c() {} // Added in phase 2, ran before `AddTopLevelFoo()`.
  augment b() {} // Added in phase 3, but merged into the previous augmentation.

int foo = 1; // Added in phase 2, after `c` was added to `A`.

Rule #3: Each augmentation should be separated by one empty line

We need to ensure consistent whitespace across tools, and this follows standard Dart style, which is to separate declarations with one empty line.

Note that if a given augmentation provides its own empty lines at the start, these should not be trimmed, and so you may end up with more than one empty line separating declarations.

In the future, we may decide to run dart format or some other lighter weight formatter on augmentations which would also enforce consistent whitespace.

Rule #4: New types are declared separately from their augmentations

If a macro declares a new type and then later augments it, this will result in separate type declarations. One normal one followed by an augmentation of that type.

For example, if MyMacro defines a type in phase 1 and then augments it in phase 2 by adding a field and a constructor:


Would become:


class A {}

augment class A {
  final int b;


It would arguably be more user friendly if we merged these new declarations from phase 2 into the original declaration, but there are some technical challenges with doing so, and we do not merge them today.

Augmentation library source offsets

Any tool doing macro expansion will necessarily have to manage changing source offsets throughout the macro expansion process. This is necessary in order to facilitate a single augmentation library for the end user at the end.

It is likely that a tool would want to initially treat things as multiple separate augmentations, and then merge them all at the end. This would avoid parsing the entire augmentation library repeatedly. Although, the import prefixes for identifiers may change once merged in this mode.


Before we can get into how macro authors create macros, there is another ordering problem to discuss. Imagine you have these two classes for tracking pets and their humans:

class Human {
  final String name;
  final Pet? pet; // Optional, might not have a pet.

class Pet {
  final String name;
  final Human? owner; // Optional, might be feral.

You want to be able to save these to the cloud, so you use a @JsonSerializable() macro that generates a toJson() method on each class the macro is applied to. You want the methods to look like this:

class Human {
  Map<String, Object?> toJson() => {
    'name': name,
    'pet': pet?.toJson(),

class Pet {
  Map<String, Object?> toJson() => {
    'name': name,
    'owner': owner?.toJson(),

Note that the pet and owner fields are serialized by recursively calling their toJson() methods. To generate that code, the @JsonSerializable() macro needs to look at the type of each field to see if it declares a toJson() method. The problem is that there is no order of macro application that will give the right result. If we apply @JsonSerializable() to Human first, then it won't call toJson() on pet because Pet doesn't have a toJson() method yet. We get the opposite problem if we apply the macro to Pet first.

To address this, macros execute in phases. Earlier phases declare new types and declarations while later phases fill them in. This way, we can declare the existence of all of the toJson() methods in the above example before generating the bodies of any of those toJson() methods where we need to introspect over the fields.

In each phase, macros only have access to the parts of the program that are already complete. This ensures that the evaluation order of unrelated macro applications is not user visible. Each phase produces information accessible to later phases. As the program is incrementally "pinned down", later phases gain more introspective power, but have less power to mutate the program.

There are three phases:

Phase 1: Types

Here, macros contribute new types to the program—classes, typedefs, enums, etc. This is the only phase where a macro can introduce a new visible type into the top level scope.

Note: Macro classes cannot be generated in this way, but they can rely on macro generated declarations for their implementation. This ensures that all macros can be discovered prior to actually running any macros.

Very little introspective power is provided in this phase. Since other macros may also be declaring new types, we can't even assume that all top-level identifiers can be resolved. You can see the names of types that are referenced in the declaration the macro is applied to, but you can't ask if they are a subtype of a known type. Type hierarchies have not been resolved yet. Even a type which could be resolved to an existing type might not actually resolve to that type once macros are done (a new type could be introduced which shadows the original one).

After this phase completes, all top-level names are declared. Subsequent phases know exactly which type any named reference resolves to, and can ask questions about subtype relations.

Phase 2: Declarations

In this phase, macros declare functions, variables, and members. "Declaring" here means specifying the name and type signature, but not necessarily the body of a function or initializer for a variable. It is encouraged to provide a body (or initializer) if possible, but you can opt to wait until the definition phase if needed.

Phase two macros can introspect on all of the members of a type. If the type to be introspected is declared in the same library cycle and has one or more macros applied to it then this introduces an ordering constraint between the macro applications: the introspection call waits for complete results before returning, meaning it waits for the macro applications on the target type to finish.

If a cycle arises in macro applications waiting for other macro applications to complete then a MacroIntrospectionCycleException is thrown.

Subsequent introspection calls on the same target will always throw MacroIntrospectionCycleException, even if all macro applications on the target have finished, to ensure a deterministic outcome.

Rules might be added in future to decide in some specific cases which macro should run with incomplete introspection results to break a cycle. For example, there might be a rule specifying that an application to a superclass runs first with incomplete results, allowing an application to a subclass to run afterwards with introspection onto the declarations added.

