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Crash in the VM in Dart 2.14.4 and Dart #47610

floitsch opened this issue Nov 3, 2021 · 3 comments

Crash in the VM in Dart 2.14.4 and Dart #47610

floitsch opened this issue Nov 3, 2021 · 3 comments
area-vm Use area-vm for VM related issues, including code coverage, FFI, and the AOT and JIT backends.


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floitsch commented Nov 3, 2021

I'm experiencing reproducible crashes with Dart 2.14.4 and Dart

Core dumps:

Sign up at and create an API key. (Alternatively chat/contact me on and I can give you a personal one).

Run the stream.dart in one terminal

dart bin/stream.dart #<API-KEY>

In another terminal start publishing:

dart bin/publish.dart #<API-KEY>

After 6 messages the server tries to stop listening and crashes.

Output for a crash with the stable version:

ᐅ coredumpctl dump 234907                                
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal', 'wheel' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
           PID: 234907 (dart)
           UID: 1000 (flo)
           GID: 1000 (flo)
        Signal: 6 (ABRT)
     Timestamp: Wed 2021-11-03 15:55:52 CET (22min ago)
  Command Line: dart stream.dart ade3034b298ec72f5cc1e8b6c10b80e5e9c679742fd2b21502a18a8b292a72d4
    Executable: /opt/dart-sdk/bin/dart
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-org.kde.konsole-b3bfa48ed190435baaa2e752a804578f.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: app-org.kde.konsole-b3bfa48ed190435baaa2e752a804578f.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (flo)
       Boot ID: 22207da15a054cf9b19e5f8e8424f83e
    Machine ID: b81b28eb5d82454f84fa56ca38826aae
      Hostname: amber
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.dart.1000.22207da15a054cf9b19e5f8e8424f83e.234907.1635951352000000.zst (present)
     Disk Size: 30.6M
       Message: Process 234907 (dart) of user 1000 dumped core.
                Found module with build-id: f076f68f712d35c37d7f60f9e2d7eaf4151ca1cc
                Found module with build-id: b0d90fd1794c177c70f1e457c11ec1a7f87a41ed
                Found module with build-id: c78fbf154f223055f7929ffc9eba0155552b68fe
                Found module with build-id: c915c72668282861a813f7ea3c0780f37b681dc0
                Found module with build-id: 8eb55de0d3252a36920a5d74c2da924a902cfff4
                Found module with build-id: cb9a40a245a69be2bae4412813e60ca53f00315a
                Found module with build-id: c1674f9082fedd415876b9f7d9712269163259b5
                Found module with build-id: 75484da2d6f1515189eefa076e0a40328834cd16
                Found module with build-id: e7e82c2dd93253d661770d39cc72fe265ba89aac
                Found module with build-id: 1a36dfc01d3a1010b2ee79766a24a8090a3266d5
                Found module with build-id: 040cc3dd10461562f177df39e3be2f3704258c3c
                Found module with build-id: 4b406737057708c0e4c642345a703c47a61c73dc
                Found module with build-id: 2b8fd1f869ecab4e0b55e92f2f151897f6818acf
                Found module with build-id: 07c8f95b4f3251d08550217ad8a1f31066229996
                Found module with build-id: 5abc547e7b0949f89f3c0e21ab0c8331a7440a8a
                Found module dart without build-id.
                Stack trace of thread 235139:
                #0  0x00007f92a9014d22 raise ( + 0x3cd22)
                #1  0x00007f92a8ffe862 abort ( + 0x26862)
                #2  0x000056381e7ef030 n/a (dart + 0x1ce3030)
                #3  0x00007f92a92fb870 __restore_rt ( + 0x13870)
                #4  0x00007f92a099a4c3 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #5  0x00007f92a2c5a6ff n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #6  0x00007f92a2c5a3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #7  0x00007f92a2c5a0fe n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #8  0x00007f92a2c59461 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #9  0x00007f92a2c5833b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #10 0x00007f92a2c50487 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #11 0x00007f92a0994681 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #12 0x00007f92a2c5a6ff n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #13 0x00007f92a2c5a3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #14 0x00007f92a2c5a0fe n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #15 0x00007f92a2c59461 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #16 0x00007f92a2c5833b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #17 0x00007f929a477bf4 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #18 0x00007f92a2c5a6ff n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #19 0x00007f92a2c5a3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #20 0x00007f92a2c5a0fe n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #21 0x00007f92a2c59461 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #22 0x00007f92a0995288 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #23 0x00007f92a2c57ee3 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #24 0x00007f92a2c57b6b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #25 0x00007f92a2c57a99 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #26 0x00007f92a2c579c1 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #27 0x00007f929a421b69 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #28 0x00007f929a420bb7 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #29 0x00007f929a420a4c n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #30 0x00007f92a2c21c60 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #31 0x00007f92a2c214eb n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #32 0x00007f92a8a028ff n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #33 0x000056381e976123 _ZN4dart9DartEntry10InvokeCodeERKNS_4CodeEmRKNS_5ArrayES6_PNS_6ThreadE (dart + 0x1e6a123)
