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How does the app sort tasks?

Anton Kosov edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Tasks are sorted according to the following parameters of the first symbol:

  1. Numbers.
  2. Big letters.
  3. Small letters.

You can set priorities for tasks (high, normal, low). Each priority has its own pictogram.

You can create several task lists in the right sliding menu according to the categories you need, set colors for them, and determine priority by putting them higher or lower in the list. When you create a task, you attach it to a certain task list (category), so the task will have a certain color.

To edit the list of task lists, open the right sliding menu -> pencil pictogram in front of Task Lists -> create and move task lists.

As a result, the tasks will be sorted according to priority of the lists. First of all, tasks from more important tasks lists will be shown, tasks from less important task lists will follow them.