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estebanlm committed Jun 29, 2020
1 parent ecb4709 commit 9169dc6
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Showing 12 changed files with 590 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Morphic-Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Extension { #name : #SpDatePresenter }

{ #category : #'*Spec2-Morphic-Examples' }
SpDatePresenter class >> example [

^ self new openWithSpec

{ #category : #'*Spec2-Morphic-Examples' }
SpDatePresenter class >> exampleModal [

^ self new openModalWithSpec
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Morphic-Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Demo page for SpecDemoFormPresenter
Class {
#name : #SpDemoFormPage,
#superclass : #SpDemoPage,
#category : #'Spec2-Morphic-Examples-Demo-Forms'

{ #category : #specs }
SpDemoFormPage class >> pageName [

^ 'Forms'

{ #category : #specs }
SpDemoFormPage class >> priority [

^ 10

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDemoFormPage >> pageClass [

^ SpDemoFormPresenter

103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Morphic-Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
This demo shows, how to create a simple form with basic elements and how to connect this form to a model.
In this case, the model is represented by instances of the class SpecDemoFormModel created in the #initialize. It is a simple structure-like class with some default values. The model is not held directly but using a value holder named announcingObject (see ComposablePresenterWithModel>>#model:). The encapsulating value holder would not be needed if our model would be a subclass of ""Model"" (instances of Model provide an announcer by default).
This component has two main subcomponents. The form and a table that shows the current state of the model.
The form is a standalone Spec presenter, an instance of SpecDemoStandaloneFormPresenter. It works with two instances of the model, ""workingModel"" which holds a working copy of the model and a model shared with its parent. When the form is restored, the working copy of the model is thrown away and replaced with a new copy of the model. When the form is submitted, the new model is stored (into the value holder and its change is propagated so the table showing the state of the model is refreshed).
The data exchange between the model and form elements is done in these methods:
The two parts of this window (form and table) should be rendered in boxes with an outline. Spec in Morphic does not have such functionality now. SpecDemoLabeledContainer is used now.
Text input for number 1 is limited directly on the level of user input. See SpecDemoStandaloneFormPresenter>>#initializePresenter.
For displaying of the model state, the FastTable Morph is used. Currently, Spec does not provide a presenter for such tables. The class SpecDemoFormTableDataSource is used for interaction between the table and model.
Class {
#name : #SpDemoFormPresenter,
#superclass : #SpPresenterWithModel,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Spec2-Morphic-Examples-Demo-Forms'

{ #category : #specs }
SpDemoFormPresenter class >> defaultSpec [
^ SpPanedLayout newHorizontal
position: (StandardFonts defaultFont widthOfString: 'M') * 35;
add: #form;
add: #resultPane;

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> form [
^ form

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> form: anObject [
form := anObject

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> initialize [
self model: SpDemoFormModel new.
super initialize

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> initializePresenters [
form := (self instantiate: SpDemoLabeledContainer)
label: 'form';
subwidget: (self instantiate: SpDemoStandaloneFormPresenter on: self announcingObject).
resultPane := (self instantiate: SpDemoLabeledContainer)
label: 'result';
subwidget: (table := self newTable).

addColumn: (SpStringTableColumn title: 'Name' evaluated: #key);
addColumn: (SpStringTableColumn title: 'Value' evaluated: #value);
items: self model elements;

self focusOrder
add: form;
add: table

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> modelChanged [
table items: self model elements

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> resultPane [
^ resultPane

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> resultPane: anObject [
resultPane := anObject

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> table [
^ table

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDemoFormPresenter >> table: anObject [
table := anObject
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Morphic-Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
A DropListExample is a simple example of how to use drop lists.
self example
Class {
#name : #SpDropListExample,
#superclass : #SpPresenter,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Spec2-Morphic-Examples'

{ #category : #specs }
SpDropListExample class >> defaultSpec [
^ SpBoxLayout newVertical
(SpBoxLayout newHorizontal
add: #uniformDropList;
add: #heterogeneousDropList;
height: self toolbarHeight;
add: #disabledDropList height: self toolbarHeight;
add: #container;

{ #category : #example }
SpDropListExample class >> example [

^ self new openWithSpec

{ #category : #specs }
SpDropListExample class >> title [

^ 'Drop list'

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDropListExample >> container [
^ container

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDropListExample >> containerMorph [
^ container morph

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDropListExample >> disabledDropList [
^ disabledDropList

{ #category : #accessing }
SpDropListExample >> heterogeneousDropList [
^ heterogeneousDropList

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDropListExample >> initializePresenters [
uniformDropList := self newDropList.
heterogeneousDropList := self newDropList.
container := self newMorph.
disabledDropList := self newDropList.
container morph: PanelMorph new.
self instantiateMorphs.
self containerMorph
listDirection: #bottomToLeft.
items: #('Disabled' 'Two' 'Three');
display: [ :each | each ];
display: [ :m | m color name capitalized , ' morph' ];
iconBlock: [ :e | self iconNamed: #testGreenIcon ];
whenSelectedItemChangedDo: [ :m |
self containerMorph
addMorph: m ].
addItemLabeled: 'Open workspace'
do: [ Smalltalk tools workspace open ]
icon: (self iconNamed: #smallOkIcon);
addItemLabeled: 'Inspect current morph'
do: [ uniformDropList selectedItem inspect ]
icon: (self iconNamed: #testRedIcon).

"If this is uncommented, it will fire the action of the first item, which is not what we want:
heterogeneousDropList setSelectedIndex: 1.
same for:
heterogeneousDropList setIndex: 1"
uniformDropList selectIndex: 1.
self setFocus

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDropListExample >> instantiateMorphs [

morph1 := Morph new
color: Color red;
width: 60;
height: 20.
morph2 := Morph new
color: Color blue;
width: 20;
height: 60.
morph3 := Morph new
color: Color green;
width: 50;
height: 50.

{ #category : #initialization }
SpDropListExample >> setFocus [

self focusOrder
add: uniformDropList;
add: heterogeneousDropList;
add: disabledDropList.


{ #category : #accessing }
SpDropListExample >> uniformDropList [

^ uniformDropList
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Morphic-Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Extension { #name : #SpLinkPresenter }

{ #category : #'*Spec2-Morphic-Examples' }
SpLinkPresenter class >> example [
| example |
example := self new
url: '';
label: 'Pharo website';
extent: 200 @ 20;

example withWindowDo: [ :w | w title: 'Link presenter' ].
^ example

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