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David Granström edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Project overview

scnvim is a Neovim editor frontend for SuperCollider. It is composed part as a Neovim plugin and part as a collection of SuperCollider classes.


Here is an overview of the project (note that some files might have moved or been deleted since document was generated). As a general remark, much the functionality in the autoload directory will probably move to lua.

├── autoload
│   ├── health                       # health checks
│   │   └── scnvim.vim
│   ├── scnvim
│   │   ├── document.vim             # document support
│   │   ├── help.vim                 # integrated help system
│   │   ├── postwindow.vim           # functions related to the post window
│   │   ├── sclang.vim               # sclang process communication
│   │   ├── statusline.vim           # widgets to use in the status line
│   │   └── util.vim                 # various utilities
│   └── scnvim.vim
├── doc
│   └── SCNvim.txt                   # nvim documentation (:help scnvim)
├── ftdetect
│   └── supercollider.vim            # file type detection for .scd and .sc file extensions 
├── ftplugin
│   ├── scnvim.vim                   # settings for the post window buffer
│   └── supercollider
│       ├── commands.vim             # commands
│       ├── mappings.vim             # mappings
│       └── supercollider.vim        # general settings for SuperCollider buffers
├── indent
│   └── supercollider.vim            # indentation
├── lua
│   ├── scnvim
│   │   ├── help.lua                 # integrated help system
│   │   ├── install.lua              # cross platform installation module
│   │   ├── udp.lua                  # IPC sclang -> nvim
│   │   └── utils.lua                # various utilities
│   └── scnvim.lua                   # main module interface
├── plugin
│   └── supercollider.vim            # globals
├── scide_scnvim
│   ├── Classes
│   │   ├──              # document support
│   │   ├──                # main interface
│   │   ├── SCNvimDoc
│   │   │   ├──         # scdoc overrides
│   │   │   ├── # scdoc renderer (for vim help file output)
│   │   │   └──         # help system related function
│   │   └──            # json serializer/deserialzer
│   └── HelpSource
│       └── Classes
│           └── SCNvim.schelp        # scdoc documentation
└── syntax
    └── supercollider.vim            # syntax highlighting

IPC model

The inter-process communication between sclang and nvim consists of JSON messages delivered over UDP. On the nvim side there is a local UDP server (lua/scnvim/udp.lua) and on the SuperCollider side there is the SCNvim.sendJSON(data) class method.

Here is a small diagram that explains the setup. Note both the UDP server and sclang process are owned by nvim.


Sending data sclang -> nvim

SCNvim.sendJSON accepts a single data argument which should be an instance IdentityDictionary with the following keys:

(action: "someAction", args: 777);

The action key defines what action scnvim will take in response to the message, and the args key provides optional data needed to complete the action. Note that new keys might be added in the future. Take a look in lua/scnvim.lua to see which actions are supported at the moment.

Sending data nvim -> sclang

Sending sclang statements from nvim can be done by using the viml API and lua functions. Note that the following listed functions are asynchronous.

  • viml

    • scnvim#sclang#send(msg)
    • scnvim#sclang#send_silent(msg)
  • lua

    • require('scnvim').send(msg)

Sending and receving data

By using require('scnvim').eval(msg, callback) we can get synchronous results back from sclang.

local scnvim = require('scnvim')
scnvim.eval('1 + 1', function(res)
  print(res) -- the result is passed from sc via this callback