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IUDX Vocabulary Server

NOTE: Better readme and documentation to come soon


  1. Ensure you have mvn locally installed for building the backend
  2. Ensure you have angular and npm locally installed for building the UI
  3. Clone this repo and update submodule git submodule update --init --recursive git pull --recurse-submodules
  4. Build the image docker build ./

Instructions to run

  1. Modify the configuration options in ./config/vocserver.json. This will need jks files for server TLS.

  2. Ensure CONFIG_SERVER_ID is a valid server ID conforming with IUDX.

  3. Modify src/app/appSettings.ts and add appropriate BASE_URL corresponding to your domain name.

  4. Install ui dependencies and build cd ui/ npm install ng build --deploy-url /static/

  5. Turn on the mongodb docker For local docker-compose up -d db-local or For production docker-compose up -d db

  6. From the project root folder For local mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true && java -jar target/vocserver-1.0-fat.jar -conf config/vocserver.json For production mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true && docker-compose up -d server

Making a jks

  1. Obtain PEM from certbot sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d
  2. Concat all pems into one file sudo cat /etc/letsencrypt/life/*.pem > fullcert.pem
  3. Convert to pkcs format openssl pkcs12 -export -out fullcert.pkcs12 -in fullcert.pem
  4. Create new temporary keystore using JDK keytool, will prompt for password keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias vockeystore -keystore vockeystore.ks keytool -delete -alias vockeystore -keystore vockeystore.ks
  5. Make JKS, will prompt for password keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore fullcert.pkcs12 -destkeystore vockeystore.ks -deststoretype JKS
  6. Store JKS in config directory and edit the keyfile name and password entered in previous step

Getting Tokens for insertion requests

  1. Ensure a JKS per the above procedure is made for IUDX Resource Server Certificates (Class 1)
  2. Ensure a Provider (Class 3 certificate) has given you access to /*
  3. Request for a token using the auth server token request api using your class 2 certificate
  4. Use token as a header field "token": ""