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This repository contains the UI code for PocketWGU on Android.

You'll notice that none of the networking code is here. There's a reason for that...

The networking parts of PocketWGU make use of a variety of API the author has discovered over the years. While these API are discoverable/accessible to students with proper credentials, WGU has not chosen to publish these for general use, and so I didn't feel it would be appropriate for me to do so.

With that said, there is a ton a messy, poorly-documented code within this repo that demonstrates how I've accomplished everything else within this app. As big and bloated as this codebase is, I would still point out that the resulting app is quite a bit smaller, and in some ways faster, than available alternatives.

If you are interested in trying to build this app yourself, you'll need three things:

  1. The networking library. I am not publishing it (see above), but I would be willing to provide the AAR (binary) for folks who ask nicely and really want to try building the app.
  2. A build.gradle script for the app itself. I have not included mine as it contains some sensitive info. I can send you a stripped-down version if you'd like.
  3. Elbow grease: ultimately, my build process includes the library project itself, so you'll need to figure out how to include the binary netlib as a dependency. This shouldn't be too hard but I haven't tried it myself.

One final note... While the source code published to this repository is available for your use under a very permissive license, I retain the exclusive rights to the PocketWGU name and the app's logo. Do what you want with the code, but please don't use the name or logo in your projects.



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