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Connective Data Framework (CDF) is designed to be a generic data processing framework to read various of data source, such as hive, flat files, database, elastic search, Kafka, etc), perform across data source transformation, and write to the different destinations. CDF is implemented using Scala and Apache Spark.

Data Source Specific Files

Follow files are required to be customized for each data source. Each pipeline, which reads, transform, and write data, is called a application. Here, we use APP_CODE to identify each application.

File Name Functions
src/main/resources/conf/app_{APP_CODE}.yml data source specific configuration file
src/main/resources/sql/app_{APP_CODE}.sql data source specific configuration file
src/test/resources/setup/tsql_${APP_CODE}.sql data source specific test data preparation file

Application Configurations

All application settings are configured through YML files in the src/main/resources/conf/application.yml.{env}. They are different sessions for Spark, Hive, Elastic settings applied to the whole project.

Data Source/Target Configurations

In the following sessions, we'll introduce how to configure the source/target config files in src/main/resources/conf/app_{APP_CODE}.yml.

Generic Source Configuration Keys

Following yml keys are supported for reading different data sources categories. These keys are defined under source key in the yml files.

Key Category Request Default Functions
alias all optional table alias for the data source
type all optional reference table type, driver or reference
row_filter all optional row number filter with partition by and order by fields
read_strategy all optional all how to read data, all - all data. latest - the latest partition.
disabled all optional false disable this source's config
database hive/database optional default hive database name. Can also be specified with table name, such as, database_name.table_name
table hive/database mandatory hive table name.
regx hive optional database name with regular expression, such as test_prod_([0-9]{8}).
look_back hive optional 12 number of database to read according to regx
path file mandatory the path where to read the file. * is supported to match all.
delimitor file optional | file fields delimitor
quote file optional "" file quote
optional_fields file optional list of comma seperated columns when they are not avaliable in source giving default value as placeholder

Generic Target Configuration Keys

Following yml keys are supported for writing different data targets.

Key Category Request Default Functions
disabled all optional false disable this target's config
outputs all optional when it is specified, you can define multiple output under this key
output file implicit output file root path in HDFS. By default it gets value from ${DE_OUTPUT_ROOT_PATH}
output_log all implicit output log root path in HDFS. By default it gets value from ${DE_LOG_ROOT_PATH}
output_type all optional csv output type supported, such as csv, parquet, avro, json, hive, elastic.
hive_db_tbl_name hive optional when output_type is hive, use database_name.table_name.
idx_name elastic optional app_code when output_type is elastic, this is index name.
@timestamp elastic optional used in index name as metadata to append current timestamp to the index name to make it unique.
idx_create elastic optional false whether to create the index before writing data.
idx_purge_on_time elastic optional false when index is created with @timestamp, old indices are removed when it is true.
idx_alias_create elastic optional false whether to create alias
idx_alias elastic optional idx_name alias of the index, by default it is index name without timestamp
idx_setting elastic optional whether to add setting section during index creation
idx_map_rule elastic optional type - generate mapping from dataframe data type. name - generate mapping from column postfix, such as address--idxm-keyword
idx_type_else elastic optional text:dummy this is requested when idx_create is true. For example, text:col1,col2, this is to set column with string type for col1 and col2 as text. For other string type columns, set it as keyword.
idx_prop_ov elastic optional this is where to pass whole json string as mapping properties to overwrite auto generated index mappings

Application Configuration Keys

Key Category Request Default Functions
job_disabled apps optional false disable this application code job by skipping it.
dry_run apps optional false verify the job without running the job.
cob_discover apps optional false auto discover the cob in yyyy-MM-dd from source read.
lookback_defalt hive optional default look back value for all source data.
sql_resource_root sql optional ../sql default location where to read the sql files
sql_file_part sql apps optional
sql_init sql optional false true, load init.sql ahead running all other sql files.
sql_init_global sql optional false true, load AppDefaultConfig.GLOBAL_INIT_SQL ahead running all other sql files.
sql_casesensitive sql optional false same to Spark sql case sensitive setting
app_name apps implicit application name
app_code apps implicit application code


  1. when output_type is elastic, the etl_es_id in the dataframe maps to, which is the key of index.
  2. when output_type is elastic, the etl_batch_id defines how many batch to divide and load data to elastic in sequence.

Transformation Configuration Keys

CDF provides some internal transformations. However, it is suggested not to use them because of overhead. The suggested way is to use transformations in the spark sql logic.

Key Request Default Functions
cleaned_null_as optional "null" which value to represent null
cleaned_date_fields optional format a list of comma separated columns as yyyy-MM-dd
cleaned_amount_fields optional format a list of comma separated columns as proper amount value
cetl_meta_enabled optional false append etl_pkey, etl_app_code, etl_start_time, and etl_end_time to data.

Environment Variable Files

CDF includes two environment variable files.

  • It keeps application code level properties for all application under management.
  • application.yml: It keeps resource level properties, such as spark, hive, elastic settings.

Note: The environment variable files may have .prd or dev extensions for production and non-production purpose.

When CDP launches the pipeline job, it looks for the in following orders

Order Actions Comments
1 search service account's own dir at /home/${CURRENT_USER}/ if may change for each run, you can generate it ahead.
2 search application's own dir at ./conf/ if may not change, use this approach.
3 search global env settings at /hadoop/data-products/env/ if may not change and generic, use this approach.

The list of environment variable supported in are as follows

Key Request Default Functions
DF_BATCH_LATEST_URL optional service url where to fetch the latest run id/date
PA_BATCH_LATEST_URL optional service url where to fetch the latest run id/date
FETCH_SRC_LOC optional false if true, fetch source location root as ${DE_TREE_OUTPUT} in format of sys-${asset}
FETCH_RUN_ID optional false if ture, fetch run_id/date from service url and replace the one got from commandline
DE_OUTPUT_ROOT_PATH optional global-tree-entity/staging hdfs location where to keep output file
DE_LOG_ROOT_PATH optional ${DE_OUTPUT_ROOT_PATH}/log hdfs location where to keep job log
DE_YARN_QUEUE optional hadoop yarn queue

Run the Application

CDF can run the job in local or cluster mode by following setting.

export CONFIG_SPARK_MASTER=yarn-cluster

To run the job, there are three options as follows.

./ ${app_code}
./ ${app_code} ${cob/closed_business_date}
./ ${app_code} ${cob/closed_business_date} ${spark_executor} ${spark_cores} ${spark_executor_memory} ${spark_driver_memory}


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