                #34 0x000056381e975f75 _ZN4dart9DartEntry14InvokeFunctionERKNS_8FunctionERKNS_5ArrayES6_m (dart + 0x1e69f75)
                #35 0x000056381e97855d _ZN4dart16DartLibraryCalls13HandleMessageERKNS_6ObjectERKNS_8InstanceE (dart + 0x1e6c55d)
                #36 0x000056381e99fe46 _ZN4dart21IsolateMessageHandler13HandleMessageENSt3__210unique_ptrINS_7MessageENS1_14default_deleteIS3_EEEE (dart + 0x1e93e46)
                #37 0x000056381e9ca7ac _ZN4dart14MessageHandler14HandleMessagesEPNS_13MonitorLockerEbb (dart + 0x1ebe7ac)
                #38 0x000056381e9caecf _ZN4dart14MessageHandler12TaskCallbackEv (dart + 0x1ebeecf)
                #39 0x000056381eae9e48 _ZN4dart10ThreadPool10WorkerLoopEPNS0_6WorkerE (dart + 0x1fdde48)
                #40 0x000056381eaea27c _ZN4dart10ThreadPool6Worker4MainEm (dart + 0x1fde27c)
                #41 0x000056381ea63a48 n/a (dart + 0x1f57a48)
                #42 0x00007f92a92f1259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #43 0x00007f92a90d65e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                Stack trace of thread 234911:
                #0  0x00007f92a92fd8ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                #1  0x00007f92a92f7270 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0xf270)
                #2  0x000056381ea64198 _ZN4dart7Monitor10WaitMicrosEl (dart + 0x1f58198)
                #3  0x000056381eafc730 _ZN4dart18BackgroundCompiler3RunEv (dart + 0x1ff0730)
                #4  0x000056381eae9e48 _ZN4dart10ThreadPool10WorkerLoopEPNS0_6WorkerE (dart + 0x1fdde48)
                #5  0x000056381eaea27c _ZN4dart10ThreadPool6Worker4MainEm (dart + 0x1fde27c)
                #6  0x000056381ea63a48 n/a (dart + 0x1f57a48)
                #7  0x00007f92a92f1259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #8  0x00007f92a90d65e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                Stack trace of thread 234907:
                #0  0x00007f92a92fd8ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                #1  0x00007f92a92f7270 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0xf270)
                #2  0x000056381ea64198 _ZN4dart7Monitor10WaitMicrosEl (dart + 0x1f58198)
                #3  0x000056381eee126a Dart_RunLoop (dart + 0x23d526a)
                #4  0x000056381e7db219 _ZN4dart3bin14RunMainIsolateEPKcS2_PNS0_18CommandLineOptionsE (dart + 0x1ccf219)
                #5  0x000056381e7dbf77 _ZN4dart3bin4mainEiPPc (dart + 0x1ccff77)
                #6  0x000056381e7dcd49 main (dart + 0x1cd0d49)
                #7  0x00007f92a8fffb25 __libc_start_main ( + 0x27b25)
                #8  0x000056381e7d58a9 _start (dart + 0x1cc98a9)
                Stack trace of thread 234988:
                #0  0x00007f92a92fd8ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                #1  0x00007f92a92f7270 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0xf270)
                #2  0x000056381ea64198 _ZN4dart7Monitor10WaitMicrosEl (dart + 0x1f58198)
                #3  0x000056381eafc730 _ZN4dart18BackgroundCompiler3RunEv (dart + 0x1ff0730)
                #4  0x000056381eae9e48 _ZN4dart10ThreadPool10WorkerLoopEPNS0_6WorkerE (dart + 0x1fdde48)
                #5  0x000056381eaea27c _ZN4dart10ThreadPool6Worker4MainEm (dart + 0x1fde27c)
                #6  0x000056381ea63a48 n/a (dart + 0x1f57a48)
                #7  0x00007f92a92f1259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #8  0x00007f92a90d65e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                Stack trace of thread 235140:
                #0  0x00007f92a92fd8ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                #1  0x00007f92a92f7574 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0xf574)
                #2  0x000056381ea64180 _ZN4dart7Monitor10WaitMicrosEl (dart + 0x1f58180)
                #3  0x000056381eae9f1f _ZN4dart10ThreadPool10WorkerLoopEPNS0_6WorkerE (dart + 0x1fddf1f)
                #4  0x000056381eaea27c _ZN4dart10ThreadPool6Worker4MainEm (dart + 0x1fde27c)
                #5  0x000056381ea63a48 n/a (dart + 0x1f57a48)
                #6  0x00007f92a92f1259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #7  0x00007f92a90d65e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                Stack trace of thread 234908:
                #0  0x00007f92a90d692e epoll_wait ( + 0xfe92e)
                #1  0x000056381e7eb958 _ZN4dart3bin26EventHandlerImplementation4PollEm (dart + 0x1cdf958)
                #2  0x000056381e91d510 n/a (dart + 0x1e11510)
                #3  0x00007f92a92f1259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #4  0x00007f92a90d65e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

