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Deploy to OpenShift command
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Uses the existing menu to select which Quarkus project to deploy.
Uses OpenShift Connector in order to deploy the Quarkus project to
OpenShift Connector handles selecting/creating the application and
naming the component.

Closes redhat-developer#313

Signed-off-by: David Thompson <>
  • Loading branch information
datho7561 committed Dec 1, 2020
1 parent 4c4f56f commit e8bd39c
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Showing 6 changed files with 211 additions and 41 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,10 @@
"command": "quarkusTools.welcome",
"title": "Quarkus: Welcome"
"command": "quarkusTools.deployToOpenShift",
"title": "Quarkus: Deploy current Quarkus Project to OpenShift"
"configuration": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,6 +199,10 @@
"command": "quarkusTools.debugQuarkusProject",
"when": "quarkusProjectExistsOrLightWeight"
"command": "quarkusTools.deployToOpenShift",
"when": "quarkusProjectExistsOrLightWeight"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/definitions/constants.ts
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export namespace VSCodeCommands {
export const ADD_EXTENSIONS = 'quarkusTools.addExtension';
export const DEBUG_QUARKUS_PROJECT = 'quarkusTools.debugQuarkusProject';
export const QUARKUS_WELCOME = 'quarkusTools.welcome';
export const DEPLOY_TO_OPENSHIFT = 'quarkusTools.deployToOpenShift';

export namespace JavaVSCodeCommands {
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65 changes: 25 additions & 40 deletions src/extension.ts
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* limitations under the License.
import * as path from 'path';
import { commands, ConfigurationChangeEvent, Disposable, ExtensionContext, languages, Terminal, TextDocument, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { VSCodeCommands } from './definitions/constants';
import { ExtensionContext, commands, window, workspace, Terminal, languages, TextDocument, ConfigurationChangeEvent, Disposable } from 'vscode';
import { ProjectLabelInfo } from './definitions/ProjectLabelInfo';
import { PropertiesLanguageMismatch, QuarkusConfig } from './QuarkusConfig';
import { QuarkusContext } from './QuarkusContext';
import quarkusProjectListener from './QuarkusProjectListener';
import { terminalCommandRunner } from './terminal/terminalCommandRunner';
import { requestStandardMode, runWithStandardMode } from './utils/requestStandardMode';
import { WelcomeWebview } from './webviews/WelcomeWebview';
import { addExtensionsWizard } from './wizards/addExtensions/addExtensionsWizard';
import { tryStartDebugging } from './wizards/debugging/startDebugging';
import { createTerminateDebugListener } from './wizards/debugging/terminateProcess';
import quarkusProjectListener from './QuarkusProjectListener';
import { deployToOpenShift } from './wizards/deployToOpenShift/deployToOpenShift';
import { generateProjectWizard } from './wizards/generateProject/generationWizard';
import { tryStartDebugging } from './wizards/debugging/startDebugging';
import { WelcomeWebview } from './webviews/WelcomeWebview';
import { QuarkusConfig, PropertiesLanguageMismatch } from './QuarkusConfig';
import { terminalCommandRunner } from './terminal/terminalCommandRunner';
import { ProjectLabelInfo } from './definitions/ProjectLabelInfo';
import { requestStandardMode } from './utils/requestStandardMode';

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,9 +123,9 @@ export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
const CONFIGURE_IN_SETTINGS = "Configure in Settings";
const DISABLE_IN_SETTINGS = "Disable Language Updating";
const response: Thenable<string> = window.showInformationMessage(
`Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code automatically switched the language ID of '${fileName}' `
+ `to be '${languageId}' in order to provide language support. `
+ `This behavior can be configured in settings.`, DISABLE_IN_SETTINGS, CONFIGURE_IN_SETTINGS);
`Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code automatically switched the language ID of '${fileName}' `
+ `to be '${languageId}' in order to provide language support. `
+ `This behavior can be configured in settings.`, DISABLE_IN_SETTINGS, CONFIGURE_IN_SETTINGS);
response.then(result => {
if (result === CONFIGURE_IN_SETTINGS) {
commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openSettings', QuarkusConfig.PROPERTIES_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,55 +155,39 @@ function displayWelcomePageIfNeeded(context: ExtensionContext): void {

function registerVSCodeCommands(context: ExtensionContext) {

const notAQuarkusProjectWarning: (ignored: any) => PromiseLike<any> = (ignored: any): PromiseLike<any> => {
return window.showErrorMessage('No Quarkus projects were detected in this folder', 'Ok');

