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Damian Monogue edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 1 revision

What is this thing?

Sometimes, I look at all the fancy, high falutin', new fangled picture, button, and image based UIs and I say to myself, "Self, we have strayed from our roots. Sure, these are all pretty. Amazing, really. But where is the authenticity, the ... the... the blood TEXT."

And then I tell myself to calm the hell down and relax. Anyway, then I saw some text gauges done for the ASUI for Asteria and realized I could be part of the solution instead of a curmudgeonly only man holding on to his past. And thus TextGauge was born. It is essentially what it says on the tin, a gauge which uses colored text and/or different characters to represent how full the gauge is.

Ok old man. But how do I use it?

API Docs
TextGauge: Examples