Output for the dev version:

ᐅ coredumpctl dump -o /tmp/dart_dev.2.15.0-116.0.core 236507 
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal', 'wheel' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
           PID: 236507 (dart:stream.dar)
           UID: 1000 (flo)
           GID: 1000 (flo)
        Signal: 6 (ABRT)
     Timestamp: Wed 2021-11-03 16:07:16 CET (13min ago)
  Command Line: /home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart stream.dart ade3034b298ec72f5cc1e8b6c10b80e5e9c679742fd2b21502a18a8b292a72d4
    Executable: /home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-org.kde.konsole-b3bfa48ed190435baaa2e752a804578f.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: app-org.kde.konsole-b3bfa48ed190435baaa2e752a804578f.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (flo)
       Boot ID: 22207da15a054cf9b19e5f8e8424f83e
    Machine ID: b81b28eb5d82454f84fa56ca38826aae
      Hostname: amber
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.dart:stream\x2edar.1000.22207da15a054cf9b19e5f8e8424f83e.236507.1635952036000000.zst (present)
     Disk Size: 30.8M
       Message: Process 236507 (dart:stream.dar) of user 1000 dumped core.
                Found module /home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart without build-id.
                Found module with build-id: f076f68f712d35c37d7f60f9e2d7eaf4151ca1cc
                Found module with build-id: b0d90fd1794c177c70f1e457c11ec1a7f87a41ed
                Found module with build-id: c78fbf154f223055f7929ffc9eba0155552b68fe
                Found module with build-id: c915c72668282861a813f7ea3c0780f37b681dc0
                Found module with build-id: 8eb55de0d3252a36920a5d74c2da924a902cfff4
                Found module with build-id: cb9a40a245a69be2bae4412813e60ca53f00315a
                Found module with build-id: c1674f9082fedd415876b9f7d9712269163259b5
                Found module with build-id: 75484da2d6f1515189eefa076e0a40328834cd16
                Found module with build-id: e7e82c2dd93253d661770d39cc72fe265ba89aac
                Found module with build-id: 1a36dfc01d3a1010b2ee79766a24a8090a3266d5
                Found module with build-id: 040cc3dd10461562f177df39e3be2f3704258c3c
                Found module with build-id: 4b406737057708c0e4c642345a703c47a61c73dc
                Found module with build-id: 2b8fd1f869ecab4e0b55e92f2f151897f6818acf
                Found module with build-id: 07c8f95b4f3251d08550217ad8a1f31066229996
                Found module with build-id: 5abc547e7b0949f89f3c0e21ab0c8331a7440a8a
                Stack trace of thread 236547:
                #0  0x00007fd8b9645d22 raise ( + 0x3cd22)
                #1  0x00007fd8b962f862 abort ( + 0x26862)
                #2  0x000055ab5c31fdf0 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1d32df0)
                #3  0x00007fd8b992c870 __restore_rt ( + 0x13870)
                #4  0x00007fd8b0f9c803 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #5  0x00007fd8b31db9df n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #6  0x00007fd8b31db6be n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #7  0x00007fd8b31db3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #8  0x00007fd8b31da741 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #9  0x00007fd8b31d961b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #10 0x00007fd8b31d1767 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #11 0x00007fd8b0f96aa1 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #12 0x00007fd8b31db9df n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #13 0x00007fd8b31db6be n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #14 0x00007fd8b31db3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #15 0x00007fd8b31da741 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #16 0x00007fd8b31d961b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #17 0x00007fd8aacfa024 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #18 0x00007fd8b31db9df n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #19 0x00007fd8b31db6be n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #20 0x00007fd8b31db3de n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #21 0x00007fd8b31da741 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #22 0x00007fd8b0f976a8 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #23 0x00007fd8b31d91c3 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #24 0x00007fd8b31d8e4b n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #25 0x00007fd8b31d8d79 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #26 0x00007fd8b31d8ca1 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #27 0x00007fd8aaca3449 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #28 0x00007fd8aaca24a7 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #29 0x00007fd8aaca233c n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #30 0x00007fd8b31a1cac n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #31 0x00007fd8b31a1523 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #32 0x00007fd8b908298f n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #33 0x000055ab5c4a64c3 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1eb94c3)
                #34 0x000055ab5c4a6315 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1eb9315)
                #35 0x000055ab5c4a895f n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1ebb95f)
                #36 0x000055ab5c4cf81c n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1ee281c)
                #37 0x000055ab5c4f8dac n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1f0bdac)
                #38 0x000055ab5c4f94cf n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1f0c4cf)
                #39 0x000055ab5c612018 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x2025018)
                #40 0x000055ab5c61244c n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x202544c)
                #41 0x000055ab5c58f148 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1fa2148)
                #42 0x00007fd8b9922259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                #43 0x00007fd8b97075e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                Stack trace of thread 236507:
                #0  0x00007fd8b992e8ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                #1  0x00007fd8b9928270 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0xf270)
                #2  0x000055ab5c58f898 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1fa2898)
                #3  0x000055ab5ca0287a n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x241587a)
                #4  0x000055ab5c30bfdc n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1d1efdc)
                #5  0x000055ab5c30cd37 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1d1fd37)
                #6  0x000055ab5c30dad9 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1d20ad9)
                #7  0x00007fd8b9630b25 __libc_start_main ( + 0x27b25)
                #8  0x000055ab5c3068a9 n/a (/home/flo/NOSAVE/playground/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart + 0x1d198a9)
@floitsch floitsch changed the title Crash in FFI Crash with grpc Nov 3, 2021
@floitsch floitsch changed the title Crash with grpc Crash Nov 3, 2021
@devoncarew devoncarew added the area-vm Use area-vm for VM related issues, including code coverage, FFI, and the AOT and JIT backends. label Nov 3, 2021
@devoncarew devoncarew changed the title Crash Crash in the VM in Dart 2.14.4 and Dart Nov 3, 2021
@alexmarkov alexmarkov self-assigned this Nov 3, 2021
Copy link

