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A Flexible and Dynamic RPC Framework over a AMPS (Highly Performant Journaled Message Bus).


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A Flexible and Dynamic RPC Framework over a AMPS. AMPS is a Highly Performant Journaled Message Bus.

JetFuelExecute allows a process to publish a function on AMPS which can be called by any other process connected to the AMPS. This is an excellent implementation of a request / response design pattern. This is the most fundamental task for most applications. When one process has to tell another process to do something and report back.

JetFuelExecute takes care of all message and type conversions. JetFuelExecute uses AMPS as the message bus so you can easily look at the fields of the original request and its response. This simplifies the life of developers and support staff who constantly have to debug production issues.

JetFuelExecute now suppports Subscriptions requests. This allows you to create a function which can stream you continuous updates till you unsubscribe. Very useful if you want to get a stream of custom price calculations.

Why use JetFuelExecute?

In addition to JetFuelExecute having the awesome flexibility of just publishing and calling remote function with full audit it also has these extra features :-

  • Simple and easy to use API, with clear Error reasons for any failure.
  • No code dependency between function publisher and caller.
  • Developers create live documentation when they publish a function.
  • Simple migration to new version of published functions. Just publish a new function so both are available then migrate clients to new function.
  • The FunctionExecutor that processes the function call is cleanly encapsulated, so it can be tested independently.
  • You can view available functions along with their documentation and test them easily.
  • Extremely flexible - Can be a publisher of function, at the same time call other functions.
  • Automatic timeout response generated if the server publishing a function goes down, so your client is not waiting forever.
  • Removal of unavailable functions - A client will never call a function if the publisher of that function disconnects.
  • High performance and high availability provided by AMPS along with various authentication options.

JetFuelExecute State Diagram.

JetFuelExecute supports two Execution modes.

  • Request/Response - Use this when you want to send a command and get a reply
  • Subscription - Use this when you need a stream of data for a given command. This can be cancelled later. screenshot

JetFuelExecute code example.

Using JetFuelExecute do the following :-

1) Publish a function
2) Call the function

Lets look at step 1 first - Publishing a function.

            // Create amps connection
            final HAClient haClient = new HaClientFactory().createHaClient("SampleJetFuelSever",
                    "tcp://", false);
            ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
            System.out.println("Connected to Amps");

            //Create JetFuelExecute
            JetFuelExecute jetFuelExecute = new AmpsJetFuelExecute(haClient, jsonMapper);

            //Create JetFuelExecute Function

            // First Create Parameters
            FunctionParameter citizenParmeter = new FunctionParameter("isCitizen", Boolean.class,
                    "Set this to true of the person is a citizen of the country");
            FunctionParameter ageParmeter = new FunctionParameter("age", Integer.class,
                    "Set age of the person");
            List<FunctionParameter> functionParameters = new ArrayList<>();

            // Then create the function
            JetFuelFunction ableToVoteFunction = new JetFuelFunction("CheckAbilityToVote",
                    "This function will check if a person is able to vote",
                    Boolean.class, "Return true if person can vote else false",
                    new AbleToVoteExecutor(), FunctionAccessType.Read, FunctionExecutionType.RequestResponse);

            System.out.println("Publishing Function");
            // publish JetFuel Function on the bus

            System.out.println("Now waiting for client calls");

When you publish a function on the bus you also need to tell it how to process the function call. This is done easily by extending AbstractFunctionExecutor and passing it as a parameter to the publishFunction method.

    static class AbleToVoteExecutor extends AbstractFunctionExecutor {

        protected void executeFunction(String id, List<Object> parameters, FunctionResponseListener result) {
            Boolean citizen = Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.get(0).toString());
            Integer age = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(1).toString());
            if (!citizen) {
                result.onCompleted(id, "You have to be a citizen to vote", false);
            } else if (age <= 20) {
                result.onCompleted(id, "You have to be 21 or over to vote", false);
            } else {
                result.onCompleted(id, "You can vote", true);


Now lets look at step 2 - Calling a function. This is even easier than publishing the function. You simply call the executeFunction with the function name, parameters and FunctionResponseListener

            // Create amps connection
            final HAClient haClient = new HaClientFactory().createHaClient("SampleJetFuelClient",
                    "tcp://", false);
            ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
            System.out.println("Connected to Amps");

            //Create JetFuelExecute
            JetFuelExecute jetFuelExecute = new AmpsJetFuelExecute(haClient, jsonMapper);

            // calling function

            final String id1 = jetFuelExecute.executeFunction("SampleJetFuelSever.CheckAbilityToVote",
                    new Object[]{true, 22}, new ClientFunctionResponseListener());

And here is the code for ClientFunctionResponseListener.

    class ClientFunctionResponseListener implements FunctionResponseListener {
        public void onCompleted(String id, Object message, Object returnValue) {
            System.out.println("Got onCompleted for id '" + id + "' with message '" + message + 
            "' and returnValue '" + returnValue + "'");

        public void onError(String id, Object message, Object exception) {
            System.out.println("Got onError for id '" + id + "' with message '" + message + 
            "' and exception '" + exception + "'");

This request/response is now fully journaled so any audit or support staff can investigate this any time.

Full stats of functions called.

Since function calls goes through amps topics, stats of each function call is available. This is a very powerful feature that helps you to find out which functions are used and how often. Very details stats can be collected e.g. response times for each function call or how many times a function timed out. This is very useful for capacity planning or removing unused functions.

MultiExecute of Functions

Ability to make a function call which is executed by several publishers. E.g. if you have BankOff function published by 5 different function publishers, you can call this once and each of the 5 publisher will execute this. This is very powerful feature and needs to be understood and used very carefully.

Handle disconnections from Amps

The ability to handle client disconnects. e.g. if a client calls function like QuoteOn and then disconnects after a few minutes, the function publisher that processed the QuoteOn request will realise the client disconnected and execute a clean-up action. Here a clean- up action could pull all the quotes from the market for the disconnected user.

Features coming very soon.

  • API’s in different languages e.g. Javascript and C. This means JetFuelExecute functions can be published and called from multiple languages.

JetFuelExecute demo using JetFuelExplorer

  1. View available functions that are published by other servers screenshot

  2. Test a function - this is so useful screenshot

  3. View the full Request/Response message - your support team will love you screenshot

Testing Support

JetFuelExecute was written with testing in mind. These two features help you test your app easily

  • Every FunctionExecutor is an independent class so can be tested throughly on its own.
  • DefaultJetFuelExecuteService can be used for integration test as this does not connect to any middleware.


JetFuelView - ( is an independent tool. JetFuelExecute can be used without JetFuelView. JetFuelView will make monitoring and developing against Amps easier and fun.


A Flexible and Dynamic RPC Framework over a AMPS (Highly Performant Journaled Message Bus).







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