Phase 3: Definitions

In the final phase, macros provide the imperative code to fill in abstract or external members. Macros in this phase can also wrap existing methods or constructors, by injecting some code before and/or after those method bodies. These statements share a scope with each other, but not with the original function body.

Phase three macros can add new supporting declarations to the surrounding scope, but these are private to the macro generated code, and never show up in introspection APIs. These macros can fully introspect on any type reachable from the declarations they are applied to without introducing application ordering constraints as in Phase 2.

Macro declarations

Macros are a special type of class, which are preceded by the macro keyword, and have some additional limitations that classes don't have.

This keyword allows compilers (and users) to identify macros at a glance, without having to check the type hierarchy to see if they implement Macro.

See some example macros here.

Macro limitations/requirements

  • All macro constructors must be marked as const.
  • See the Macro Arguments section to understand how macro constructors are invoked, and their limitations.
  • All macros must implement at least one of the Macro interfaces.
  • Macros cannot be abstract.
  • Macro classes cannot be generated by other macros.
  • Macro classes cannot contain generic type parameters.
    • It is possible that in the future we could allow some restricted form of generic type parameters for macro classes, but it gets tricky because the types in the user code instantiating the macro are not necessarily present in the macros own transitive imports.

Note: The Macro API is still being designed, and lives here.

Writing a Macro

Every macro interface is a subtype of a root Macro marker interface. There are interfaces for each kind of declaration macros can be applied to: class, function, etc. Then, for each of those, there is an interface for each macro phase: type, declaration, and definition. A single macro class can implement as many of these interfaces as it wants to. This allows a single macro to participate in multiple phases and to support being applied to multiple kinds of declarations.

Each macro interface declares a single method that the macro class must implement in order to apply the macro in a given phase on a given declaration. For example, a macro applied to classes in the declaration phase implements ClassDeclarationsMacro and its buildDeclarationsForClass method.

The set of macro interfaces implemented determines where the macro can usefully be applied, and it is a compile error to apply it anywhere else. For example, if a macro does not implement any of the Class*Macro interfaces, it is a compile error to apply it to a class.

When a Dart implementation executes macros, it invokes these builder methods at the appropriate phase for the declarations the macro is applied to. Each builder method is passed two arguments which give the macro the context and capabilities it needs to introspect over the program and generate code.

Declaration argument

The first argument to a builder method is an object describing the declaration it is applied to. This argument contains only essentially the parsed AST for the declaration itself, and does not include nested declarations.

For example, in ClassDeclarationsMacro, the introspection object is a ClassDeclaration. This gives you access to the name of the class and access to the immediate superclass, as well as any immediate mixins or interfaces, but not its members or entire class hierarchy.

TODO: update this example.

Builder argument

The second argument is an instance of a builder class. It exposes both methods to contribute new code to the program, as well as phase specific introspection capabilities.

In ClassDeclarationsMacro, the builder is a ClassDeclarationBuilder. Its primary method is declareInClass, which the macro can call to add a new member to the class. It also implements the ClassIntrospector interface, which allows you to get the members of the class, as well as its entire class hierarchy.

TODO: update this example.

Handling Exceptions

All exceptions that the macro APIs might throw are subclasses of MacroException; see the API docs for details.

Introspection API ordering

Macros may produce code based on the order in which the introspection APIs return results. For instance when generating a constructor, a macro will likely just iterate over the fields and create a parameter for each.

We need generated augmentations to be identical on all platforms for all the same inputs, so we need to have a defined ordering when introspection APIs are returning lists of declarations.

Therefore, whenever an implementation is returning a list of declarations, they should always be given in lexicographical order. We use lexicographical order instead of source text order, so that macro output does not have to be re-ran when re-ordering members.

Introspecting on metadata annotations

Prior to macros, most use of metadata annotations in Dart was to guide code generation tools or static analysis. The tool would look for certain metadata annotations in order to know how to generate code or produce custom diagnosics. With macros, many of those metadata annotations would instead either become macros or be read by them. The latter means that macros also need to be able to introspect over non-macro metadata annotations applied to declarations.

For example, a @JsonSerialization() class macro might want to look for an @unseralized annotation on fields to exclude them from serialization.

Some macros may need to evaluate the real values of metadata arguments, while others may only need the ability to emit that same code back into the program.

The annotation introspection API

All declarations which can be annotated will have an Iterable<MetadataAnnotation> get metadata getter. This will contain all regular annotations as well as macro annotations.

All MetadataAnnotation objects have a Code get code getter, which gives access to the annotation as a Code object.

In addition, there will be two subtypes of MetadataAnnotation:

  • IdentifierMetadataAnnotation: A simple const identifier, has a single Identifier get identifier getter.
  • ConstructorMetadataAnnotation: A const constructor invocation. This will have the following getters:
    • Identifier get type
    • Identifier get constructor
    • Arguments get arguments
      • The Arguments class will provide access to the positional and named arguments as separate Code objects.

