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Split Main into separate modules; refactor to separate App Monad so I…
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… can supply my own MonadReader; introduce dhall for configuration; various and sundry other tweaks and cleanup
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ddellacosta committed Aug 10, 2020
1 parent 3f49f33 commit 396a9a9
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Showing 8 changed files with 202 additions and 150 deletions.
144 changes: 17 additions & 127 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,120 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Main where

import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as LT
import qualified Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 as UTC
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as LT
import Dhall
import Forecast.Cache
import Forecast.Display as D
import Forecast.Request
import Forecast.Types
import Network.HTTP.Req
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Text.Pretty.Simple
import qualified Text.Read as R
import Text.Tabular
import Text.Tabular.AsciiArt as AsciiArt
import Text.URI

type Address = T.Text
type CacheString = String
type ForecastJson = Value
type Cache = M.Map Address ForecastJson

userAgent :: Option s
userAgent = header
(encodeUtf8 "User-Agent")
(encodeUtf8 "(My CLI Weather App,")

apiAccessKey :: T.Text
apiAccessKey = "<positionstack API access key>"

queryPositionStack :: (Monad m, MonadHttp m) => T.Text -> m (JsonResponse Value)
queryPositionStack address = do
-- positionstack's free plan only allows for http ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let uri = fromJust $ (mkURI "" :: Maybe URI)
let (uri', options) = fromJust $ (useHttpURI uri)
accessKeyQP = "access_key" =: apiAccessKey
queryQP = "query" =: address
options' = options <> accessKeyQP <> queryQP
req GET uri' NoReqBody jsonResponse options'

getWeatherGov :: (Monad m, MonadHttp m) => T.Text -> m (JsonResponse Value)
getWeatherGov url = do
let uri = fromJust $ (mkURI url :: Maybe URI)
let (uri', options) = fromJust $ (useHttpsURI uri)
options' = options <> userAgent
req GET uri' NoReqBody jsonResponse options'

getCoordinates :: Value -> T.Text
getCoordinates json = T.pack $ L.intercalate "," coordPair
where coordPair = json ^.. key "data"
. _Array
. taking 1 traversed
. (key "latitude" <> key "longitude")
. _Number
. to show

getForecastUrl :: Value -> Maybe T.Text
getForecastUrl = preview (key "properties" . key "forecast" . _String)

getLatestForecast :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m)
=> Address
-> m Value
getLatestForecast address = do
-- first we get lat/long coordinates we can use with via
coordsResp <- queryPositionStack address
let coords = getCoordinates $ responseBody coordsResp
liftIO $ putStrLn $ ("retrieved coordinate pair " ++ show coords ++ " for address " ++ T.unpack address)

-- then we get the forecastUrl via the endpoint
pointsResp <- getWeatherGov (T.append "" coords)
let forecastUrl = getForecastUrl $ responseBody pointsResp
liftIO $ putStrLn $ ("retrieved forecastUrl: " ++ show forecastUrl)

-- finally we can get the forecast for our location
forecastResp <- getWeatherGov $ fromJust forecastUrl
pure (responseBody forecastResp)

tablize :: Value -> Table String String String
tablize forecastJson = table
where periods = forecastJson ^.. key "properties" . key "periods" . _Array . taking 4 traversed
numericRow keyName = periods ^.. traversed . key keyName . _Number . to show
stringRow keyName = periods ^.. traversed . key keyName . _String . to T.unpack
rows = [ numericRow "temperature"
, zipWith (\s d -> s <> " " <> d) (stringRow "windSpeed") (stringRow "windDirection")
, stringRow "startTime"
, stringRow "endTime"
, stringRow "shortForecast"
table = Table
(Group SingleLine
[Group SingleLine
[ Header "Temp."
, Header "Wind"
, Header "Start"
, Header "End"
, Header "Forecast"
(Group SingleLine
[Group SingleLine $ fmap Header $ stringRow "name"])

