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Summary of Features

Brian Kotek edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 11 revisions

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Here is a high-level overview of the features provided by Deft JS:

IoC Container

  • Provides class annotation-driven dependency injection.
  • Maps dependencies by user-defined identifiers.
  • Resolves dependencies by class instance, factory function or value.
  • Supports singleton and prototype resolution of class instance and factory function dependencies.
  • Offers eager and lazy instantiation of dependencies.
  • Injects dependencies into Ext JS class configs and properties before the class constructor is executed.

MVC with ViewControllers

  • Provides class annotation-driven association between a given view and its ViewController.
  • Clarifies the role of the controller - i.e. controlling a view and delegating work to injected business services (service classes, Stores, etc.). (Martin Fowler's description of a Passive View using a controller.)
  • Supports multiple independent instances of a given view, each with their own ViewController instance.
  • Reduces memory usage by automatically creating and destroying view controllers in tandem with their associated views.
  • Supports concise configuration for referencing view components and registering event listeners with view controller methods.
  • Integrates with the view destruction lifecycle to allow the view controller to potentially cancel removal and destruction.
  • Simplifies clean-up by automatically removing view and view component references and event listeners.

Promises and Deferreds

  • Provides an elegant way to represent a ‘future value’ resulting from an asynchronous operation.
  • Offers a consistent, readable API for registering success, failure, cancellation or progress callbacks.
  • Allows chaining of transformation and processing of future values.
  • Simplifies processing of a set of future values via utility functions including all(), any(), map() and reduce().
  • Implements the CommonJS Promises/A specification.

Next: Adding Deft JS to Your Application