For any macro which only wants to emit code from annotations back into the program, these Code objects are sufficient.

For a macro which wants to access the actual value of a given argument or the metadata annotation as a whole, they can evaluate Code instances as constants (see next section).

Constant evaluation

Macros may want the ability to evaluate constant expressions, in particular those found as arguments to metadata annotations.

We expose this ability through the DartObject evaluate(Code code) API, which is available in all phases, with the following restrictions:

  • No identifier in code may refer to a constant which refers to any system environment variable, Dart define, or other configuration which is not otherwise visible to macros.
  • All identifiers in code must be defined outside of the current strongly connected component (that is, the strongly connected component which triggered the current macro expansion).

The DartObject API is an abstract representation of an object, which can represent types which are not visible to the macro itself. It will closely mirror the same API in the analyzer.

The call to evaluate will throw a ConstantEvaluationException if the evaluation fails due to a violation of one of the restrictions above.

Are macro applications introspectable?

Macro application annotations are treated identically to regular annotations, and are introspectable in exactly the same ways.

The current macro application is also visible to itself in the list of metadata attached to the current declaration.

Modifying metadata annotations

We will not allow modification or removal of existing annotations, in the same way that we do not allow modification or removal of existing code.

However, there are potentially situations where it would be useful for a macro to be able to add metadata annotations to existing declarations. These would then be read in by other macros (or the same macro in a later phase). In particular this may be useful when composing multiple macros together into a single macro. That macro may have a different configuration annotation that it uses, which it then splits up into the specific annotations that the other macros it uses expect.

However, if we aren't careful then allowing adding metadata in this way would expose the order in which macros are applied. For this reason metadata which is added in this way is not visible to any other macros ran in the same phase.

This does have two interesting and possibly unexpected consequences:

  • Macros may see different annotations on the same declaration, if they run in different phases.
  • Metadata on entirely new declarations is visible in the same phase, but metadata added to existing declarations is only visible in later phases.

TODO: Define the API for adding metadata to existing declarations (#1931).

Generating code

Macros attach new code to the declaration the macro is applied to by calling methods on the builder object given to the macro. For example, a declaration-phase macro applied to a class declaration is given a ClassMemberDeclarationBuilder. That class exposes a declareInClass() method that adds the given code to the class as a new member.

The code itself is an instance of a special Code class (or one of its subclasses). This is a first-class object that represents a well-formed piece of Dart code. We use this instead of bare strings containing Dart syntax because a code object carries more than just the bare Dart code. In particular, it keeps track of how identifiers in the code are resolved.

Also, when code objects are creating by combining fragments of other code (for example arguments to macros), the resulting code object may keep track of the original source locations of each fragment. This way, debuggers and other code navigation tools can understand where a given piece of generated code came from.

Code instances

There are subclasses of Code for the various major grammatical categories in Dart syntax: expression, statement, declaration, etc. These exist mainly to make APIs like the builder classes that accept code objects easier to use correctly. We do not expose a separate Code subclass for every single grammar production in Dart: unary expression, binary expression, etc. An API surface area that broad becomes very brittle and hard to evolve. We wouldn't want the Code API itself to prevent us from making future language changes.

TODO: Describe the API to create instances of Code classes (#1932).

TODO: To make it easier to create Code instances, we are considering adding something like JavaScript's tagged template syntax to Dart. Then, using that, we could define templates for various grammar productions like expression and statement. That would make creating code instances almost as simple as string literals.

The Code objects themselves are also fairly opaque. They are "write-only". Macros create them and compose them, but the API does not give macros the ability to tear apart and introspect into the subcomponents and subexpressions of a given pieces of syntax.

TODO: We are considering exposing more properties on Code objects to allow introspection (#1933).

Identifiers and resolution

The classic problem in macro systems since they were first invented in Lisp and Scheme in the 70s is how identifiers are resolved. Because this proposal does not allow local macros, macros that generate new syntax, or macro applications inside local block scopes, the problems around scoping are somewhat reduced. But challenges still remain.

Referring to generated declarations

A key use of macros is generating new declarations. Since these declarations aren't useful if not called, it implies that handwritten code may contain references to declarations produced by macros. This means that before macros are applied, code may contain identifiers that cannot be resolved.

This is not an error. Any identifier that can't be resolved before the macro is applied is allowed to be resolved to a macro-produced identifier after macros are applied. (You might imagine that we could simply defer all identifier resolution until after macro application is done, but we need to resolve at least enough identifers to resolve the macro application annotations themselves, and to enable the introspection API to describe known types and members.)

It is a compile-time error if a macro adds a declaration to a library or class that collides with an existing declaration (either handwritten or produced by a macro). This is analogous to the existing error users get if handwritten code has two colliding declarations.

