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@serge-rider serge-rider released this 19 Feb 18:19
            - ChatGPT smart completion:
                - Completion popup UI was improved
                - Metadata scope configuration was added
                - Redundant config options wer removed
            - Data editor:
                - Accessibility support was significantly improved (context menu, additional keyboard shortcuts)
                - Filtering and ordering icons visibility configuration was added again
                - Dictionary viewer was fixed (issue with missing dictionary values)
                - "Save filters" button was removed from custom SQL queries results
                - App crash on geometry viewer opening was resolved in the latest version of MacOS
            - SQL editor: query text extraction was fixed (issue with trailing comment after query text)
            - Database backup/restore: issue with external tools running was resolved (Linux)
            - Application fonts were unified. Now we have only Main and Monospace fonts configuration
            - Data transfer: data type mapping now respects type name case (for databases with different default case)
            - Variables support in database tasks was fixed
            - Database tools wizard: redundant task configuration page was removed
            - SQL generator dialog now show progress to avoid UI freeze on big schemas
            - Issue with opening ERD files from disk ws resolved
            - Clickhouse: DDL for array columns was fixed
            - Databricks: additional metadata was added
            - Exasol: default connection parameters were updated (thanks to @allipatev)
            - IRIS (ex Cache): driver version was updated
            - Oracle: stored procedures invocation syntax was improved
            - Snowflake: driver now uses single database connection for all editors (configurable)
            - SQL Server:
                - Driver version was updated to 11.2.3. Trust server certificate option was moved to the main connection page
                - Server messages (printed on raiserror) reading was fixed
                - Multiple resultsets reading was fixed (extra error handling was added)
                - VARCHAR(MAX) data type support was added
            - SQLite: converting binary columns into string representation was fixed