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In what case should I make a new task? In what case should I make a new event?

Anton Kosov edited this page Dec 2, 2023 · 1 revision

First of all, let us define the difference between task and event. Task can have no date at all. Even if it has a date, there is no time determined. It is a must for an event to have a date, start and end time. This characteristic means that an event is obligatory attached to a certain time. The event has no importance after time expires. Below you can see several typical events:

  • meeting;
  • flight;
  • cinema show.

There are typical tasks with similar meaning:

  • call a friend;
  • plan future vacation;
  • watch the first movie by The Lumière Brothers.

Task still makes sense even if it expires. It’s never too late to call a friend, future vacation can be planned a day later, you can watch the old movie as soon as you have time for that (if you have the movie recorded, of course). It’s important not to forget about the tasks. That is why uncompleted tasks will always be seen in your app, and sooner or later you will complete them.