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A simple scene that shows how to fetch player wearable data to match against a criteria. In this case, only players wearing eyewear are allowed in.


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A simple scene that shows how to fetch player wearable data to match against a criteria. In this case, only players wearing eyewear are allowed in.

This scene shows you:

  • How to fetch the wearables currently worn by a player
  • How to handle async functions
  • How to delay an action with the utils library
  • How to define the elements of a scene as game objects, with state and functions

Here we're querying the player's wearable items that are being equipped, and also fetching the full list of Decentraland wearables. We then match both these lists up to obtain more information about each of the wearables that the player has equipped, and check if any of these belongs to the 'eyewear' category.

Feel free to reuse the models and code from this scene!

Try it out

Install the CLI

Download and install the Decentraland CLI by running the following command:

npm i -g decentraland

Previewing the scene

Download this example and navigate to its directory, then run:

$:  dcl start

Any dependencies are installed and then the CLI opens the scene in a new browser tab.


For example, if the URL is, make it

Learn more about how to build your own scenes in our documentation site.

If something doesn’t work, please file an issue.

Copyright info

This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.


A simple scene that shows how to fetch player wearable data to match against a criteria. In this case, only players wearing eyewear are allowed in.





