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Zahan Malkani committed Feb 12, 2012
1 parent 3273a64 commit 8e6562b
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Showing 43 changed files with 2,937 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion PA3/.gitignore
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions PA5/AssignmentToIndex.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
% AssignmentToIndex Convert assignment to index.
% I = AssignmentToIndex(A, D) converts an assignment, A, over variables
% with cardinality D to an index into the .val vector for a factor.
% If A is a matrix then the function converts each row of A to an index.
% See also IndexToAssignment.m

function I = AssignmentToIndex(A, D)

D = D(:)'; % ensure that D is a row vector
if (any(size(A) == 1)),
I = cumprod([1, D(1:end - 1)]) * (A(:) - 1) + 1;
I = sum(repmat(cumprod([1, D(1:end - 1)]), size(A, 1), 1) .* (A - 1), 2) + 1;

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions PA5/BlockLogDistribution.m
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% LogBS = BlockLogDistribution(V, G, F, A) returns the log of a
% block-sampling array (which contains the log-unnormalized-probabilities of
% selecting each label for the block), given variables V to block-sample in
% network G with factors F and current assignment A. Note that the variables
% in V must all have the same dimensionality.
% Input arguments:
% V -- an array of variable names
% G -- the graph with the following fields:
% .names - a cell array where names{i} = name of variable i in the graph
% .card - an array where card(i) is the cardinality of variable i
% .edges - a matrix such that edges(i,j) shows if variables i and j
% have an edge between them (1 if so, 0 otherwise)
% .var2factors - a cell array where var2factors{i} gives an array where the
% entries are the indices of the factors including variable i
% F -- a struct array of factors. A factor has the following fields:
% F(i).var - names of the variables in factor i
% F(i).card - cardinalities of the variables in factor i
% F(i).val - a vectorized version of the CPD for factor i (raw probability)
% A -- an array with 1 entry for each variable in G s.t. A(i) is the current
% assignment to variable i in G.
% Each entry in LogBS is the log-probability that that value is selected.
% LogBS is the P(V | X_{-v} = A_{-v}, all X_i in V have the same value), where
% X_{-v} is the set of variables not in V and A_{-v} is the corresponding
% assignment to these variables consistent with A. In the case that |V| = 1,
% this reduces to Gibbs Sampling. NOTE that exp(LogBS) is not normalized to
% sum to one at the end of this function (nor do you need to worry about that
% in this function).

function LogBS = BlockLogDistribution(V, G, F, A)
if length(unique(G.card(V))) ~= 1
disp('WARNING: trying to block sample invalid variable set');

% d is the dimensionality of all the variables we are extracting
d = G.card(V(1));

LogBS = zeros(1, d);
% Compute LogBS by multiplying (adding in log-space) in the correct values from
% each factor that includes some variable in V.
% NOTE: As this is called in the innermost loop of both Gibbs and Metropolis-
% Hastings, you should make this fast. You may want to make use of
% G.var2factors, repmat,unique, and GetValueOfAssignment.
% Also you should have only ONE for-loop, as for-loops are VERY slow in matlab


% Re-normalize to prevent underflow when you move back to probability space
LogBS = LogBS - min(LogBS);

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions PA5/CheckConvergence.m
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% CHECKCONVERGENCE Ascertain whether the messages indicate that we have converged
% converged = CHECKCONVERGENCE(MNEW,MOLD) compares lists of messages MNEW
% and MOLD. If the values listed in any message differs by more than the
% value 'thresh' then we determine that convergence has not occured and
% return converged=0, otherwise we have converged and converged=1
% The 'message' data structure is an array of structs with the following 3 fields:
% -.var: the variables covered in this message
% -.card: the cardinalities of those variables
% -.val: the value of the message w.r.t. the message's variables
% MNEW and MOLD are the message where M(i,j).val gives the values associated
% with the message from cluster i to cluster j.

function converged = CheckConvergence(mNew, mOld);

thresh = 1.0e-6;
%converged should be 1 if converged, 0 otherwise.



114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions PA5/ClusterGraphCalibrate.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
% CLUSTERGRAPHCALIBRATE Loopy belief propagation for cluster graph calibration.
% P = CLUSTERGRAPHCALIBRATE(P, useSmart) calibrates a given cluster graph, G,
% and set of of factors, F. The function returns the final potentials for
% each cluster.
% The cluster graph data structure has the following fields:
% - .clusterList: a list of the cluster beliefs in this graph. These entries
% have the following subfields:
% - .var: indices of variables in the specified cluster
% - .card: cardinality of variables in the specified cluster
% - .val: the cluster's beliefs about these variables
% - .edges: A cluster adjacency matrix where edges(i,j)=1 implies clusters i
% and j share an edge.
% UseSmart is an indicator variable that tells us whether to use the Naive or Smart
% implementation of GetNextClusters for our message ordering

% CS228 Probabilistic Models in AI (Winter 2012)
% Copyright (C) 2012, Stanford University

function [P MESSAGES] = ClusterGraphCalibrate(P,useSmartMP)

useSmartMP = 0;

N = length(P.clusterList);

MESSAGES = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [], 'val', []), N, N);
[edgeFromIndx, edgeToIndx] = find(P.edges ~= 0);

for m = 1:length(edgeFromIndx),
i = edgeFromIndx(m);
j = edgeToIndx(m);

