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DiagnoseIt - Expressive Diagnostics Library

Lightweight diagnostics logger, based on LLVMs Expressive Diagnostics specification:



Create an Expressive Diagnostics message

import { DiagnosticsMessage, FixItHint } from '@dev-build-deploy/diagnose-it';
const lines = `steps:
  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - neds: [build, test]
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v2`;
// Example use case
const message = DiagnosticsMessage.createError(
    text: "Invalid keyword 'neds'",
    linenumber: 9,
    column: 5
  // Add context to the diagnostics message
  .setContext(7, lines)
  // Add a FixIt Hint
  .addFixitHint(FixItHint.createReplacement({ index: 5, length: 4 }, "needs"));

// Convert to string

// Apply FixIt Hints
console.log("Results after applying FixIt Hints:", message.applyFixitHints());

// Throw as an Error
throw message;

Parse a file

You can parse a (compiler output) file to retrieve any Expressive Diagnostic message:

import * as diagnoseIt from '@dev-build-deploy/diagnose-it';

for await(const message of diagnoseIt.extractFromFile("build.log")) {
  if (message.toJSON().type === "error") {
    // Oh noes!

NOTE: Any .sarif or .sarif.json file will be parsed for valid SARIF results content

Output format

DiagnoseIt is inspired by the LLVMs Expressive Diagnostics formatting;

However, it does not aim to provide full compatibility.


If you have suggestions for how DiagnoseIt could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.

For more, check out the Contributing Guide.