Shadowing declarations

Macros may add member declarations that shadow top-level declarations in the library. When that happens, we have to choose how references to that shadowed member resolve. Consider the following example:

int get x => 1;

class Bar {
  // Generated
  int get x => 2;

  // Should this return the top level `x`, or the generated instance getter?
  int get y => x;

In this situation, resolution is done based on the final macro generated code, as if it was written by hand. Effectively, this means that resolution of bodies must be delayed until after macro execution is complete.

This (mostly) avoids the need for resolving method bodies multiple times, and also means that all macro code could be replaced with a hand-authored library.

Constant evaluation, Identifiers, and shadowed declarations

Given that constant evaluation can be attempted in any phase, it is possible for it to return a different result for the same piece of code between phases. In particular the types phase and declaration phase may introduce declarations which shadow previously resolved identifiers from other libraries.

If this happens, it would always cause a constant evaluation failure in the later phase, since identifiers from the current strongly connected component are not allowed during const evaluation. This is not enough however to catch all situations, because a macro may not attempt const evaluation at that point, and could have previously gotten an incorrect result.

Similarly, a Code object provided as a part of a metadata annotation argument may have Identifiers which were originally resolved to one declaration, and then later resolved to a different declaration.

In order to resolve these discrepancies we add this rule:

  • It is a compile time error for a macro to add a declaration which shadows any previously resolved identifier.. These errors occur after a macro runs, when the compiler is merging in the macro results, and so it is not catchable or detectable by macros.

This situation can typically only happen because of one of the above scenarios surrounding metadata annotations or const evaluation, and can typically be resolved by adding an import prefix. To force resolution to the generated symbol in the current library, a library can import itself with a prefix.

Resolving identifiers in generated code

When a macro generates code containing an identifier, the identifier must be resolved in the context of some namespace to determine what declaration it refers to. It's not enough to simply resolve generated code in the same namespace where the macro is applied. The macro author may want to, for example, generate a call to a utility function that the macro author knows about but that the library applying the macro is unaware of. Or a macro may want to generate code that creates an instance of some class that is an implementation detail of the macro and not in scope where the macro is applied.

To support this, there is an Identifier subtype of Code. An instance of this class represents an identifier resolved in the context of a known library's namespace. When the Identifier object is inserted into other generated code, it retains its original resolution.

A compiler could implement this by generating an import of the library containing the declaration that the identifier refers to. The compiler adds a unique prefix to the import and then the identifier emitted as a prefixed identifier followed by the identifier's simple name.

Macros also build generated code using strings. Identifiers that appear in bare strings are resolved where they appear in the generated code, and where that generated code appears in the library, after all macros in the library have finished executing. For example, if a macro is generating the body of an instance method, an identifier in a string used to build that body might resolve to a local variable declared inside that method, to an instance member on the surrounding class (which may or may not have been produced by some macro), to a static method, or to a top level identifier.

If a macro wants to generate code containing an identifier that unambigiously refers to a top level declaration and can't inadvertently capture a local variable in surrounding generated code, the macro can create an Identifier for that top level declaration and insert that into the generated code.

TODO: Define this API. See here.

Generating macro applications

Since macros are regular Dart code and classes, one macro can instantiate and run the other macro's code directly as part of the first macro's execution. That allows macros to be directly composed in some cases. But in cases where a macro in one phase wants to invoke a macro in another phase (including itself), a macro can generate code containing a macro application. Those in turn expanded during compilation. This is allowed in two ways:

TODO: Consider more direct support for macros that declare and then implement their own declarations (#1908).

Adding macro applications to new declarations

When creating DeclarationCode instances, a macro may generate code which includes macro applications. These macro applications must be from either the current phase or a later phase, but cannot be from previous phases.

It is an error for a macro application to be added which would have applied to its declaration in an earlier phase.

If a macro application is added which runs in the same phase as the current one, then it is immediately expanded after execution of the current macro, following the normal ordering rules.

Ordering violations

Both of these mechanisms allow for normal macro ordering to be circumvented. Consider the following example, where all macros run in the Declaration phase:

class X {
  @MacroC() // Added by `@MacroA()`, runs after both `@MacroB()` and `@MacroA()`
  int? a;

  // Generated by `@MacroC()`, not visible to `@MacroB()`.
  int? b;

Normally, macros always run "inside-out". But in this case @MacroC() runs after both @MacroB() and @MacroA() which were applied to the class.

We still allow this because it doesn't cause any ambiguity in ordering, even though it violates the normal rules. We could instead only allow adding macros from later phases, but that would restrict the functionality in unnecessary ways.

Compiling macros

TODO: Explain library cycles and compiling to library augmentations.

Library cycles

Applying a macro involves executing the Dart code inside the body of the macro. Obviously, that code must be type-checked and compiled before it can be run. To ensure that the code defining the macro can be compiled before it's applied, we have the following restrictions:

  • A macro cannot be applied in the same library where it is defined. The macro must always be defined in some other library that you import into the library where it is applied. This way, the library where the macro is defined can be compiled first.