% Set the initial message values
% MESSAGES(i,j) should be set to the initial value for the
% message from cluster i to cluster j
% The matlab/octave functions 'intersect' and 'find' may
% be useful here (for making your code faster)


% perform loopy belief propagation
iteration = 0;


while (1),
iteration = iteration + 1;
[i, j] = GetNextClusters(P, MESSAGES,lastMESSAGES, iteration, useSmartMP);
prevMessage = MESSAGES(i,j);

% We have already selected a message to pass, \delta_ij.
% Compute the message from clique i to clique j and put it
% in MESSAGES(i,j)
% Finally, normalize the message to prevent overflow
% The function 'setdiff' may be useful to help you
% obtain some speedup in this function



% Check for convergence every m iterations
if mod(iteration, length(edgeFromIndx)) == 0
if (CheckConvergence(MESSAGES, lastMESSAGES))
disp(['LBP Messages Passed: ', int2str(iteration), '...']);

disp(['Total number of messages passed: ', num2str(iteration)]);

% Compute final potentials and place them in P
for m = 1:length(edgeFromIndx),
j = edgeFromIndx(m);
i = edgeToIndx(m);
P.clusterList(i) = FactorProduct(P.clusterList(i), MESSAGES(j, i));

% Get the max difference between the marginal entries of 2 messages -------
function delta = MessageDelta(Mes1, Mes2)
delta = max(abs(Mes1.val - Mes2.val));

70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions PA5/ComputeApproxMarginalsBP.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
% COMPUTEAPPROXMARGINALSBP Computation of approximate marginals using Loopy BP
% M = COMPUTEAPPROXMARGINALSBP(F,E ) returns the approximate marginals over
% each variable in F given the evidence E.
% .
% The Factor list F has the following fields:
% - .var: indices of variables in the specified cluster
% - .card: cardinality of variables in the specified cluster
% - .val: the cluster's beliefs about these variables
% - .edges: Contains indices of the clusters that have edges between them.
% The Evidence E is a vector of length equal to the number of variables in the
% factors where 0 stands for unobserved and other values are an observed
% assignment to that variable. It can be left empty (E=[]) if there is no evidence
% M should be an array of factors with one factor for each variable and
% M(i).val should be filled in with the marginal of variable i.

% CS228 Probabilistic Models in AI (Winter 2012)
% Copyright (C) 2012, Stanford University

function M = ComputeApproxMarginalsBP(F,E)

% returning approximate marginals.

clusterGraph = CreateClusterGraph(F,E);

P = ClusterGraphCalibrate(clusterGraph);

N = unique([P.clusterList(:).var]);

% compute marginals on each variable
M = repmat(struct('var', 0, 'card', 0, 'val', []), length(N), 1);

% Populate M so that M(i) contains the marginal probability over
% variable i
for i = 1:length(N),

% Populate M(i) such that M(i) contains a factor representation of
% the marginal proability over the variable with index i.
% (ie. M(i).val is the actual marginal)
% You may want to use the helper function 'FindPotentialWithVariable'
% which is defined at the bottom of this file. Read through it
% to make sure you understand its functionality.



% Helper function:
function indx = FindPotentialWithVariable(P, V)

indx = 0;
for i = 1:length(P.clusterList),
if (any(P.clusterList(i).var == V)),
indx = i;

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions PA5/ComputeInitialPotentials.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
%COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS Sets up the cliques in the clique tree that is
%passed in as a parameter.

% P = COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS(C) Takes the clique tree C which is a
% struct with three fields:
% - nodes: represents the cliques in the tree.
% - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree.
% - factorList: represents the list of factors that were used to build
% the tree.
% It returns a compact form of a clique tree P that we will use through
% the rest of the assigment. P is struct with two fields:
% - cliqueList: represents a list of cliques with appropriate factors
% from factorList assigned to each clique.
% - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree.

% CS228 Probabilistic Models in AI (Winter 2012)
% Copyright (C) 2012, Stanford University

function P = ComputeInitialPotentials(C)

P.cliqueList = C.factorList;

% number of cliques
N = length(C.nodes);

% compute assignment of factors to cliques
alpha = zeros(length(C.factorList),1);

% Setting up the cardinality
V = unique([C.factorList(:).var]);

% Setting up the cardinality for the variables since we only get a list
% of factors.
C.card = zeros(1, length(V));
for i = 1 : length(V),

for j = 1 : length(C.factorList)
if (~isempty(find(C.factorList(j).var == i)))
C.card(i) = C.factorList(j).card(find(C.factorList(j).var == i));

for i = 1:length(C.factorList),
for j = 1:N,

% does clique contain all variables in factor
if (isempty(setdiff(C.factorList(i).var, C.nodes{j}))),
alpha(i) = j;

if (any(alpha == 0)),
warning('Clique Tree does not have family preserving property');

P.edges = C.edges;

% initialize cluster potentials
P.cliqueList = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [], 'val', []), N, 1);

for i = 1:N,
P.cliqueList(i).var = C.nodes{i};
P.cliqueList(i).card = C.card(P.cliqueList(i).var);
P.cliqueList(i).val = ones(1,prod(P.cliqueList(i).card));

for i = 1:length(alpha),
P.cliqueList(alpha(i)) = FactorProduct(P.cliqueList(alpha(i)), C.factorList(i));



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