Hi Florian,
It's nice to hear from you, and thank you for reporting the bug!
The fix is on the way:

Copy link

kevmoo commented Nov 5, 2021

@floitsch !! Great to see you!!

Copy link

floitsch commented Nov 8, 2021

Thanks for the fast fix.
And yes: nice to get in touch with the Dart community for a bit again!

copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Nov 17, 2021
In async/async* methods synthetic :try_finally_return_value variable
(which is used to hold return value across finally) could be
captured, so flow graph builder needs to have correct context_depth_
in order to access it using LoadLocal(finally_return_variable)
when building flow graph for return statement.

Previously, flow graph builder left context in an unspecified state
and depth after TranslateFinallyFinalizers(NULL, -1), which caused
incorrect code being generated for LoadLocal(finally_return_variable).

This change fixes this problem by
* passing correct target_context_depth to TranslateFinallyFinalizers
  so context is adjusted to a known depth regardless of context
  depth which is used by finally;
* setting context_depth_ for LoadLocal(finally_return_variable)
  and then restoring it (to be able to continue building flow graph
  for the enclosing AST nodes).

Fixes #47610

Change-Id: Id15ea719ddda892eaff0b06f6450b1a8de36e8da
Reviewed-by: Martin Kustermann <>
Reviewed-by: Slava Egorov <>
Commit-Queue: Alexander Markov <>
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area-vm Use area-vm for VM related issues, including code coverage, FFI, and the AOT and JIT backends.
None yet

No branches or pull requests

4 participants