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Processes include HTML comments in files and inserts the included files


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+Mᐁ includes

A GitHub action that resolves includes (by default in markdown files) and embeds the included files.

Including Content

In your content files:

<!-- include [RELATIVE_PATH or PUBLIC_URL][#ANCHOR] -->

The optional #anchor allows including fragments of files. Anchors are defined as:

<!-- #ANCHOR -->

with an optional "closing" anchor defined exactly the same as the starting one. If there is no closing anchor, the included content is from anchor declaration to the end of the file. For example:

<!-- #badges -->
[...] //some badges you use everywhere
<!-- #badges -->

Which can be included with:

<!-- include -->

You can exclude a file from processing by having as the first (or last) line:

<!-- exclude -->

Action Usage

- name: +Mᐁ includes
  uses: devlooped/actions-include@v6
    # files to include for processing, i.e. '*.md'
    # Default: *.md
    include: ''

    # files to exclude from processing, i.e. ''
    # Default: ''
    exclude: ''

    # whether to recurse into subdirectories
    # Default: true
    recurse: true|false

    # Whether to validate include links. If false, a warning will be 
    # generated instead of an error.
    # Default: true
    validate: true|false


To run the action and automatically create a PR with the resolved includes:

      - 'main'
      - '**.md'    

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 🤘 checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: +Mᐁ includes
        uses: devlooped/actions-include@v1

      - name: ✍ pull request
        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
          base: main
          branch: markdown-includes
          delete-branch: true
          labels: docs
          commit-message: +Mᐁ includes
          title: +Mᐁ includes
          body: +Mