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UX Concepts

Marco Grunert edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 8 revisions

This page collects information on User Experience aspects of the website. Concrete designs for pages, modules and features will be derived from these concepts.

Target Audiences

The website (both the classical web site as well as the new progressive web app) serve different target audiences.


Attendees and those that are interested in attending Dev Day use the web site to learn about the event, review the schedule, register as attendees and sign in to the event when they arrive at the venue.


Speakers learn about the event, and then register to become speakers. For the call for papers, they submit proposals for talks and workshops.


Sponsors learn about the event, register their interest in becoming sponsors, and are interested to see themselfs represented well to attendees and speakers on the web site.


Organizers use the web site to manage the event.

Important User Journeys


Become a registered attendee

I want to register as an attendee in a quick and easy way. (Including registering as a user on the website.) Also, I want to verify my status (that I have successfully registered.)

Plan my day as an attendee

  • Review session grid
  • Mark sessions as favorites
  • View all sessions in a compact format
  • View my favorites
  • Prepare my badge: enter name, select topics/icons

Arrive at the venue

  • How to get to the venue (links to transport options)
  • Quick and easy check in process
  • Have my badge ready for me

Stay informed throughout the day

  • Map of rooms and facilities
  • Easily see/access social media
  • Get updates on changes to the session grid
  • Get updates on important event info
  • Notification about upcoming talk (that I have favored)
  • Activities in addition to the session grid (foosbal table, sponsor's exhibition, etc.)

Watch video/look at slides of a talk after the event

  • Easily locate detail page for a talk
  • Page contains all info on speaker, video, slides, etc.
  • Notifications about uploaded video, slides, etc.

Share info about a talk with friends

  • Shariff buttons


Submit a talk proposal

  • Learn about the state of my proposal
  • See comments and answer for my proposals
  • Edit my proposals
  • Beeing guided through the processess (summary, prerequisits, how data will be used)
  • Additional fields for certain info (links to other talks, related links)
  • Edit the proposals using a rich text editor (markdown)

Communicate with the organizers

  • Easily have access to necessary contact information
  • See important information (schedule, food & drink,...)

Update personal information for publication

  • Beeing guided how to update information

View feedback on talk after the event

  • Have a easy to find list of feedback information

Share talk info with friends

  • Shariff buttons


Learn about sponsoring opportunities and packages

  • "landing page" for sponsors

Upload my logo

  • Login with my account
  • Have a clear page to edit my data

See that I am well represented as a sponsor

  • Know who to contact in case of furhter questions


Check attendees in to the event (QR code)

  • Scan a code on a mobile device
  • Automatically process registration within the website
  • Automatically print the badge after checkin process was successful
  • Easily distinguish different attendees (ordinary attendee, workshop,...)

Check speakers in to the event

  • Identification of speakers on checkin
  • Separate counter for speakers
  • Notify helper on checkin of a speaker

Know how many attendees have registered, and how many have checked in

  • Get a summary report over all users and their status for the whole event
  • Get a summary report over all attendees and their status for the certain talks/workshops

Verify registration and check-in status for a user

  • See detail information on a user/attendee and see the history (registered, verified,...)

Provide information about the event in general, preparations, how the event will be organized, etc.

  • "Landing pages" for different purposes (for speaker, sponsors, attendees,...)
  • FAQs

Invite speakers to submit proposals

  • Page(s) for promoting the event to speakers (

Organize the program committee work, plan the session grid

  • Have a list of all submitted proposals
  • Store relevant information (review results, reviewer, annoations, selection status, category)
  • Define a grid format
  • Map talks to a slot within the grid

Enter Lightning talk info quickly and easily

  • Edit the session grid on event day
  • Easy address (potential) speakers

Get feedback from registered attendees about which sessions are most popular (for planning purposes)

  • Overview page with voting for popular sessions
  • Report results of voting

Collect feedback on the event

  • Ask attendees for feedback on talks or the whole event
  • Easy way to give feedback (clear form, meaningful presets)

Collect feedback on talks for speakers

  • Ask attendees for feedback on talks or the whole event
  • Easy way to give feedback (clear form, meaningful presets)
  • Integration into session page

Help with creating social media posts for the event, sponsors and talks/speakers

  • Create tweet when uploading slides/videos for a talk

Create badges for attendees on checkin

  • Print badges immediately and automatically after check in
  • Let the attendees edit badge info (displayed name, company, hashtags) online
  • Let the attendees edit badge info offline