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Live demo on Heroku CD

Nodejs Bundesliga Fantasy League Project

const Deniz_Umut_Dereli = {
    "Senior Full Stack Developer, Software/Database Architect",
  contact: {
    linkedin: "denizumutdereli",
    email: "",

This is a demo purpose Bundesliga League project by @denizumutdereli

Nodejs Express + Mongoose (Atlas Cloud)

npm install

npm start

npm test

/api -> verifyToken middleware x-access-token in all requests


I prepared a project about the Bundesliga league. You can create new football seasons. You can also create new teams during these seasons. The most interesting part of the project was that I messed around a bit with the Round Robin algorithm. I've searched a lot of resources but couldn't find any examples that are properly explained and that work in home and away logic. After all, I wrote it from the very beginning. Now it works very fast and perfectly.

Serverless Deploy

sls deploy

Includes warmup function to avoid cold starting and startup latency issues for the Lambda functions.

Common Features

  • Rate Limits
  • JWT Auth - possible to integrate Auth0 using with AWS Authorizer
  • User management (user/admin roles)
  • Seasons (up to 10.000 teams)
  • Custom Team Generation
  • Fixtures
    • A new approach for Round Robin algoritm including Away and Home fixtures
    • Permutation/compute time enhancements
  • Simulating the fixtures
  • Fixture options. (you can simulate the matches of different days separately)
  • Standings
  • Extendible
  • Mocha & Chai Tests (12 functions)
  • SLS Ready
  • Postman Collection added


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/ ALL Empty Api welcome response.

Registration & Auth (JWT)

Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/user POST { username:'James Bond', password: '007', role: 'user/admin'} Create a new user
/register POST { username:'James Bond', password: '007', role: 'user/admin'} Create a new user
/auth POST { username:'James Bond', password: '007'} Getting Login and JWT Auth token


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/user GET {empty} List profile. (Admin role can list all users)
/api/user/update/:user_id PUT { username:'James Bond', password: '007', deposit:100 } Update user info
/api/user/delete/:user_id DELETE Empty Delete a user @only admins roles


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/season GET {} List all seasons.
/api/season POST {seasonName:'Bundesliga', numberOfTeam:18, yearStart:2022}} Create a new season
/api/season/detail/:season_id GET {} Get details of the season
/api/season/delete/:season_id DELETE {} Delete season and all related team,fixtures - owners

Fixtures & Teams

Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/fixture/:season_id POST {} List all fixtures of the given season.
/api/team/:season_id POST {} List all teams of the given season.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/season/start/:season_id POST {} Kickoff season.
/api/season/fixture/play/:match_id PUT {} Setting the score of the game manually.
/api/season/simulate/play/:season_id PUT {} Setting the score of the game manually.

Live demo on Heroku CD
