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File metadata and controls

525 lines (395 loc) · 23.4 KB

Extensible heap dumps for Node programs


This is still very much a draft document.


Postmortem debugging is used to understand the behavior of programs (usually broken programs).3 Problems that people solve with postmortem debugging include:

  • fatal failure: crashes (throwing an uncaught exception, or any other kind of programmer error4)
  • explicit, non-fatal failure: programs emitting error messages or responding to requests with explicit failures
  • implicit, non-fatal failure: memory leaks or other excessive memory usage; incorrect behavior (e.g., incorrect output)

Several tools exist to allow engineers to interactively explore the heap of Node.js programs1,2. These tools, which operate on both live processes and OS core dumps, consist of two parts: interpreting the memory associated with the Node program to construct an internal model of the program's JavaScript-level state, and then analyzing and presenting that model in a way that's useful for end users.

People have expressed interest in decoupling these steps so that users could use one tool to read the memory dump and produce a file describing all of the JavaScript-level state in the target and then feed this into any number of analysis and visualization tools to help understand that dump. There are several reasons this would be useful:

  • The existing tools for interpreting memory dumps tend to be somewhat platform-specific or build-specific because they rely on system facilities for reading memory dumps or build-time facilities in Node for making sense of those dumps. Separating the analysis and visualization would allow people using different toolchains to collaborate on the analysis and visualization part of the problem. For example, we could build a heap visualizer using the common format, which everyone could use regardless of their choice of tool for generating the common format in the first place.
  • The skill sets required to solve the two parts of this problem are pretty different, and there are different developers interested in working on them.
  • Often, the process of scanning memory snapshots is very time-consuming, and the results today exist only inside the debugger. It would be useful if these results could be persisted so that users could save time in future debugging sessions.

This document proposes a file format for the exchange of JavaScript-level state snapshots constructed by postmortem debugging tools. The goal is that this format could be exported by today's existing Node.js postmortem debugging tools and could be imported both by those same tools (to resume previous debugging sessions) and by other analysis and visualization tools.

This document is based loosely on a prototype implemented for mdb_v85, except that the physical representation suggested here is pretty different.

Design goals

  • Given the goal of debugging all kinds of software failure, the format needs to be able to express any JavaScript-level state contained in the Node program. That includes all JavaScript heap objects, including primitive types, as well as stack traces of JavaScript threads (including function arguments) at the point where the snapshot was generated.
  • Ideally, the file format should be extensible so that debuggers can include whatever extra data they see fit, like information about the source of the data (process identifier or core file), the software that generated the dump, and the like.
  • Even the descriptions of JavaScript values should be extensible. Originally, postmortem tools only supported operations like printing out JavaScript objects, but more recent versions added support for printing out closure variables. It's important that it be possible for the format to incorporate additional information like this as debuggers gain deeper introspection abilities. These extended properties should be namespaced to avoid conflicts.
  • The representation of JavaScript values should reflect the well-established internal V8 structures (e.g., SMIs vs. other heap values). This unfortunately couples the format to V8's implementation, but we believe this is necessary to avoid leaky abstractions and to obtain an accurate view of memory usage and the relationships between objects.
  • The format should be easy to work with from a variety of programming environments on a variety of platforms.

It's an open question whether the file format should be self-indexing. See "Physical format" below.

Prior work

Core files themselves represent a form for storing all this data (and much more), but for the reasons described above, it's preferable to have a format specifically organized for conveying JavaScript state.

Java has at least two heap dump formats: a classic text-based format8 and a portable binary format9.

The only format that we're familiar with that serializes a Node program's state is the V8 heap dump format. It does not appear to have a formal description, but there's some documentation in source code6 and other web sites7. It has several limitations:

  • It does not include primitive types other than strings, including small integers, booleans, undefined, and null. (The main design goal appears to be to understand memory usage rather than other kinds of brokenness.)
  • It does not contain information about a current call stack, although it does have room for profiled call stacks.
  • The use of monotonic ids assigned to nodes and edges makes it difficult to generate without additional O(N) memory usage.
  • Relatedly, the single large JSON object makes it hard to parse without using O(N) memory. Streaming JSON parsers could alleviate this, but do not appear to be widely used in Node.js.
  • The heap dump does not preserve any connection between nodes and their addresses in memory, which makes it hard to build a debugger for both JavaScript and native code (e.g., to present information about the libuv structure and file descriptor associated with a Node Stream).

There are a few major advantages of the V8 heap dump format:

  • Most importantly, there are many existing tools that generate and consume it. An important design goal for this format is that it should be possible to translate it easily to or from a V8 heap dump, even if some information is lost in the process.
  • The format itself is somewhat extensible: structures used in the file are described in the file itself, so it's possible for implementors to add additional fields.

The format described here borrows a number of ideas from the V8 heap dump format, but in a package that we hope will be easier to generate and process, and with the ability to incorporate more kinds of information.

Logical format

We will first explain the logical contents of the file in terms of the records, types, fields, and what they contain. Under "Physical format" below, we'll discuss possible ways to represent these in a file.