  • There must be no import path from the library where a macro is defined to any library where it is used. Since the library applying the macro must import the definition, this is another way of saying that there can't be any cyclic imports (directly or indirectly) between the library where a macro is defined and any library where it is used. This ensures that we can reliably compile the library where the macro is defined first because it doesn't depend on any of the libraries using the macro.

TODO: Instead of the above rules, we are considering a more formal notion of "modules" or "library groups" to enforce this acyclicity.

A Dart implementation can enforce this restriction by organizing a program into library cycles. The build package [already does this][build lib cycle]. A library cycle is a set of libraries containing import cycles. If two libraries are not in the same cycle, it is guaranteed that there is no cyclic import between them.

Ideal compilation process

Here's a (non-normative) illustration of how a Dart implementation could compile a Dart program containing macro applications:

1. Break the program into library cycles

Starting at the entrypoint library, traverse all imports, exports, and augmentation imports to collect the full graph of libraries to be compiled. Calculate the strongly connected components of this graph. Each component is a library cycle, and the edges between them determine how the cycles depend on each other. Sort the library cycles in topological order based on the connected component graph.

Report an error if macro application and its definition occur in the same library cycle.

Each library cycle can now be fully compiled separately. When compiling a library cycle, it is guaranteed that all macros used by the cycle have already been compiled. Also, any types or other declarations used by that cycle have either already been compiled, or are defined in that cycle.

2. Compile each cycle

Go through the library cycles in topological order. For each cycle, compile all of its libraries. First, merge in any hand-authored library augmentations into their libraries. At this point, you have a set of mutually interdependent libraries. They may contain references to declarations that don't exist because macros have yet to produce them.

Collect all the metadata annotations which are constructor invocations of macro classes. Report an error if any application refers to a macro declared in this cycle, or if any annotation is a reference to a const instance of a macro class (they must be explicit constructor invocations).

NOTE: We may in the future allow constant references to macros in annotations, or something similar to that, see discussion in #1890.

3. Apply macros

In a sandbox environment, likely a separate isolate or process, create an instance of the corresponding macro class for each macro application. See Executing macros for more explanation of how macros are constructed and how their arguments are handled.

Run all of the macros in phase order (see also Application order for ordering within each phase):

  1. Invoke the corresponding visit method for all macros that implement phase 1 APIs.

  2. Invoke the corresponding visit method for all macros that implement phase 2 APIs.

  3. Invoke the corresponding visit method for all macros that implement phase 3 APIs.

While these are running, the macro will likely call back into the host environment to introspect over code in the current library cycle or previously compiled cycles. The introspection API is mostly syntactic and structural: a macro can walk the members on a class declaration or look at the name of a type annotation without the compiler having to do any resolution or type checking.

When a macro wants to resolve an identifier in a type annotation, there is an explicit API for that. When that happens, the implementation attempts to resolve the identifier and return a reference to the resolved declaration. Macros do not have introspection access to the imperative code of a library, so that code doesn't need to be resolved or type-checked at this point.

Meanwhile, the macro is also producing new declarations and definitions. These are collected and held by the macro processor. When introspecting over code, the implementation needs to show not just the state of the code on disk, but any of these new declarations produced previously by macros.

4. Generate an augmentation library

Once all macro applications have finished running, the implementation creates a new empty augmentation library for each library containing macro applications. All of the declarations created by macros and held by the processor are now added to the augmentation.

Entirely new declarations are simply added to the augmentation library as declarations. Declarations that wrap the original declaration's code are added as augmenting declarations. If a macro adds members to a type, then the type is added to the augmentation library as an augmenting type, and the members are added into that.

TODO: How are name collisions from private declarations handled?

The Code objects representing the signature and body of the declaration is serialized to Dart source. Code objects created from strings are inserted verbatim into the augmentation library. It's up to the macro author to take care when using unqualified identifiers in string-based Code objects.

TODO: Do we want to find identifiers in string-based Code objects and implicitly scope them somehow?

Instances of the Identifier class have special serialization. An import for library that the identifier resolves to is added to the augmentation with a new unique prefix identifier. The Identifier name is then serialized as a prefixed identifier for that prefix. (A more sophisticated implementation could reuse imports when multiple identifiers resolve to the same library, and may choose to omit the prefix entirely if the resulting identifier will still resolve correctly.)

This augmentation library may be written on disk in some implementation-defined location. It should be accessible to users so that it's possible to step into and debug macro-generated code. It should probably not be stored directly next to their source code. We don't expect users to commit these generated files to source control.

5. Apply augmentation and compile

Finally, the implementation implicitly applies these macro-generated augmentation libraries onto their corresponding main libraries. After that, all of the libraries are fully complete. They should contain no unresolvable identifiers, even in imperative code, and every declared member should have a definition. Report an error if that's not true.

Otherwise, all of the libraries in the cycle can be fully compiled and the implementation can move on to the next cycle. Any macros declared in this cycle are ready to be loaded and executed when applied in libraries in later cycles.

