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v1.17.0-alpha6: Stop using sudo on start, work better with gitpod

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@rfay rfay released this 17 Feb 14:17
· 1893 commits to master since this release


See the installation instructions for details, but it's easy:

  • Please stop all projects first, this does no harm: ddev poweroff
  • macOS Homebrew and Linux Linuxbrew (ddev-edge channel only): brew install drud/ddev-edge/ddev or just brew upgrade drud/ddev-edge/ddev ). (You may need a brew update for homebrew to find the new release.). This now works on Apple Silicon Homebrew as well.
  • Windows: Use choco upgrade -y --pre ddev to get this one, or download the ddev_windows_installer below.
  • Linux and macOS with the script: Download the script, make it executable, and run it with the version: ./ <version>
  • And anywhere, you can just download the tarball or zipball, untar or unzip it, and place the executable in your path where it belongs.
  • Consider ddev delete images after upgrading to free up disk space used by previous docker image versions. This does no harm.

Key changes in v1.17.2-alpha6

  • sudo is removed from ddev-dbserver and ddev-ssh-agent, and is no longer used in startup routines of ddev-webserver. This is important for long-term security posture, but also is a workaround for a bug in gitpod that was preventing gitpod restores in from working.
  • All binaries are now built using just-released go 1.16, so we no longer have to have two different go binaries to get mac M1 builds and all the rest built.
  • Upstream PHP image has been rebuilt, so it has the latest packages, including PHP 8.0.2

Instructions for Apple M1

  1. Install the Docker Tech Preview. Note that xdebug and perhaps some other features won't work with earlier preview releases, like preview7, so you'll want the current one.
  2. Use a terminal app that is not running. under Rosetta 2. So for example, if using iTerm, the "get info" checkbox should NOT say "Open using Rosetta".
  3. Install with Apple Silicon Homebrew (in /opt/homebrew) or using the v1.17.0-alpha6 script as above.
  4. Check to make sure you got the arm64 version of ddev. file or file /opt/homebrew/bin/ddev should show "/opt/homebrew/bin/ddev: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64". If it shows amd64, you have the wrong version of ddev.
  5. ddev --version should show the right version
  6. To get NFS going, there is a difference in networking. You have to find out the eth0 interface inside the container. Find the source IP for NFS by running docker run -it --rm busybox sh -c 'ping -c1 vm.docker.internal | awk "/PING/ { gsub(/[\(\):]/, \"\"); print \$3 }"' That IP range (probably should then be added to your /etc/exports like this:
/Users/rfay -alldirs -mapall=501:20 -network= -mask

Commits since v1.17.0-alpha5

2589713 Use only go 1.16 now that it's released (#2814)
4715231 Bump upstream for ddev-webserver from php 8.0.2, etc. (#2813)
42ffa6b Remove sudo from ddev-dbserver and ddev-ssh-agent, limit use in ddev-webserver, fixes #2607 (#2806)
d68ef2a Process /var/lock/apache2 in ddev-webserver Dockerfile, fixes #2799 (#2809)
8ac90f3 Remove .DS_Store files before restoring snapshot, fixes #2765 (#2810)
d62f87c Refactor ddev-dbserver builds (#2808)