Extensible format: records, types, subtypes

To accomplish all this, the file format logically consists of records, each of which has one of a small number of types. These types are defined within the file itself. Built-in top-level types include:

  • metadata: key-value pairs (with strings as both keys and values) are used for debuggers to incorporate their own metadata. This is intended for small amounts of non-program data (like the generating program's name and version). Other types of program state should be represented with other types of records.
  • nodes: represent JavaScript values allocated on the heap
  • edges: represent relationships between nodes.
  • strings: represent the contents of JavaScript strings as well as symbols used in the program

The type of a record defines what properties it has. For example, metadata records have fields key and value. This is recursive: node and edge records have a subtype field that determines what other properties they have. For example, a date node has an underlying value field representing milliseconds since the Unix epoch. A regular expression node has underlying fields representing the source string and flags string of the regular expression.

There are no strings contained within node or edge records. A JavaScript string is represented with a node, but it refers to a separate string record that contains the data for that string. This allows node records to have bounded, well-known sizes. Similarly, contents of strings used as object property names or variable names appear in string records.

The types and fields available are defined within the file itself. This document describes suggested fields and types by name, but debuggers may omit types and fields (because they do not support them) or include additional fields. For example, a debugger that understood Node timeout objects could include another top-level type for the timeouts that are registered in the Node program. When including additional fields, these should be namespaced to avoid collisions with other implementations.

The numeric values for these types and subtypes are not specified here, and should be read from the file itself.

Summary of Nodes and their subtypes

Node identifiers and JavaScript values

As mentioned above, nodes represent heap-allocated JavaScript values. All nodes have an identifier, which is a 64-bit numeric value. This number can be any unique value, and is likely either from a set of increasing integers (similar to the V8 heap dump format) or (more usefully) the hexadecimal-encoded address where the object exists in the memory snapshot. JavaScript programs processing these dumps must be careful when working with 64-bit integer values, since these are not natively supported by JavaScript.

Small integers are not represented with nodes. V8 represents small integers inline where they're used, rather than allocating them separately on the heap. Any field in this file that represents a JavaScript value may be either a Node identifier (described above) or a small integer. This format uses the same convention that V8 uses internally: numeric values with the lowest bit set denote Node identifiers. Numeric values without that bit set represent small integers, and their actual value is obtained by shifting the numeric value right by one bit.

Node subtypes

Nodes have several subtypes:

  • array: a JavaScript array
  • object: a JavaScript object, not including null
  • flat string, concatenated string, or sliced string: these represent various kinds of JavaScript strings.
  • code: represents a chunk of executable machine code, which may be part of a function or other chunks of VM-generated code
  • closure: represents a JavaScript function and the context in which it was created.
  • function metadata: represents a single logical function as programmers tend to think of them, being defined at a single location in the source code. For example, you may have a single named function called foo(), but there may be a large number of closures for that function. These closures are sometimes referred to as functions, which makes the terminology a little confusing.)
  • regular expression: represents an instance of the JavaScript RegExp class.
  • date: represents an instance of the JavaScript Date class.
  • heap number: represents a number allocated on the heap
  • native: represents a chunk of memory outside the JavaScript heap
  • oddball: represents a boolean, null, undefined, or other special value

The extra fields associated with these subtypes are described below.


Strings are worth paying particular attention to. V8 represents strings in a few different ways, and these impact their memory usage and the way other objects refer to them, so these representations are preserved in this format. The actual string subtypes are:

  • flat string: a JavaScript string represented by a sequence of characters
  • concatenated string: a JavaScript string represented by a concatenation of a flag string, another concatenated string, or a sliced string
  • sliced string: a JavaScript string represented as a slice of a flat string, concatenated string, or another sliced string.

Edge subtypes

Edges have a few subtypes:

  • object property: an edge from node O to value V with label K means that object O has a property called K with value V. Note that K will have a symbol record in the file.
  • array element: an edge from node A to value V with label i means that array A has a property called i with value V. Note that i is a string (per the JavaScript standard) and will have a symbol record in the file.
  • closure variable: an edge from node C to value V with label N means that function closure C has a reference to value V using a closure variable called N. N will have a symbol record in the file.

In all of these cases, the values V are JavaScript values, as described under "Node identifiers and JavaScript values" above.

Record format reference

This section describes the fields associated with each kind of record.


Metadata records have two fields:

Field name Type Meaning
key inline string identifies this piece of metadata
value inline string varies based on key

Interpretation of these records is up to the generating and consuming programs except as recommended below. Multiple records with the same key are allowed, with semantics varying by key.

Suggested metadata fields include the following:

Metadata key Meaning of value
version_major major version of this file format being used
generator name of the program that generated this file
crtime ISO 8601 timestamp when this file was generated
target_pid process identifier for the process from which this dump was generated
target_file name of the core file from which this file was generated (if any)
target_hostname hostname of the system where the target process was running
target_source one of: "core", "process", or another value describing how this file was generated
target_signal_sig if the process was terminated by a signal, the signal name (e.g., "SIGINT", not "2")
target_signal_pid if the process was terminated by a signal, the sending pid
target_psargs human-readable summary of the process arguments
target_model target process's data model, either "ILP32" or "LP64"

The only metadata record that's required is for key version_major, which for this version of the file format should have value "1".


