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Indi edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 8 revisions

Cards can be tagged with arbitrary tags to keep track of flags on cards.

To add a tag to a card, use card.tags.add(TAG).
You can check if a card has a tag with card.hasTag(TAG).

As of Slay the Spire version 10-04-2018, the base game includes a card tag system. If you were using the BaseMod system before this time, you will have to convert. The old BaseMod card tag system still works for backwards compatibility.

Default Tags

Slay the Spire comes with some tags by default:

  • AbstractCard.CardTags.BASIC_STRIKE
    • A card tagged with this counts as a basic Strike card for events such as The Vampires and Back to Basics.
    • Your basic Strike should be tagged with both BASIC_STRIKE and STRIKE if it is to work with Perfected Strike.
  • AbstractCard.CardTags.BASIC_DEFEND
    • A card tagged with this counts as a basic Defend card for events such as Back to Basics.
  • AbstractCard.CardTags.STRIKE
    • A card tagged with this counts as a "Strike" for Perfected Strike.
    • Your basic Strike should be tagged with both BASIC_STRIKE and STRIKE if it is to work with Perfected Strike.
  • AbstractCard.CardTags.HEALING
    • A card tagged with this cannot be randomly generated during combat. It's purpose is to avoid players stalling in battle to randomly generate healing or other forms of meta-scaling.

BaseMod comes with some tags by default:

  • BaseModCardTags.FORM
    • A card tagged with this counts like Demon Form, Wraith Form, and Echo Form for the My True Form custom modifier.
public TestStrike()
    super(ID, NAME, IMG, COST, DESCRIPTION, CardType.ATTACK, CardColor.RED, CardRarity.RARE, CardTarget.ENEMY);


Custom Tags

You can define your own tags like so:

public class CustomTags
	@SpireEnum public static AbstractCard.CardTags MY_TAG;
	@SpireEnum public static AbstractCard.CardTags MY_OTHER_TAG;
	@SpireEnum public static AbstractCard.CardTags LOOK_AT_ME;

	//In a card: