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About the stack

This application is built using the following technologies:


  1. Install the dependencies using npm i or your preferred package manager.
  2. Run cp .env.example .env to create the environment file.
  3. Define the required environment variables, such as VITE_JWT_SECRET_KEY and DATABASE_URL.

Environment variables description

VITE_JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key used to generate JWT's.

Recommended value: the output of the openssl rand -hex 32 command.

DATABASE_URL: PostgreSQL connection string.


  • Manage items to use on recipes.
  • Manage recipes.
  • Browse through other user's recipes.
  • Sharing link for recipes.
  • Create copy of recipes to your own account.
  • Like/dislike recipes.
  • Enchanced app navigation with drawers, tabs, back buttons, and bottom navigation.
  • Different layouts built specifically for mobile and desktop environments.
  • Enchanced form experience by allowing to create items without leaving the recipe page.

Known Issues

  • Dropdowns won't close when clicking outise in iOS (daisyui issue)

Possible improvements

  • Use a modal instead of native js confirm to confirm delete and other critical actions.

  • Manage environment variables the SvelteKit way (with $env/ modules).

My personal experience with this stack