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Puppet module to install composer


install php composer - from with puppet-composer module


git submodule add git:// modules/composer


This requires additional modues in your project:

git submodule add git:// modules/apt
git submodule add git:// modules/stdlib
git submodule add git:// modules/augeas

puppetlabs-apt and puppetlabs-stdlib

Used for running apt-get update at least once before any package is installed. puppetlabs-apt has the puppetlabs-stdlib as dependency.


Augeas is a command line tool to manipulate configuration from the shell. see for more Composer needs some php-ini values set. The modifications are handled by augeas.


To run composer the package php5-cli needs to be installed.


In your manifest.pp:

## top block to call apt-get update at least once ##
include apt::update
Exec { path => ['/usr/local/bin', '/opt/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin'], logoutput => true }
Exec["apt_update"] -> Package <| |>
## end top block ##

class {"composer":
  target_dir      => '/usr/local/bin',
  composer_file   => 'composer',
  download_method => 'curl', # download methods are curl or wget
  logoutput       => false

The final file is just called composer. It is placed into the target_dir you specified in your manifest. If you chose a path that is in the search path for executable files composer can be run from anywhere (see PATH).


  • add php5-cli install path as parameter

puppet-composer v0.8

  • install php5-cli package
  • modify php5-cli ini for running composer
  • download composer with curl or wget method
  • copy composer.phar to search path for executable files
  • run composer self-update (runs every time)

Motivation and call for participation

I developed this module for installing the Symfony2 framework vendors. It is used in the try-symfony2 (still in beta, see develop branch) project .If you want to add to this puppet module please fork the develop branch (as I am working with git-flow) and send me a pull request.