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Dev Start Page [outdated]

marijn211 edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to Road to 56!

Glad to see you here. How are you? It's awesome that you want to contribute to 56. There are some basics that need to be covered before you can start though!

1. Read our documentation here in the wiki. Seriously.

Road to 56 does have standards, and our graphics have a different folder-path and naming structure than vanilla. A lot of our bugs are caused by people not following the standards we have set up. Yes, reading is annoying - and takes time - but it's educational and very useful!

2. Set up a meeting with Greatexperiment.

Send a PM to Greatexperiment#9909 on Discord, and then set a time to talk about the above rules and also walk you through how to use Git and follow the process. The meeting will also be used to make sure you have proper access to everything, so don't skip it. Even if you're already familiar with some of this, set up a meeting anyway and bask in the glorious presence of the mod's grumpy overlord.

3. We have a beta on the 1st of the month, and patch every 7th.

Beta week is for fixes to the mod and any submitted content from that month. No new content pulls will be accepted during that week. You can make pulls for fixes, but that's it. If you try to submit new stuff during that time it won't be accepted. Use the beta week to check and fix your work!

4. Update the notes

There is a wiki page here for patch notes. When you submit a pull, you need to also update the patch notes with your changes. If you do not, then there is a chance your contributions will not be listed.

5. Be sure that your work is kept up to date against the main build!

Many conflicts are caused when people work on something for weeks, and then try to merge and find out that the code has substantially changed. Keeping up to date is quite easy - and will be covered in your training session with Gxp.

6. Follow the standards

This is a repeat of the above, but we do have our own system for graphics and other matters. If your naming system or folder paths do not match ours, there will be bugs and problems. 56 has an ongoing issue with missing portraits for quite some time - and this is 100% because work is being submitted that does not follow our folder and naming standards. So, consider this point emphasized!

Thank you for reading this, and your work! You're awesome, and we love you.