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Dataset _post templating

smit1678 edited this page Apr 12, 2012 · 1 revision

There are several categories in the dataset markdown templates that need to match up with class names on the site for the filtering logic to work correctly. Below is a guide to the naming schemes.

General Rules

  • filename format: 0001-01-01-[geography]-[data_category]-[year].md (could add other details, but geography always first)
  • layer: the MBTile filename (eg. wfp.sahel-food-security-2012)


Regional = regional
Burkina Faso = burkina
Chad = chad
Mali = mali
Mauritania = mauritania
Niger = niger


FEWS NET = fews
UNOCHA = unocha
FAO = fao
WFP = wfp
ITHACA = ithaca


Food Security = food
Logistics = logistics
Health = health
Remote Sensing = remote
Operations = operations


just the 4-digit year :)