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Extends: Area2D


This handles the mouse pointer collision shape 2D interactions It is used for detecting when a card and its elements is being hovered As we cannot rely on Control node relevant signals due to Godot bugs such as:

Constants Descriptions


const MOUSE_RADIUS: int = 2

The amount of radius in pixels that the mouse collision area

This const is sometimes looked-up by other nodes to determine their own properties

Property Descriptions


var current_focused_card: Card

The card that is currently highlighted as a result of this mouse cursor hovering over it.


var overlaps: Array

The card that is currently highlighted as a result of this mouse cursor hovering over it. The amount of cards the cursor is hovering. We're using our own Array instead of get_overlapping_areas() because those are updated every tick, which causes glitches when the player moves the mouse too fast.

Instead we populate according to signals,which are more immediate


var is_disabled: bool
  • Setter: set_disabled

The card that is currently highlighted as a result of this mouse cursor hovering over it. The amount of cards the cursor is hovering. We're using our own Array instead of get_overlapping_areas() because those are updated every tick, which causes glitches when the player moves the mouse too fast.

Instead we populate according to signals,which are more immediate When set to false, prevents the player from disable interacting with the game.

Method Descriptions


func determine_global_mouse_pos() -> Vector2

We're using this helper function, to allow our mouse-position relevant code to work during integration testing Returns either the adjusted global mouse position or a fake mouse position provided by integration testing


func disable() -> void

Disables the mouse from interacting with the board


func enable() -> void

Re-enables the mouse interacting with the board


func forget_focus() -> void


func set_disabled(value) -> void
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