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Checkers game implemented in Rust.

checkers in 20 moves

Game Play

The game play consists of each player entering moves until an end game state is reached. The game can be quit at any time by entering q or Q instead of a move.


The board is a regulation 8 by 8 checkers boad. The tiles are indexed using File and Rank. The board is labeled with File A through H, and Rank 1 through 8, with board position A1 in the lower left-hand corner of the board. Files are case insensitive, e.g. File B is the same as b. Board positions must consist of File then Rank.

a3     // valid
h6     // valid
H6     // valid

3a     // invalid, file must be first
6h     // invalid, file must be first


Moves consist of at least two board positions. The first board position specifies the piece to be moved and the second board position specifies the destination of the piece. Additional destinations can be specified to make multiple jumps (double, triple, etc.).

a3 b4        // valid, move a3 to b4 (simple move)
a5 c3 e1     // valid, move a5 to c3, e1 (double jump)
e7 c5 a3 c1  // valid, move e7 to c5, a3, c1 (triple jump)

a3           // invalid, must specify destination
a3b4         // invalid, missing space

Error Messages

Illegal move: the specified move is illegal. For example, it is illegal to:

  • move a piece that is not yours/doesn't exist
  • move/jump to a tile that is not on the board
  • move/jump to a tile that is occupied
  • jump your own tile
  • move men backwards

Must take jump: at least one jump is available to the current player. Players are required to take jumps they are presented with. If a multi-jump is available, players are only required to make the first part of the jump. The remainder of the jump sequence is left to the player's discretion.

You must specify at least two board positions: each move must consist of at least two board positions. See the Moves section for more information.

> a3
*** You must specify at least two board positions
> a3 b4

Board position must specify file/rank: each board position must contain a file then rank.

> a
*** Board position 'a' must specify rank
> 3
*** Board position '3' must specify file
> a3 b4

Rank cannot be zero: the rank must be at least 1.

> b0
*** Rank cannot be zero: 'b0'
> b1

Board position contains invalid character: only alphanumeric characters are valid. Special characters and punctuation are not allowed. Additionally alpabetic characters are not allowed after numeric characters because File must be specified before Rank. The invalid character will be presented to the player:

> a$ b4
*** Board position 'a$' contains invalid character '$'
> 3a 4b
*** Board position '3a' contains invalid character 'a'
*** Board position '4b' contains invalid character 'b'
> a3 b4


The game is over when the current player has no moves remaining. This could be because:

  • All of their pieces have been captured
  • All of their pieces are blocked from moving

In either case, the winner is the player that last moved. So, if it is Black's turn, and Black has no more pieces remaining, then Red wins.