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Sphinx theme for dialog flow framework distributed website


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Dialog Flow Framework Sphinx Theme

Dialog Flow Framework Sphinx Theme is a sphinx theme for building DFF distributed website

Install project with demo module: make DEMO_BASE_URL="[DEMO_MODULE_BASE_PATH]" demo-build
NB! Requires NodeJS >= 8.4.0 and Python >= 3.7 (compatible with dff).

Analyzed and updated source files (.ts and .scss) are marked with following header:

 * Final redaction

SASS styling is still under way. By the time this inscription is being made, designing (mobile, middle-size) is still in process. After website is finished and all required elements added, we should revisit SASS files once again. We should:

  1. Restore everything that was useful and for any reason was deleted (regarding not-yet-included Sphinx addons and possibilities).
  2. Finish styling for website to match design.
  3. If needed, revisit TypeScript files too, some (most) of them were untouched since PyTorch import, only God knows if (and how) they work.
  4. Remove everything unused (RTD and PyTorch classes or Sphinx addons we don't need).
  5. Remove big files (_sphinx_base.scss), split them into smaller ones, specifying design for one particular element of website.

I'm sorry to release the theme in this condition. However, I don't have enough time to fix it and most importantly I don't know what website will look like yet, so it's impossible to check if most of the elements work, how they work and if they are needed at all. Dear future programmer of DFF Sphinx theme, please accept my apologies and be strong.

Global TODO:

  • Add format rules to Makefile
  • Add testing
  • Add docs (maybe insert demo module into docs)

Local TODO:

  • Replace .ts string concatenation with `-wrapped strings
  • Add pencil icon (if needed) _static/pencil-16.png
  • Fix button from sphinx_copybutton plugin
  • Finish color replacement with variables in .scss files + clean variables
  • Check jinja nested blocks, flatten
  • Fix extra-long function definitions (in documented packages)
  • Check top-bar height, adjust logo height if necessary
  • Fix TODOs and FIXMEs (multiple)
  • Transfer build process to
  • Extract theme_tutorial_name variable to examples build (sphinx gallery)