getFirstEntryEndTimeStr :: ForecastJson -> Maybe T.Text
getFirstEntryEndTimeStr = preview $
Expand All @@ -128,12 +32,12 @@ getFirstEntryEndTimeStr = preview $
getCachedForecastJson :: LT.ZonedTime -> Address -> Cache -> Maybe ForecastJson
getCachedForecastJson now address cache = do
cachedJson <- M.lookup address cache
firstEntryEndTimeStr <- getFirstEntryEndTimeStr cachedJson
firstEntryEndTime <- UTC.iso8601ParseM $ T.unpack firstEntryEndTimeStr :: Maybe LT.ZonedTime
firstEntryEndTime <- getFirstEntryEndTimeStr cachedJson
>>= UTC.iso8601ParseM . T.unpack :: Maybe LT.ZonedTime
let isNowAfterEndTime = LT.zonedTimeToLocalTime firstEntryEndTime > LT.zonedTimeToLocalTime now
cachedJson <$ guard isNowAfterEndTime

getForecast :: (MonadIO m, MonadHttp m) => Address -> Cache -> m ForecastJson
getForecast :: (MonadIO m, MonadHttp m, MonadReader Config m) => Address -> Cache -> m ForecastJson
getForecast address cache = do
now <- liftIO $ LT.getZonedTime
forecastJson <- case getCachedForecastJson now address cache of
Expand All @@ -142,32 +46,18 @@ getForecast address cache = do
Nothing -> getLatestForecast address
pure forecastJson

readCache' :: CacheString -> Cache
readCache' cacheString = maybe M.empty id (R.readMaybe cacheString :: Maybe Cache)

readCache :: FilePath -> IO Cache
readCache filePath = do
handle <- openFile filePath ReadWriteMode
cacheString <- hGetContents handle
let cache = readCache' cacheString
when (length cacheString > 0) $ hClose handle
pure cache

writeCache :: FilePath -> Cache -> IO ()
writeCache filePath cache = do
writeFile (filePath ++ ".new") $ show cache
renameFile (filePath ++ ".new") filePath

doReq :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m) => T.Text -> m ()
doReq :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m, MonadReader Config m) => T.Text -> m ()
doReq address = do
cache <- liftIO $ readCache ".cache"
forecastJson <- getForecast address cache
liftIO $ putStrLn $ AsciiArt.render id id id $ tablize forecastJson
liftIO $ putStrLn $ D.renderForecast forecastJson
let updatedCache = M.insert address forecastJson cache
liftIO $ writeCache ".cache" updatedCache

main' :: T.Text -> IO ()
main' address = runReq defaultHttpConfig (doReq address)
main' address = do
config <- input auto "./config.dhall" :: IO Config
runReaderT (doReq address) config

main :: IO ()
main = do
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config.dhall
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{ positionStackAccessKey = "fill me out"
, emailAddress = "fill me out"
40 changes: 21 additions & 19 deletions forecast.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,30 +16,32 @@ maintainer:

common deps
build-depends: aeson ^>=
, base ^>=
, bytestring ^>=
, containers ^>=
, directory ^>=
, exceptions ^>= 0.10.4
, lens ^>=4.19.1
, lens-aeson ^>= 1.1
, modern-uri ^>=
, mtl ^>=2.2.2
, pretty-simple ^>=
, req ^>= 3.2.0
, tabular ^>=
, text ^>=
, time ^>= 1.9.3
, transformers ^>=
, unordered-containers ^>=
build-depends: aeson ^>=
, base ^>=
, bytestring ^>=
, containers ^>=
, dhall ^>= 1.32.0
, directory ^>=
, exceptions ^>= 0.10.4
, lens ^>=4.19.1
, lens-aeson ^>= 1.1
, modern-uri ^>=
, mtl ^>=2.2.2
, pretty-simple ^>=
, req ^>= 3.2.0
, tabular ^>=
, text ^>=
, time ^>= 1.9.3
, transformers ^>=
, unordered-containers ^>=
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings

import: deps
exposed-modules: MyLib
exposed-modules: Forecast.Cache, Forecast.Display, Forecast.Request, Forecast.Types
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
--build-depends: base ^>=
--build-depends: base ^>=
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010

Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/Forecast/Cache.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

module Forecast.Cache where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Forecast.Types
import qualified Text.Read as R
import System.Directory
import System.IO

readCache' :: CacheString -> Cache
readCache' cacheString = maybe M.empty id (R.readMaybe cacheString :: Maybe Cache)

readCache :: FilePath -> IO Cache
readCache filePath = do
handle <- openFile filePath ReadWriteMode
cacheString <- hGetContents handle
let cache = readCache' cacheString
when (length cacheString > 0) $ hClose handle
pure cache

writeCache :: FilePath -> Cache -> IO ()
writeCache filePath cache = do
writeFile (filePath ++ ".new") $ show cache
renameFile (filePath ++ ".new") filePath
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/Forecast/Display.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

module Forecast.Display where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Tabular
import Text.Tabular.AsciiArt as AsciiArt

tablize :: Value -> Table String String String
tablize forecastJson = table
where periods = forecastJson ^.. key "properties" . key "periods" . _Array . taking 4 traversed
numericRow keyName = periods ^.. traversed . key keyName . _Number . to show
stringRow keyName = periods ^.. traversed . key keyName . _String . to T.unpack
rows = [ numericRow "temperature"
, zipWith (\s d -> s <> " " <> d) (stringRow "windSpeed") (stringRow "windDirection")
, stringRow "startTime"
, stringRow "endTime"
, stringRow "shortForecast"
table = Table
(Group SingleLine
[Group SingleLine
[ Header "Temp."
, Header "Wind"
, Header "Start"
, Header "End"
, Header "Forecast"
(Group SingleLine
[Group SingleLine $ fmap Header $ stringRow "name"])

renderForecast :: Value -> String
renderForecast = AsciiArt.render id id id . tablize
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/Forecast/Request.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Forecast.Request where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Forecast.Types
import Network.HTTP.Req
import Text.URI

userAgent :: T.Text -> Option s
userAgent emailAddress = header
(encodeUtf8 "User-Agent")
(encodeUtf8 ("(My CLI Weather App, " <> emailAddress <> ")" :: T.Text))

queryPositionStack :: (Monad m, MonadHttp m, MonadReader Config m) => T.Text -> m (JsonResponse Value)
queryPositionStack address = do
config <- ask
-- positionstack's free plan only allows for http ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let (uri, options) = fromJust $ mkURI "" >>= useHttpURI
accessKeyQP = "access_key" =: (positionStackAccessKey config)
queryQP = "query" =: address
options' = options <> accessKeyQP <> queryQP
req GET uri NoReqBody jsonResponse options'

getWeatherGov :: (Monad m, MonadHttp m, MonadReader Config m) => T.Text -> m (JsonResponse Value)
getWeatherGov url = do
config <- ask
let (uri, options) = fromJust $ mkURI url >>= useHttpsURI
options' = options <> (userAgent $ emailAddress config)
req GET uri NoReqBody jsonResponse options'

getCoordinates :: Value -> T.Text
getCoordinates json = T.pack $ L.intercalate "," coordPair
where coordPair = json ^.. key "data"
. _Array
. taking 1 traversed
. (key "latitude" <> key "longitude")
. _Number
. to show

getForecastUrl :: Value -> Maybe T.Text
getForecastUrl = preview $ key "properties" . key "forecast" . _String

getLatestForecast :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadHttp m, MonadReader Config m) => Address -> m Value
getLatestForecast address = do
-- first we get lat/long coordinates we can use with via
coordsResp <- queryPositionStack address
let coords = getCoordinates $ responseBody coordsResp
liftIO $ putStrLn $ ("retrieved coordinate pair " ++ show coords ++ " for address " ++ T.unpack address)

-- then we get the forecastUrl via the endpoint
pointsResp <- getWeatherGov (T.append "" coords)
let forecastUrl = getForecastUrl $ responseBody pointsResp
liftIO $ putStrLn $ ("retrieved forecastUrl: " ++ show forecastUrl)

-- finally we can get the forecast for our location
forecastResp <- getWeatherGov $ fromJust forecastUrl
pure (responseBody forecastResp)

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