Executing macros

To apply a macro, a Dart compiler constructs an instance of the applied macro's class and then invokes methods that implement macro API interfaces. Then it disposes of the macro instance. Typically this is all done in a separate isolate or process from the compiler itself.

Macros are full-featured Dart programs with complete access to the entire Dart language (but limited access to core libraries). Macros are Turing-complete.

Macro arguments

Each argument in the metadata annotation for the macro application is converted to a form that the corresponding constructor on the macro class expects, which it specifies through parameter types:

  • If the parameter type is bool, double, int, Null, num, String, List, Set, Map, Object, or dynamic (or the nullable forms of any of those), then the argument expression must be a constant expression containing only boolean, number, null, string, list, set, or map literals. Note that Object and dynamic are allowed as types but the actual values must still be of one of the supported types.

    • Any type arguments (inferred or explicit) must be one of the allowed parameter types, recursively.
  • If the parameter type is Code (or a subtype of Code), the argument expression is automatically converted to a corresponding Code instance. These provided code expressions may contain identifiers.

  • If the parameter type is TypeAnnotation then a literal type must be passed, and it will be converted to a corresponding TypeAnnotation instance.

Note that this implicit lifting of the argument expression only happens when the macro constructor is invoked through a macro application. If a macro class is directly constructed in Dart (for example, in test code for the macro), then the caller is responsible for creating the Code object.

As usual, it is a compile-time error if the type of any argument value (which may be a Code object) is not a subtype of the corresponding parameter type.

It is a compile-time error if a macro class constructor invoked by a macro application has a parameter whose type is not Code, TypeAnnotation, or one of the aforementioned primitive types (or a nullable type of any of those).

Identifier Scope

The following rules apply to any Identifier passed as an argument to a macro application, whether as a part of a Code expression or TypeAnnotation.

The scope of any Identifier is the same as the scope in which the identifier appears in the source code, which is the same as the argument scope for a metadata annotation on a declaration. This means:

  • Identifiers in macro application arguments may only refer to static and top level members.
  • They cannot refer to local or instance variables, as those can never be in scope where a macro application appears.
  • Identifiers referring to static class members may be unqualified if the annotation appears on a member of that class.
    • For qualified references, only the unqualified name is visible to the macro. When the identifier is interpolated into an augmentation library, it may be converted back into a fully qualified reference if needed (although the prefix may change, or a prefix may be added). This means all of the following examples are supported, and for each you would only see myMember as the name of the identifier:
      • @MyMacro(some_prefix.myMember)
      • @MyMacro(SomeClass.myMember)
      • @MyMacro(some_prefix.SomeClass.myMember)

All identifiers passed to macro constructors must resolve to a real declaration by the time macro expansion has completed. They may resolve to generated identifiers, including ones generated by the macro they were passed to, although that design may be inadvisable.

Runtime environment

Since macros are executed at compile time directly inside the compiler, they run in a sandbox that tries to minimize the trouble a poorly (or maliciously) written macro can cause. A well-behaved macro should not:

  • Reach out to the network or read arbitrary files on the user's machine. (Some files can be access by going through the Resource API because the user knows those files are permitted.)

  • Consume CPU resources or continue executing code after the macro's work is done.

  • Produce different results when run multiple times on the same code. A macro should be idempotent, and should always generate the same declarations from the same inputs.

  • Use mutable global state to pass objects or information derived from one phase to a macro (even itself) running in a later phase.

The macro system is not designed to provide hard security guarantees of the above properties. Users should consider the macros that they apply to be trusted code.

The restrictions in the following sections encourage the above properties as much as possible.

Core library restrictions

Dart code touches the outside world through core libraries. We prevent macros from interacting with the outside world in unsafe ways by limiting access to some dart: libraries and some operations inside those libraries. These libraries are allowed:

  • dart:async
  • dart:collection
  • dart:convert
  • dart:core
  • dart:math
  • dart:typed_data

All other dart: libraries (dart:io, dart:isolate, etc.) are completely prohibited. This ensures that macros cannot directly access the file system or network, spawn processes, access configuration-specific data that would cause it to produce different output on the same code, etc.

TODO: Define "prohibited" more precisely (#1916).

TODO: Specify prohibited APIs inside permitted core libraries (#1915).

Static mutable state

A user should not be able observe the order in which unrelated macro applications are executed. This makes it easier for macro authors to write robust macros and for macro users to reason about their macro uses independently. That order could become visible if separate macro applications accessed the same static mutable state—top-level variables and static fields.

In an ideal world we might run each macro invocation in its own sandbox, with its own static state, but we don't do that. Instead, we simply state that a well behaved macro should not use static state in an observable way. Not doing so may lead to undefined behavior.

For example, it is OK to cache the result of an expensive computation in global state, assuming the result would always be the same. However it would not be advisable to cache information pertaining to the observed state of a program. Global state should also not be used to pass such information between macros, or the phases of a given macro.

Implementations also reserve the right to clear the global state of a macro at any time, possibly even at random.