* Command for creating a Quarkus Maven project
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.CREATE_PROJECT, () => {

* Command for displaying welcome page
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.QUARKUS_WELCOME, () => {

* Command for adding Quarkus extensions to current Quarkus Maven project
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.ADD_EXTENSIONS, () => {
requestStandardMode("Adding extensions").then((isStandardMode) => {
if (isStandardMode) {
ProjectLabelInfo.getWorkspaceProjectLabelInfo().then((projectLabelInfo: ProjectLabelInfo[]) => {
if (projectLabelInfo.filter(info => info.isQuarkusProject()).length) {
} else {
runWithStandardMode(addExtensionsWizard, "Adding extensions");

* Command for debugging current Quarkus Maven project
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.DEBUG_QUARKUS_PROJECT, () => {
requestStandardMode("Debugging the project").then((isStandardMode) => {
if (isStandardMode) {
ProjectLabelInfo.getWorkspaceProjectLabelInfo().then((projectLabelInfo: ProjectLabelInfo[]) => {
if (projectLabelInfo.filter(info => info.isQuarkusProject()).length) {
} else {
runWithStandardMode(tryStartDebugging, "Debugging the project");

* Command for displaying welcome page
* Command for deploying a Quarkus project to OpenShift
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.QUARKUS_WELCOME, () => {
context.subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(VSCodeCommands.DEPLOY_TO_OPENSHIFT, () => {
runWithStandardMode(deployToOpenShift, "Deploying to OpenShift");

75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/openShiftConnectorUtils.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import { commands, Disposable, Extension, extensions, ProgressLocation, window } from "vscode";

export const OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_ID: string = 'redhat.vscode-openshift-connector';
export const OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR = 'OpenShift Connector extension';
const DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT: number = 60000; // Timeout for downloading VSCode OpenShift Connector, in milliseconds

* Returns true if the OpenShift connector extension is installed, and false otherwise
* @returns true if the OpenShift connector extension is installed, and false otherwise
export function isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled(): boolean {
return !!extensions.getExtension(OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_ID);

* Returns the OpenShift Connector extension API
* @throws Error if the extension is not installed
* @returns the OpenShift Connector extension API
export async function getOpenShiftConnector(): Promise<any> {
if (!isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled()) {
throw new Error(`${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR} is not installed`);
const openShiftConnector: Extension<any> = extensions.getExtension(OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_ID);
if (openShiftConnector.isActive) {
return openShiftConnector.exports;
return extensions.getExtension(OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_ID).activate();

* Install the OpenShift Connector extension
* @returns when the extension is installed
* @throws if the user refuses to install the extension, or if the extension does not get installed within a timeout period
async function installOpenShiftConnector(): Promise<any> {
const installListenerDisposables: Disposable[] = [];
return Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
extensions.onDidChange(() => {
if (isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled()) {
installListenerDisposables.forEach((d: Disposable) => { d.dispose(); });
}, null, installListenerDisposables);
commands.executeCommand("workbench.extensions.installExtension", OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_ID)
.then((_unused: any) => { }, reject);
new Promise((_unused, reject) => {
// Fail install if it takes longer than the timeout period
setTimeout(reject, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, new Error(`${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR} installation is taking a while. Cancelling 'Deploy to OpenShift'`));
]).catch(e => {
installListenerDisposables.forEach((d: Disposable) => { d.dispose(); });
return Promise.reject(e);

* Install the OpenShift Connector extension and show the progress
* @returns when the extension is installed
* @throws if the extension installation fails or times out
export async function installOpenShiftConnectorWithProgress(): Promise<void> {
return window.withProgress({ location: ProgressLocation.Notification, title: `Installing ${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR}...` }, _progress => {
return installOpenShiftConnector();
}).then(() => {
window.showInformationMessage(`Successfully installed ${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR}.`);
return Promise.resolve();
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion src/utils/requestStandardMode.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { workspace } from "vscode";
import { ProjectLabelInfo } from "../definitions/ProjectLabelInfo";


