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Repository files navigation website

This project holds all the source code of the web service/website

It is not very useful to run your own unless you need really custom setup with's desktop application.

What is it for?

This website provides:

  • Remote control features for's desktop application
  • Some public pages to introduce the projet
  • Online support for desktop application users

How to run it

It's a pretty standard Rails 3 application, all you have to do is:

  1. install ruby, rubygems and bundler if not already done (we use ruby 1.8.7)
  2. setting up your config/database.yml (follow this guide if you don't know how)
  3. run $> bundle install to install all needed gems
  4. run $> bundle exec rake db:recreate to create & migrate your database
  5. run $> bundle exec thin start or whatever server you prefer
  6. run (optional) $> ./script/push to launch the push server (real-time sync)
  7. browse to localhost:3000


This program is free software covered by the GNU LGPLv3 license