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The Open Contracting Data Standard allows information to be shared as structured data and provides a transparent way to analyze all phases of a contract from planning to completion. By creating the OCDS API we are offering developers the possibility to use open contracting data to make reports and applications that can identify trends in public contracts.

This document provides a description of the APIs and examples of their use.


  1. API Conventions
  2. Records API
  3. Releases API
  4. Metadata API
  5. Versioning
  6. Errors
  7. Examples

1. API Conventions

Authentication and Usage Limits

The OCDS API doesn't require any kind of authentication. Users can send as many requests as they want; the only limitation will be on the number of records returned. We encourage developers to use pagination to iterate through requested data.

JSON Callbacks

OCDS API is explorable via a browser address bar for testing purposes. In a real application, you can use AJAX or JSON-P callbacks to query the system and consume the response:

	type: 'GET',
	url:  '',
	success: function(response) {

You should be aware that web application supports the OCDS standard but is not part of the standard.

All requests should have the type GET.

OCDS definitions

Information about an Open Contracting Process may accumulate over time. As a result, the Open Contracting Data Standard provides for two kinds of data:

  1. Contracting release - Information pertaining to a particular stage in the contracting process, such as tender notices, award notices, or details of a finalized contract.

  2. Contracting record - A snapshot of all the key elements of a unique contracting process, including its planning, formation, performance, and completion.

Both contracting releases and contracting records are provided within data packages, containing meta-data about the publisher, publication data, and licensing information.

2. Records API

This API can be used to generate record packages or to retrieve individual record information. With the help of filters, users can slice the data and drill down the results.

Basic call and parameters<filters>

The following parameters (filters) are supported:

  • supplier - Supplier name, e.g., Acciona infraestructuras
  • item - Sector, should be an object, e.g., {"classificationScheme": "CPV", "classificationID": "45000000", "classificationDescription": "Construction work"}
  • year - Year, e.g., 2012
  • contractType - Contract Type, e.g., Service contract
  • awardCriteria - Award criteria, e.g, Lowest price
  • buyerCountry - 2 digit country code, e.g., de for Germany
  • supplierCountry - 2 digit country code, e.g., it for Italy

Please note that the last 6 criteria (item, year, contractType , awardCriteria, buyerCountry and supplierCountry) need to be valid. You can check the validity by invoking the Metadata API.

Request pagination

Each request accepts the following parameters:

  • page - page number
  • pageSize - number of records per page; the default value is 100 and cannot be greater than 1000

For example:
  • The example above returns the 10th 20-record page.
  • The example above returns the first 50-record page.{"classificationScheme": "CPV", "classificationID": "45000000", "classificationDescription": "Construction work"}&procedure=Service contract&year=2012&page=1&pageSize=1000
  • The example above returns the first 1000-record page.

Limitations of the Filter API Implementation

  1. Supplier name and buyer name reset all other parameters; in other words, if one of the supplier or buyer parameters is present, all other parameters will be ignored.
  2. All other parameters (item, year, procedure, awardCriteria, buyerCountry, supplierCountry) can be combined in any order, with the condition that at least two criteria from the aforementioned list be used.

Release content returned by the API

There two ways to include a release into a record package:

  • as a URI pointing to the release
  • as the actual release content by inserting embed=true parameter

For example, the following request would retrieve basic information about a record package with release URIs that can be called to obtain the actual release information:


	"uri": "",
	"publisher": {
		"name": "Development Gateway"
	"license": "",
	"publishedDate": "2012-09-14T04:28:58-0400",
	"packages": [
	"records": [
			"ocid": "1234-5678",
			"releases": [
					"name": "releaseID1",
					"uid": "releaseID",
					"uri": ""

Obtaining a single record

Each record has a unique Open Contracting ID called ocid (

A particular record can be retrieves via the following API:<ocid>

Pretty print format

By default, the API provides pretty printing of the JSON output. In a production application, a user can reduce the cost of data transfer by using the parameter pretty=false to remove all white spaces from the response.

Records API Response

Records contain the following information:

  • uri - URI of the records package
  • publisher - information that uniquely identifies the publisher of this package
  • publishedDate - package publication date
  • packages - a list of URIs of release packages included in the record package
  • records - records included in this records package

3. Releases API

This API provides information about a package release or a single release. It can be used to obtain information related to a particular stage in the contracting process.

Basic call and parameters

Obtain a release package:<id>

Obtain an individual release:<id>

Pretty format - the Release API supports the same pretty=false parameter as Records API; it triggers white-space compression of the response.