All nodes have the following fields:

Field name Type Meaning
identifier 64-byte numeric value See "Node identifiers and JavaScript values" above.
subtype Number Identifies the type of object represented, which identifies which other fields are present

Subtype array has the field:

Field name Type Meaning
length 32-bit integer Matches the length JavaScript property for this array.

Subtype object has the field:

Field name Type Meaning
constructor value the Closure used to construct this object

Subtype flat string has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
length value the number of characters in the string (may be a HeapNumber)
data value native address where the characters live

Subtype concatenated string has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
length value same as for flat string
s1 value the first half of the string
s2 value the second half of the string

The contents of the string is constructed by concatenating s1 with s2. This process is recursive: Either or both of s1 or s2 may be any kind of string.

Subtype sliced string has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
length value same as for flat string
source value source string (see below)
offset value offset into source where this string starts

Subtype code has no fields at this time.

Subtype closure has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
metadata value reference to function metadata (see below)

Subtype function metadata has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
name value the string name assigned to the function when it was defined
script_name value the string name of the script where the function was defined
position value the numeric offset into the script where the function was defined

Subtype regular expression has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
source value string representing the regular expression itself
flags value string representing the enabled regexp flags

Subtype date has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
timestamp value number denoting milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

Subtype heap number has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
value floating-point value floating-point representation of a numeric value

Subtype native has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
address 64-bit numeric value address of native chunk of memory

Subtype oddball has fields:

Field name Type Meaning
name value the string name of the oddball, which is generally one of: null, true, false, undefined, or the_hole.


All edges have the following fields:

Field name Type Meaning
subtype Number Identifies the type of edge represented, which determines what it represents
source value See below.
dest value See below.
label value String (a symbol). See below.

The subtypes are:

Subtype Details
"object property" source is an object with a property named label and value dest.
"array element" source is an array with an element named label and value dest.
"closure variable" source is a closure with access to a variable called label that has value dest.

As mentioned above, values may be either node identifiers or small integers. Note that per JavaScript, array element names are technically strings, not integers.


String records represent string contents, not JavaScript strings per se. (Those are represented with nodes that refer to these string contents.) String data are identified by 64-bit numeric string identifiers (similar to node identifiers) and contain a chunk of UTF-8-encoded characters.

Physical format

The above describes the kinds of records contained in the file, but not how they are encoded into the file. There are two obvious ways of encoding records records into the file:

  • as a flat file with a list of records, in any commonly-parseable format: newline-separated JSON, BSON, or the like. In this implementation, we would say that the records could appear in any order, and it's up to the consumer to make sense of that. (This is because with a graph structure, it's impossible to avoid including references to objects not yet defined, so consumers have to be able to keep some sense to make sense of the file anyway.)
  • as a more complex file with its own index, which would allow for random-access and complex queries without having to read the entire file or store the contents in memory

The flat file is easier to export and import directly between memory and disk. However, for large dumps, it could take a long time to import, defeating one of the design goals. Besides that, even trivial usage of it would likely require reading the whole file and likely storing it in memory.

A sqlite database file would be a convenient example of the file containing its own index. In this case, the heap is represented as a denormalized SQL database. sqlite is easy to embed, and bindings exist for many environments. The heap information could be queried directly without having to read the whole file.

Both approaches are equally expressive, and it would be possible to write a translator from either format to the other.

Flat file approach

With any of the flat file approaches, the suggested layout is a sequence of records:

  • Metadata records should come first (but don't have to, so that it's possible to include metadata later in the file).
  • Types and subtypes must appear before any "node" or "edge" records. We would need to figure out how to best express these, and there are existing conventions for doing this.
  • Nodes and edges may appear in any order at all.

Database approach

Using the sqlite representation, the database schema consists of tables corresponding to the values described above. Specifically:

The metadata table has columns key and value as described in the logical reference above.

The node table has columns identifier and nodetypeid as described in the logical reference above

The node_types table has columns nodetypeid (a number), name (a string), and table_name (a string).

The array, object, string_flat, string_cons, string_sliced, closure, function_metadata, regular_expression, date, heap_number, native, and oddball have the same columns described in the logical reference above, plus a node_identifier column.

The edge table has columns edgetypeid (a number), source, dest, and label as described in the logical reference above.

The edge_types type has columns edgetypeid (a number) and name (a string).

The strings table has columns stringid (a number) and data (a UTF-8-encoded string).


  • Decide on which physical format path to take
  • Add examples
  • Prototype importer and exporter


  1. Core dump debugging for the IBM SDK for Node.js
  2. mdb_v8: postmortem debugging for Node.js
  3. Postmortem Debugging in Dynamic Environments
  4. Error Handling in Node.js
  5. Prototype heap dump implemented for mdb_v8
  6. Description of V8 heap dump format in v8 source code
  7. Summary of terms used in V8 heap snapshots
  8. Text (classic) Heapdump file format for Java programs
  9. Portable Heap Dump (PHD) file format for Java programs