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Repository files navigation

File system based routing for vitepress digital gardening

vitepress-pages is a vite-plugin-pages extension for automatic routes generation out of any markdown data collection.

What does it do?

In Node

  • Scans your project folder structure
  • Traverses all files
  • Parses frontmatter
  • Optimizes media files
  • Creates client-side interface for us to use in our

In browser

  • Gives you access to the routes array
  • Recreates hierarchical folder tree structure for navigation and search
  • Generates parents list for any given page
  • Finds previous and next siblings along with the index of current page in the list and the total number of pages in it

Tech used:

  • graymatter for parsing markdown files. We copy all the frontmatter, generate excerpt and have a flag for empty content. We don't load all the file contents in order to keep the list light enough even for quite big sites.

    You can force load contents with a flag type: block put into your frontmatter

  • sharp for image resizing.


npm i -D vite-plugin-pages vite-plugin-pages-sitemap
npm i vitepress-pages



import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import Pages from "vite-plugin-pages";
import { extendRoutes } from "vitepress-pages";
import generateSitemap from "vite-plugin-pages-sitemap"; //optional;

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
			dirs: [{ dir: ".", baseRoute: "." }],
			extensions: ["md"],
			onRoutesGenerated: (routes) =>
				generateSitemap({ routes, hostname: "http://localhost/" }), //provide a hostname and generate a `sitemap.xml` in the public folder


You can customize the extendRoutes call with these options.

import path from "node:path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
...extendRoutes({ //these are default options
        root: path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)),
        graymatter: { // graymatter options
          excerpt: true,
          excerpt_separator: "<!-- excerpt -->",
        mediaFolder: "media_files", // the name of a folder inside your /public/ to put all the optimized images to
        mediaTypes: { // what frontmatter fields should be considered as images and how should sharp deal with them
          icon: { width: 300, height: 300, fit: "inside" },
          cover: { size: 1200, height: 800, fit: "inside" },


You can import the list of all routes from ~pages anywhere in the app. We provide basic of functions at vitepress-pages/browser to navigate them easily.


import routes from "~pages"; // all routes list from `vite-plugin-pages`
import {
} from "vitepress-pages/browser";

const pages = getPages(routes); // hierarchical structure of the pages

const usePage = (path) => getPage(path, routes); // current page data object
const useParents = (path) => getParents(path, routes); // An array of parent routes starting from the root
const useSiblings = (path) => getSiblings(path, routes); // { prev, next, index, total }

export { routes, pages, usePage, useParents, useSiblings };


The last step is to create some Vue 3 components to display all the data. You can import any of the functions and use them with current (or another) route path.

<script setup>

import {
} from "@theme/composables/pages";

import { useRoute } from "vitepress";
const route = useRoute();

const page = computed(() => usePage(route.path));
const siblings = computed(() => useSiblings(route.path));
const parents = computed(() => useParents(route.path));
const children = computed(() => pages[route.path]);


Be creative!

<section v-for="page in pages" :key="page">
	<img :src="page.cover" />
	<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>
	<p>{{ page.subtitle }}</p>
	<h3 v-for="child in pages[page.path]" :key="child">{{ child.title }}</h3>