Platform semantics

Macros execute in an environment which may have different semantics than the environment the program being compiled targets. For instance, Dart numbers have different semantics on the web than they do when compiled to native code.

The macro execution environment uses the semantics of the compiler or tool's host environment, whatever those are. (Since most Dart tools are written in Dart and compiled to native code, that means integers are usually 64 bits.)

Note: This is violates the rule that macros should always generate the same code given the same input code.

This means that code which executes inside a macro may produce a different result than the same code executed at runtime if the environments are different. A macro that pre-computes some value and stores the result in the generated code may need to take care that the computation isn't affected by the host environment.

Macros do not have visibility into the target environment, and they can only detect the host environment using existing mechanisms like 0 is double.

Environment variables and configuration

Macros do not have access to the system environment variables, since they do not have access to dart:io where they are exposed. Macros also do not have access to Dart environment variables (-D flags). AllfromEnvironment() constructors return their default values.

It would be useful for macros to be able to read environment variables so that they can generate different code in different build configurations. For example, a macro could generate logging code when applied in debug mode but skip it in a release build.

However, configuration-specific macros increase the UX complexity of developer tools and IDEs significantly since the user needs to be able to select which configuration they want to view their program as. Making macros configuration-free allows tools to give users a single, consistent version of generated code.

Language and API evolution

Language versioning

Macros generate code directly into existing libraries, and we want to maintain the behavior that a library only has one language version. Thus, the language version of macro generated code is always that of the library it is generating code into.

This means that macros need the ability to ask for the language version of a given library. This will be allowed through the library introspection class, which is available from the introspection APIs on all declarations via a library getter.

API versioning

It is expected that future language changes will require breaking changes to the macro APIs. For instance you could consider what would happen if we added multiple return values from functions. That would necessitate a change to many APIs so that they would support multiple return types instead of a single one.

Design goals

  • Enable us to make API changes when needed.
  • Minimize churn for macro authors - most SDK versions will not be breaking and it would be ideal to not ask packages to have super tight SDK constraints.
  • Give early and actionable error messages to consumers of macros when a macro they are using does not support a new language feature.
  • Enable as much forwards/backwards compatibility as possible.

Solution: Ship macro APIs as a Pub package

The implementation of this package will always come from the SDK, through a dart:_macros library, which will be exported by this package. The dart:_macros library will be blocked from being imported or exported by any library other than other dart: libraries and this package.

We use a dart: library here to ensure that the binaries shipped with the SDK are compiled with exactly the same version of the API that macros are compiled with. This ensures the communication protocol between macros and the SDK binaries are compatible.

This package will have tight upper bound SDK constraints, constrained to the minor release versions instead of major release versions.

The release/versioning strategy for the package is as follows:

  • We will not allow any changes to the macro APIs in patch releases of the SDK, even non-breaking changes. The package restricts itself to minor releases and not patch releases of the SDK, so these changes would silently be visible to users in a way that wasn't versioned through the package.

  • When a new version of the Dart SDK is released which does not have any changes to the macro API, then we will do a patch release of this package which simply expands the SDK upper bound to include that version (specifically it will be updated to less than the next minor version). For example, if version 3.5.0 of the SDK was just released, and it has no changes to the macro API, the new upper bound SDK constraint would be <3.6.0 and the lower bound would remain unchanged.

    Since this is only a patch release of this package, all existing packages that depend on this package (with a standard version constraint) will support it already, so no work is required on macro authors' part to work with the new Dart SDK.

  • When a new version of the Dart SDK is released which has non-breaking changes to the macro API, then we will do a minor release of this package, which increases the lower bound SDK constraint to the newly released version, and the upper bound to less than the next minor release version. For example, if version 3.5.0 of the SDK was just released, and it has non-breaking changes to the macro API, the new SDK constraint would be >=3.5.0 <3.6.0.

    Note that only users on the newest SDK will get this new version, but that is by design. The new features are being exposed only by the new SDK and are not available to older SDKs.

    Since this is only a minor release, all existing packages that depend on this package (with a standard version constraint) will support it already, so no work is required on macro authors' part to work with the new Dart SDK.

    If a macro author wants to use the new features, they must update their minimum constraint on this package to the latest version to ensure the new features are available.

  • When a new version of the Dart SDK includes a breaking change to the macro API, then we will release a new major version of this package, and update the SDK constraints in the same way as non-breaking changes (update both the minimum and maximum SDK constraints, so only the current minor version is allowed). By default, existing packages containing macros will not accept that version of the macro package and thus will not work with the new Dart SDK.

    Authors of packages containing macros will need to test to see if their macro is compatible with the latest macro API. If so, they can ship a new patch version of their package with a constraint on the macro package that includes the new major version as well as the previous major version it's already known to work with. If their package is broken by the macro API change, then, they will fix their macro and ship a new version of their package with a dependency on the macro package that only allows the latest major versions.

