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Joke-O-Meter is a web application wher users can rate jokes based on their preferences, swiping right for jokes they like and left for those they do not. After evaluating a set of jokes, the application analyzes the user's preferences and assigns them a unique Jokometian character, each with its own set of traits reflecting the user's humor style. This project is split into two main components: a Django REST API backend for handling data and business logic, and a React frontend for interactive UI/UX.


  • Browse through a curated list of jokes.
  • Rate jokes as like or dislike.
  • Receive a personalized Jokometian character based on joke preferences.
  • Share your Jokometian character with others.
  • Jokometians ranking



  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • pip (Python package installer)
  • Node.js and npm (for the React frontend)

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd joke-o-meter
  3. Install the required Python packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and populate it with necessary environment variables:
  5. Run migrations to set up the database:
    python migrate
  6. Populate with fake data
    python populate_db
  7. Run and compile translations
    django-admin compilemessages

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the front directory:
    cd front
  2. Install the required npm packages:
    npm install

Running the Application in Development Mode


  1. Start the Django development server:
    python runserver
    The API will be available at http://localhost:8000.


  1. Ensure you are in the front directory:
    cd front  # If not already in the front directory
  2. Start the React development server:
    npm start
    The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000.

API Documentation

Refer to http://localhost:8000/swagger/ for detailed API documentation.


The application currently supports English and Spanish. To add additional languages, follow the steps below. This example demonstrates adding French.


  1. Generate Message Files: Run the following command to generate the .po file for the new language (French, in this example):

    django-admin makemessages -l fr
  2. Translate Messages: Open the generated file located at /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po. Translate the message strings from English to French, filling in the corresponding 'msgstr' for each 'msgid'.

  3. Compile Messages: After translating, compile the messages to apply the translations using:

    django-admin compilemessages


For front-end localization:

  1. Add Language File: Create a new language file for your translations, translation.json, in the translations folder (e.g., /locales/fr/translation.json).

  2. Translate Content: Fill fr.json with the translations. Use the existing English (or Spanish) translations as a reference. The file structure typically follows a key-value format, where keys match those used in your React components:

      "welcome": "Bienvenue",
      "description": "Ceci est une application localisée"
  3. Configure i18n: Ensure your i18n configuration includes the new language. This typically involves adding the new language to the list of available languages and possibly setting a detection order if you're using language detection:

      lng: "en", // Default language
      fallbackLng: "en",
      whitelist: ["en", "es", "fr"], // Available languages
      interpolation: {
        escapeValue: false


UI Improvements

  • Responsive Design: Ensure the application is fully responsive and provides an optimal viewing experience across a range of devices, including tablets and smartphones.
  • User Interface Polish: Review and refine the UI elements for better visual appeal and usability. This includes button styles, form inputs, and navigation components.

Front-End Testing

  • Component Tests: Expand the suite of React component tests to cover all user interactions and edge cases.
  • Integration Tests: Develop front-end integration tests that simulate real user scenarios and interactions within the application. This will help ensure that the front-end components work seamlessly together.


  • Keyboard Navigation: Improve keyboard navigation within the application to ensure that all interactive elements are accessible without the use of a mouse.

Contributions to address these tasks are highly valued.