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ export async function waitForStandardMode(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const javaExt = vscode.extensions.getExtension(JAVA_EXTENSION_ID);
if (javaExt) {
javaExt.activate().then((javaExtApi)=> {
javaExt.activate().then((javaExtApi) => {
if (javaExtApi) {
javaExtApi.onDidServerModeChange((mode: string) => {
if (mode === ServerMode.STANDARD) {
Expand All @@ -77,3 +79,41 @@ export async function waitForStandardMode(): Promise<void> {

* Request vscode-java standard mode, then try to run the given action in standard mode. Fail gracefully if no Quarkus projects exist.
* @param action A function to perform that requires standard mode
* @param actionDescription Human legible description of what is trying to be accomplished
export function runWithStandardMode(action: () => void, actionDescription: string) {
requestStandardMode(actionDescription).then((isStandardMode) => {
if (isStandardMode) {
ProjectLabelInfo.getWorkspaceProjectLabelInfo().then((projectLabelInfo: ProjectLabelInfo[]) => {
if (projectLabelInfo.filter(info => info.isQuarkusProject()).length) {
} else {

* Warns the user that no Quarkus projects were detected
* @param ignored Ignored
function notAQuarkusProjectWarning(ignored?: any): PromiseLike<any> {
const numFolders: number = workspace.workspaceFolders.length;
let msg: string;
if (numFolders === 0) {
msg = 'No Quarkus projects were detected since no folders are open';
} else if (numFolders === 1) {
msg = 'No Quarkus projects were detected in this folder';
} else {
msg = 'No Quarkus projects were detected in any of the open folders';
return vscode.window.showErrorMessage(msg);
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/wizards/deployToOpenShift/deployToOpenShift.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import { commands, Uri, window } from "vscode";
import { ProjectLabelInfo } from "../../definitions/ProjectLabelInfo";
import { getOpenShiftConnector, installOpenShiftConnectorWithProgress, isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled, OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR } from "../../utils/openShiftConnectorUtils";
import { getQuarkusProject } from "../getQuarkusProject";

* Attempts to select a Quarkus project, then deploy it to OpenShift using OpenShift Connector
export async function deployToOpenShift() {
try {
await installOpenShiftConnectorIfNeeded();
const quarkusProject: ProjectLabelInfo = await getQuarkusProject();
const result: string = await commands.executeCommand("openshift.component.createFromRootWorkspaceFolder", //
Uri.parse(quarkusProject.uri) as Uri, //
[] as Uri[], // unused in OpenShift Connector
undefined, // OpenShift context
if (!result) {
throw new Error();
return window.showInformationMessage(result);
} catch (error) {
return window.showErrorMessage(`Failed to deploy to OpenShift`);

* Installs the OpenShift Connector extension if its missing, then returns the extension API
* @throws Error if the extension is not installed and something prevents installation
* @returns the OpenShift Connector extension API
async function installOpenShiftConnectorIfNeeded(): Promise<any> {
if (isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled()) {
return getOpenShiftConnector();
return askToInstallOpenShiftConnector();

* Resolves to the OpenShift connector extension API, or rejects if the extension is missing and the user doesn't want to install it
* @throws Error if the extension is missing and the user can't or doesn't want to install it
* @returns the OpenShift connector extension API
async function askToInstallOpenShiftConnector(): Promise<any> {
const YES: string = 'Yes';
const NO: string = 'No';
const response: string = await window.showInformationMessage(`${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR} is needed to deploy to OpenShift. Install it now?`, YES, NO);
if (response === YES) {
try {
await installOpenShiftConnectorWithProgress();
if (isOpenShiftConnectorInstalled()) {
return getOpenShiftConnector();
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR} installation failed`);
throw new Error(`${OPENSHIFT_CONNECTOR} needs to be installed to deploy to OpenShift`);

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