This approach has several advantages for macro authors and users, which are closely aligned with the design goals:

  • Fewer releases for macro authors (this package shouldn't have very many breaking changes).
  • Gives us flexibility with the API when needed.
  • Gives early errors if a macro dependency doesn't support the users current SDK. The failure will be in the form of a failed version solve.
  • Macros can easily depend on wide ranges of this package (if they are compatible).

There are some downsides to this approach as well:

  • More work for us, we need to consistently prepare these releases for new SDKs.
  • Version solve errors can sometimes be very cryptic to understand. This is a general problem though, and we will benefit from any improvements in this area.
  • Dependency overrides on this package won't actually have any affect, which may be confusing to users. The API is always dictated by the dart: library and not the package itself. Note that this is different from dart_internal, which wraps the dart: APIs it exposes. I don't think this would be desireable for this use case, but we could see if it is feasible.
  • It is possible we could forget to bump the min SDK when altering the internal API for the dart:_macros package. We should put some sort of check in place to help ensure we get this right.


Some macros may wish to load resources (such as files). We do want to enable this, but because macros are untrusted code that runs at analysis time, we block macros from reading resources outside the scope of the original program.

In order to distinguish whether a resource is "in scope", we use the package config file. Specifically, we allow access to any resource that exists under the root URI of any package in the current package config. Note that this may include resources outside of the lib directory of a package - even for package dependencies - depending on how the package config file is configured.

If the URI points to a symlink it must be followed and the final physical file location checked to be a valid path under a package root. Otherwise they could be used to circumvent this check and load a resource that is outside the scope of the program.

TODO: Evaluate whether this restriction is problematic for any current compilation strategies, such as in bazel, and if so consider alternatives.

Resources are read via a Uri. This may be a package: URI, or an absolute URI of any other form as long as it exists under the root URI of some package listed in the package config.

It is also intuitive for macros to accept a relative URI for resources. In order to support this macros should compute the absolute URI from the current libraries URI. This URI is accessible by introspecting on the library of the declaration that a macro is applied to.

TODO: Support for relative URIs in part files (requires a part file abstraction)?

TODO: Should libraries report their fully resolved URI or the URI that was used to import them? The latter would mean that files under lib could not read resources outside of lib, which has both benefits and drawbacks.

TODO: Evaluate APIs for listing files and directories.

TODO: Consider adding RandomAccessResource API.

The specific API is as follows, and would only be available at compile time:

/// A read-only resource API for use in macro implementation code.
class Resource {
  /// Either a `package:` URI, or an absolute URI which is under the root of
  /// one or more packages in the current package config.
  final Uri uri;

  /// Creates a resource reference.
  /// The [uri] must be valid for this compilation, which means that it exists
  /// under the root URI of one or more packages in the package config file.
  /// Throws an [InvalidResourceException] if [uri] is not valid.

  /// Whether or not a resource actually exists at [uri].
  bool get exists;

  /// Read this resource as a stream of bytes.
  Stream<Uint8List> openRead([int? start, int? end]);

  /// Asynchronously reads this resource as bytes.
  Future<Uint8List> readAsBytes();

  /// Synchronously reads this resource as bytes.
  Uint8List readAsBytesSync();

  /// Asynchronously reads this resource as text using [encoding].
  Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding = utf8});

  /// Synchronously reads this resource as text using [encoding].
  String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding = utf8});

  /// Asynchronously reads the resource as lines of text using [encoding].
  Future<List<String>> readAsLines({Encoding encoding = utf8});

  /// Synchronously reads the resource as lines of text using [encoding].
  List<String> readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding = utf8});

Resource invalidation

Resources that are read should be treated as source inputs to the program, and should invalidate the parts of the program that depended on them when they change.

When a resource is read during compilation, it should either be cached for subsequent reads to use or a hash of its contents stored. No two macros should ever see different contents for the same resource, within the same build.

This implies that the compilers will need to be keeping track of which resources have been read, and adding a dependency on those resources to the library. The compilers (or tools invoking the compilers) will then need to watch these resource files for changes in the same way that they watch source files today.

This also includes tracking when resources are created or destroyed - so for instance calling any method on a Resource should add a dependency on the uri of that resource, whether it exists or not.


In build_runner we run the compiler in a special directory and we only copy over the files we know will be read (transitive dart files). How would we know which resources to copy over, and more specifically which resources were read by the compiler?

It is likely that we would need some special configuration from the users here to make this work, at least a general glob of available resources for a package.


No additional complications, resources will need to be provided as data inputs to the dart_library targets though.


The frontend server will need to communicate back the list of resources that were depended on. This could likely work similarly to how it reports changes to the Dart sources (probably just treat them in the same way as source files).


  • Macros cannot be applied from within the same library cycle as they are defined.

  • Macros cannot write arbitrary files to disk, and read them in later. They can only generate code into the library where they are applied.

    • TODO: Full list of available dart: APIs.
    • TODO: Design a safe API for read-only access to files.