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SelfUpdatingGauge: Examples

Damian edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

Enough navel gazing and contemplating the universe, show me the code

Basic starter SUG. Reads values from gmcp

-- the following will watch "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" and "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp"
-- and update itself every 250 milliseconds
local SUG = require("MDK.sug")
myGauge = SUG:new({
  name = "myGauge",
  height = 50,
  width = 200, -- everything up to here is standard Geyser.Gauge
  updateTime = 250, -- this timer will update every 250ms, or 4 times a second
  textTemplate = "HP: |c/|m (|p%)", -- gauge will show "HP: 500/1000 (50%)" as the text if you had 500 current and 1000 max hp
  currentVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", --if gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultCurrent of 50
  maxVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp",  --if gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultMax of 100

The same one, but updates when the gmcp.Char.Vitals event fires instead of on a timer

-- the following will watch "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" and "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp"
-- and update itself every time the gmcp.Char.Vitals event fires
local SUG = require("MDK.sug")
myGauge = SUG:new({
  name = "myGauge",
  height = 50,
  width = 200, -- everything up to here is standard Geyser.Gauge
  updateEvent = "gmcp.Char.Vitals", -- this gauge will update every time gmcp.Char.Vitals event fires
  textTemplate = "HP: |c/|m (|p%)", -- gauge will show "HP: 500/1000 (50%)" as the text if you had 500 current and 1000 max hp
  currentVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", --if gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultCurrent of 50
  maxVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp",  --if gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultMax of 100

This one will also change color based on the current HP, from red to green

-- the following will watch "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" and "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp"
-- and update itself every time the gmcp.Char.Vitals event fires
-- and also change it's color depending on how damaged you are
local SUG = require("MDK.sug")
-- the gauge itself is passed first, then the current and max values being used for the update
local function recolor(self, cur, max)
  -- figure out the percentage of HP remaining
  local perc = math.floor((cur / max * 100) + 0.5)
  if perc > 75 then -- > 75 is green
  elseif perc > 50 then -- 50 < perc < 76 is yellow
  elseif perc > 25 then -- 25 < perc < 51 is orange
  else -- 25% or less is red

myGauge = SUG:new({
  name = "myGauge",
  height = 50,
  width = 200, -- everything up to here is standard Geyser.Gauge
  updateEvent = "gmcp.Char.Vitals", -- this gauge will update every time gmcp.Char.Vitals event fires
  textTemplate = "HP: |c/|m (|p%)", -- gauge will show "HP: 500/1000 (50%)" as the text if you had 500 current and 1000 max hp
  currentVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", -- if gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultCurrent of 50
  maxVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp",  -- if gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp is nil or unreachable, it will use the defaultMax of 100
  updateHook = recolor,                    -- change the gauge color based on percent full
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