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Alex edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the SERiOUSCRAFT wiki!

Vanilla Tweaks

  • craft Strings from a Wool Block of any colour.
  • smelt Rotten Flesh into Bones.
  • craft a Bed from Planks and Hay.
  • craft a Saddle from a Lead and Leather.
  • craft Horse Armor from Leads, Iron/Gold/Diamond Blocks and Leather
  • craft a Nametag from a Lead, a Gold Block and Paper

Mod Content

Seed Bags

Seeds can be combined with Paper to create Seed Bags. When used on Farmland they will plant a 3x3 cluster. Supports Beetroot, Carrots, Potatos and Wheat.


Steel offers a cheap alternative to Iron and is basically crafted from Coal and Iron. Coal is turned into Carbon which is combined with Iron Nuggets into Steel. Finally Steel is smelted into Steel Ingots which can be used to craft buckets and rails by replacing iron in their recipes.


Sulphur is the product of a complex crafting process and can be combined with Coal and Flint into Gunpowder. The first step to obtain Sulphur is to grind Diorite into Diorite Dust while preparing Acid. This is done at the Brewing Stand with Apples and Water Bottles. The last step is to combine Diorite Dust and Acid into Sulphur.


The process to create Mucus is very much like that for sulphur and it can be used alongside Water and Sugar to craft Slimeballs. Grind Andesite into Andesite Dust, brew Base from Bonemeal and Water Bottles and combine Andesite Dust with Base.


  • 3x3 bonemeal
  • a rifle
  • balanced teleports for short and long range
  • a custom crop
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