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/ cloud-intellij Public archive

IntelliJ Flux — cloud based developer tooling and seamlessly connecting the desktop IDE to this new world.

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  1. Run: ant -f update_dependencies.xml (append jb_update if you have access to internal JetBrains server (could be faster)). (todo: use ant from docker).
  2. Open project in IntelliJ IDEA and make (Build -> Make Project).
  3. Run: cd web-client && npm run build to build web app. (todo: use webpack from docker).

Running from sources

  1. Run: docker-compose up.
  2. Run IntelliJ IDEA (use run configuration "Idea").
  3. Open your browser to

After project update, you should execute docker-compose pull && docker-compose -f web.yml pull (because up doesn't check updates).

Setting up development environment

  1. Clone to web-client: git clone web-client/orion.client
  2. Install Docker and Docker Compose. Docker 1.6+ and Docker Compose 1.2+ required. (If you have Parallels Desktop, consider to use Vagrant (sample Vagrantfile)).
  3. Trust the self signed development certificate certs/cert.pem.
  4. Configure and domains (point to DOCKER_HOST ip) to avoid HTTPS warning and using IP address. Use dnsmasq to resolve all *.dev domains (OS X) or just /etc/hosts (on OS X is not recommended due to possible slow DNS lookup).

Useful IntelliJ IDEA plugins:

  • YAML to edit .yml files.
  • Markdown to edit .md files.
  • nginx Support to edit .conf files.
  • .ignore to edit .md files.

To maintain dependencies of web client, use npm-check-updates.

If you have strange mystic errors after editing volumes configuration in the docker-compose files — it is caused, probably, by ghosted volumes. Execute docker rm -v `docker ps --no-trunc -aq (be aware — all container volumes data will be lost, don't use it if you don't understand what does it mean).

Building docker images

Docker hub is used, see cloudintellij organization.

Tutum is used to deploy and manage, so, private app images (e.g. SSL certificates) are publishing to Tutum's private image registry. $USER used instead of real username, so, you can run command as is, without modification (assume that your OS username equals to tutum username).


docker build -f mq-auth/Dockerfile -t cloudintellij/mq-auth . docker push cloudintellij/mq-auth


Build and push: (cd web-client && exec npm run dist && exec npm run push).

Service will be redeployed automatically after push (Tutum web hook configured).

SSL cert/key data container

Copy cert.pem and key.pem to certs/production. docker build -t$USER/intellij-io-certs certs


IntelliJ Flux — cloud based developer tooling and seamlessly connecting the desktop IDE to this new world.






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