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David Granström edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

scnvim can be configured by passing a table to the setup function.

local scnvim = require 'scnvim'
scnvim.setup {}

If you don't specify any values in the call to setup the values below will be used. See scnvim reference for more detailed documentation about these options.

local scnvim = require 'scnvim'
scnvim.setup {
  ensure_installed = true,
  sclang = {
    cmd = nil,
    args = {},
  keymaps = {},
  documentation = {
    cmd = nil,
    horizontal = true,
    direction = 'top',
    keymaps = true,
  postwin = {
    highlight = true,
    auto_toggle_error = true,
    scrollback = 5000,
    horizontal = false,
    direction = 'right',
    size = nil,
    fixed_size = nil,
    keymaps = nil,
    float = {
      enabled = false,
      row = 0,
      col = function()
        return vim.o.columns
      width = 64,
      height = 14,
      config = {
        border = 'single',
      callback = function(id)
        vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(id, 'winblend', 10)
  editor = {
    force_ft_supercollider = true,
    highlight = {
      color = 'TermCursor',
      type = 'flash',
      flash = {
        duration = 100,
        repeats = 2,
      fade = {
        duration = 375,
    signature = {
      float = true,
      auto = true,
  snippet = {
    engine = {
      name = 'luasnip',
      options = {
        descriptions = true,
  statusline = {
    poll_interval = 1,
  extensions = {},
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