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Alex edited this page May 6, 2018 · 21 revisions

Vanilla Tweaks

Strings from Wool

shapeless - 1 Wool Block of any color -> 4 Strings

Bone from Rotten Flesh

Furnace - 1 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Bone

Makeshift Bed

Crafting Table - 5 Planks, 1 Hay Bale -> 1 Yellow Bed
--- | - = Air
PHP | P = Planks
PPP | H = Hay Bale


Crafting Table - 1 Lead, 3 Leather -> 1 Saddle
D-- | D = Lead
LLL | - = Air
--- | L = Leather

Iron Horse Armor

Crafting Table - 1 Lead, 3 Iron Block, 3 Leather -> 1 Iron Horse Armor
D-- | D = Lead, L = Leather
III | - = Air
LLL | I = Iron Block

Golden Horse Armor

Crafting Table - 1 Lead, 3 Gold Block, 3 Leather -> 1 Golden Horse Armor
D-- | D = Lead, L = Leather
GGG | - = Air
LLL | G = Gold Block

Diamond Horse Armor

Crafting Table - 1 Lead, 3 Diamond Block, 3 Leather -> 1 Diamond Horse Armor
D-- | D = Lead, L = Leather
AAA | - = Air
LLL | A = Diamond Block


Crafting Table - 1 Lead, 1 Gold Block, 3 Paper -> 1 Nametag
L-- | L = Lead, P = Paper
-GP | - = Air
-PP | G = Gold Block

Seed related

Beetroot Seed Bag

Crafting Table - 1 Paper, 8 Beetroot Seed -> 1 Beetroot Seed Bag
BBB | B = Beetroot Seed
BPB | P = Paper

Carrot Seed Bag

Crafting Table - 1 Paper, 8 Carrot Seed -> 1 Carrot Seed Bag
CCC | C = Carrot Seed
CPC | P = Paper

Potato Seed Bag

Crafting Table - 1 Paper, 8 Potato -> 1 Potato Seed Bag
OOO | O = Potato
OPO | P = Paper

Wheat Seed Bag

Crafting Table - 1 Paper, 8 Wheat Seed -> 1 Wheat Seed Bag
WWW | W = Wheat Seed
WPW | P = Paper

Netherwart Seed Bag

Crafting Table - 1 Paper, 8 Nether Wart -> 1 Nether Wart Seed Bag
NNN | N = Nether Wart
NPN | P = Paper

Steel related


Crafting Table - 1 Cobblestone, 6 Coal -> 54 Carbon
-S- | - = Air
CCC | S = CobbleStone
CCC | C = Coal


Crafting Table - 5 Iron Nuggets, 4 Carbon -> 1 Steel
ICI | I = Iron Nugget
CIC | C = Carbon

Steel Ingot

Furnace - 1 Steel -> 1 Steel Ingot

Alternative Bucket

Crafting Table - 3 Steel -> 1 Bucket
S-S | S = Steel
-S- | - = Air
--- |

Alternative Rails

Crafting Table - 1 Stick, 6 Steel -> 16 Rails
S-S | S = Steel
SIS | - = Air
S-S | I = Stick

Sulphur related

Diorite Dust

Crafting Table - 1 Granite, 6 Diorite -> 8 Diorite Dust
-G- | - = Air
DDD | G = Granite
DDD | D = Diorite


Brewing Stand - 1 Apple, 3 Water Bottles -> 3 Acid


Crafting Table - 1 Granite, 6 Diorite -> 8 Diorite Dust
DDD | D = Diorite Dust
DAD | A = Acid

Gunpowder from Sulphur

Crafting Table - 1 Granite, 6 Diorite -> 8 Diorite Dust
SSS | S = Sulphur
CCC | C = Coal
FFF | D = Flint

Mucus related

Andesite Dust

Crafting Table - 1 Granite, 6 Andesite -> 8 Andesite Dust
-G- | - = Air
AAA | G = Granite
AAA | A = Andesite


Brewing Stand - 1 Bonemeal, 3 Water Bottles -> 3 Base


Crafting Table - 1 Base, 8 Andesite Dust -> 1 Mucus
AAA | A = Andesite Dust
ABA | B = Base

Slimeball from Mucus

Crafting Table - 5 Sugar, 3 Mucus, 1 Water -> 3 Slime Balls
SMS | S = Sugar
SWS | M = Mucus
MSM | w = Water Bucket