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👋 This is JSCalc — simple javascript online calculator, source of the site.

🔢 You can write any expressions in the input line, simple, like 2 + 2, or complex, like 1 + tan(45 * PI/180) .

📚 You can find full list of math functions and constants on this page:

👩‍💻 Syntax of all expression is JavaScript syntax. If you know JavaScript, you can use almost any JS expressions, including variables and objects/arrays.

⛓ Any calculated result can be used in following code lines. There is special variable named _ (underscore), which is stores the result of calculation in previous line.

🧭 Use arrows (↑, ↓ or Enter) to code navigation. Shift+↑ adds new line before current line and Shift+↓ (or Shift+Enter) adds new line after current.

📋 Press Ctrl+C in the empty input and the result of the previous line will be copied to clipboard.

💣 And the last thing: you can make errors:) Wrote an invalid expression and JSCalc will tell you about it. As the following lines depend on the previous, you must fix the error before moving on.

Support me if you like this tool!
