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Set of utilities for Dart and Flutter

from Lombard: laborer/apprentice magut wiki

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Installation 💻

Add magut to your pubspec.yaml:


Install it:

dart pub get

String Extension

This library provides additional functionality to the built-in String class in Dart.

The following methods are included:

  • reverse(): returns the string reversed.
  • capitalize(): returns the string with the first letter capitalized.
  • isPalindrome(): returns a boolean indicating whether the
  • titleCase(): returns the string in title case (first letter of each word capitalized).

Usage First, import the library by adding the following line to the top of your Dart file:

import 'package:string_extension/string_extension.dart';

Then, you can use the provided methods on any String object:

String word = "example";
print(word.reverse()); // "elpmaxE"
print(word.capitalize()); // "Example"
print(word.isPalindrome()); // false
print(word.titleCase()); // "Example"

Note that the titleCase() method also replaces multiple spaces with a single space, and trims leading and trailing whitespace.

You can also chain methods together:

print(word.reverse().capitalize()); // "Epmaxel"

Additional Information

This library was created using the extension keyword, which allows you to add functionality to a class without modifying its source code. This makes it easy to use and maintain.

DateTime extention

This Dart code contains a DateTimeApp class and a DateTimeExtension extension on the built-in DateTime class. The DateTimeApp class provides a static method to retrieve the current date and time, and another static method to set a custom date and time to be used as the current date and time. The DateTimeExtension extension adds several additional methods to the DateTime class for determining whether a date is today, tomorrow, or in the past, as well as for determining the number of months that have passed since a given date.



To use the DateTimeApp class, you can simply call the now() method to get the current date and time, or the setCustomDateTime(DateTime value) method to set a custom date and time to be used as the current date and time.

DateTime currentTime =;
DateTimeApp.setCustomDateTime(DateTime(2022, 1, 1));


The DateTimeExtension extension adds several additional methods to the DateTime class that you can use as follows:

  • isToday() : Returns true if the date is today.
  • isTomorrow() : Returns true if the date is tomorrow.
  • isSameDay(DateTime other) : Returns true if the date is the same day as the given date.
  • isSameMonth(DateTime other) : Returns true if the date is in the same month as the given date.
  • getMonthsPassed() : Returns the number of months passed since the date.
  • isPast() : Returns true if the date is in the past.
DateTime date = DateTime(2022, 1, 1);
bool today = date.isToday();
bool sameDay = date.isSameDay(;


setCustomDateTime method will set the custom date time for entire app and it will be used by all DateTimeExtension method for comparison. The getMonthsPassed() method uses the inDays property of the Duration class to calculate the number of months passed since the date, which assumes that all months have 30 days.


A Dart library that provides utility functions for working with dates and calendars.


  • addMonth(DateTime dateTime, int index): Adds the given number of months to the given date and returns the resulting date.
  • daysInRange(DateTime first, DateTime last): Returns a list of all days between the first and last dates, inclusive.
  • formatDateTimeToMonthYear(DateTime monthAndYear): Formats the given date as a string in the format "MMMM yyyy".
  • formatDateTimeToMonth(DateTime monthAndYear): Formats the given date as a string in the format "MMMM".
  • formatDateTimeToYear(DateTime monthAndYear): Formats the given date as a string in the format "yyyy".
  • getDaysOfWeek(String locale): Returns a list of short names for the days of the week in the given locale, starting with Monday.
  • getMonthAndYearFromIndex(int index): Returns the month and year corresponding to the given index, with 0 being the current month and year.
  • getMonthAndYearStringFromIndex(int index): Returns a string representation of the month and year corresponding to the given index, in the format "MMMM yyyy".


A Dart library that provides a wrapper for working with SharedPreferences for storing key-value pairs.


  • init(): Initializes the shared preferences object. This must be called before any other methods can be used.
  • getString(String key): Returns the value associated with the given key as a string. Returns null if the key is not found.
  • setString(String key, String value): Sets the value for the given key as a string. Returns a Future<bool> indicating success of the operation.
  • remove(String key): Removes the key-value pair associated with the given key. Returns a Future<bool> indicating success of the operation.
  • clear({List<String> whiteList = const []}): Clears all key-value pairs, except those in the provided whitelist. Returns a Future<void>.
  • clearOnlyKeysWithPrefix(String prefix): Clear only key-value pairs that have the prefix provided. Returns a Future<void>.
  • getBool(String key): Returns the value associated with the given key as a boolean. Returns null if the key is not found.
  • setBool(String key, bool value): Sets the value for the given key as a boolean. Returns a Future<bool> indicating success of the operation.
  • getKeys(): Returns a set of all keys in the shared preferences.
  • get(String key): Returns the value associated with the given key as an Object. Returns null if the key is not found.


A Dart library that provides a simple way to make HTTP requests using the http package. It includes options for authentication, caching, and custom endpoints.


  • httpClient: An instance of http.Client to use for making requests.
  • onTokenExpired: A callback function that is called when an authenticated request is made and the token is expired.


  • get({String api, String? endpoint, bool authenticated = true, CachingStrategy? cachingStrategy}): Makes a GET request to the specified API endpoint.
  • post({String api, Map<String, dynamic>? body, String? endpoint, bool authenticated = true}): Makes a POST request to the specified API endpoint with the given JSON-encoded body.
  • put({String api, Map<String, dynamic>? body, String? endpoint, bool authenticated = true}): Makes a PUT request to the specified API endpoint with the given JSON-encoded body.
  • _getHeaders(bool authenticated): Returns headers for the requests, including an "Authorization" header with a JSON Web Token if the request is authenticated.
  • _getEndpoint(String? endpoint): Returns the endpoint for the request. If an endpoint is not provided, it will fallback to the endpoint defined in the dotenv file.


A Dart library that provides a caching mechanism for network requests. It includes options for cache expiration and custom caching strategies.


  • cacheKey: A unique key to identify the cache.
  • networkRequest: A function that returns a Future<http.Response> representing the network request.
  • cachingStrategy: A custom caching strategy. Default is ExpiryCache() which expires cache after 24 hours.


  • getOrUpdate({String cacheKey, Function networkRequest, CachingStrategy cachingStrategy = const ExpiryCache()}): Returns the cached response if it exists, otherwise it will perform the network request and cache the response.
  • cleanCache(CachingStrategy cachingStrategy): Cleans the cache by removing items whose keys start with kCacheMagutString and have expired according to the specified caching strategy.


A caching strategy that expires the cache after a specified duration.

  • duration: The duration after which the cache expires. Default is Duration(hours: 24).
  • get(Function networkRequest, String key): Returns the cached response if it exists and has not expired, otherwise it will perform the network request and cache the response.
  • getValueFromStorage(String key): Returns the cached value from storage.
  • addToCache(http.Response networkValue, String key): adds the network value to the cache
  • hasCacheExpired(ResponseCacheItem cachedValue, Duration cacheDuration): returns true if the cached value has expired


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