Release API Response

Releases contain the following information:

  • ocid - a unique identifier of an Open Contracting Process (the same ID can be used for noticeID, and TenderID should always have the same value as OCID)
  • releaseID - a unique release identifier
  • releaseDate - the date this information was released
  • releaseTag - a tag that helps to identify the type of data in the dataset (i.e., awardNotice)
  • language - the default language of the data returned
  • formationType - string specifying the type of formation process used for this contract (should be tender)
  • buyer - an entity that procures goods, works, or services
  • tender - activities undertaken in order to enter into a contract
    • tenderID - TenderID should always be the same as the OCID
    • notice - a notice is a public document that informs the public about various stages of the contracting process
      • id
      • uri
      • publishedDate
    • itemsToBeProcured - the goods and services to be purchased
      • description
      • classificationScheme
      • classificationID
      • classificationDescription
    • totalValue - total estimated value of the procurement
      • amount
      • currency
    • numberOfBids - number of unique bidders who participated in the tender
  • awards - information related to the award phase of the contracting process
    • awardID
    • notice
      • id
      • uri
      • publishedDate
    • awardValue
      • amount
      • currency
    • suppliers - the awarded suppliers
      • id
        • name
        • uid
        • uri
      • address
        • locality
        • region
        • country-name
    • itemsAwarded - goods and services included in the awarded contract, broken into line items wherever possible
      • description
      • classificationScheme
      • classificationID
      • classificationDescription
  • planning - information from the planning phase of the contracting process
    • budgetID
    • budgetAmount
    • publicHearingNotice
    • strategicJustificiation
    • anticipatedMilestones
  • contracts - information from the contract creation phase of the procurement process
    • contractID
    • awardID
    • contractPeriod
    • contractValue
    • signatureDate
    • itemsContracted
    • attachments
  • performance - information related to the implementation of the contract in accordance with the obligations laid out therein
    • transactionDataPackageURI
    • transactionID
    • transactionAmount

4. Metadata API

Getting filters metadata

This API returns information about filters that can be used to query Records API

Basic call and parameters

GET /open-contracting/api/v1/<dataset>

This call returns information about a dataset and all valid values that can be used to query it. If a value is not returned - for example, year 2001 - it means there are no contracts published in 2001.

Possible dataset values include:

  • years - returns an array of valid years
  • buyerCountries - returns all buyer countries
  • supplierCountries - returns all supplier countries
  • items - returns all sectors
  • contractType - returns all contract types (e.g., Service contract, Works)
  • awardCriteria - returns all award criteria (Lowest price, The most economic tender, etc.)

Response example


hits: [2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]

The above response can be viewed in a web browser. When using Ajax, one can obtain a list of years in a dataset as follows:

	type: 'GET',
	url: '',
	success: function(response) {

5. Versioning

Change is inevitable, and the versioning API helps iterate faster and prevent invalid requests. This also allows the adoption of new versions of the OCDS standard while continuing to support old API versions for some time. Versions are identified as /api/v1/, api/v2/, and so on.

6. Errors

In case of an error (on client or server side), a response will contain JSON error body that provides: a useful error message, an error code, and the URL that caused the error. For example:

	"errors": [
			"code" : 1024,
			"message": "Sorry, the requested resource does not exist"
			"url": ""


	"errors": [
			"code" : 1020,
			"message": " You should use at least 2 criteria from the following list of filters: item, year, procedure, awardCriteria, buyerCountry, supplierCountry"
			"url": ""

7. Examples

The following is an example of Records API response:

	"uri": "{filters}",
	"publisher": {
		"name": "Development Gateway"
	"license": "",
	"publishedDate": "2006-09-14T04:28:58-0400",
	"packages": [
	"records": [
			"ocid": "1234-5678",
			"releases": [
					"ocid": "1234-5678",
					"releaseID": "releaseID-1234-5678",
					"releaseDate": "2006-09-14T04:28:58-0400",
					"releaseTag": "awardNotice",
					"language": "en",
					"formationType": "tender",
					"buyer": {
						"id": {
							"name": "CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL DE L'YONNE",
							"uid": "6490828",
							"uri": ""
						"address": {
							"locality": "Paris",
							"region": "Paris",
							"country-name": "France"
					"tender": {
						"tenderID": "1219083",
						"notice": {
							"id": "1234-5678",
							"uri": "",
							"publishedDate": "2006-03-21T00:00:00-0500"
						"itemsToBeProcured": [{
							"description": "Construction work",
							"classificationScheme": "CPV",
							"classificationID": "45000000",
							"classificationDescription": "Construction work"
						"totalValue": {
							"amount": 100000,
							"currency": "EUR"
						"numberOfBids": 3
					"awards": [{
						"awardID": "1129358",
						"notice": {
							"id": "1234-5678",
							"uri": "",
							"publishedDate": "2006-03-21T00:00:00-0500"
						"awardValue": {
							"amount": 100000,
							"currency": "EUR"
						"suppliers": [{
							"id": {
								"name": "Divers organismes",
								"uid": "123",
								"uri": "!supplier=Divers+organismes"
							"address": {
								"locality": "Bucharest",
								"region": "Ilfov",
								"country-name": "Romania"
						"itemsAwarded": [{
							"description": "Construction work",
							"classificationScheme": "CPV",
							"classificationID": "45000000",
							"classificationDescription": "Construction work"


EU CA data exported into Open Contracting Data Standard






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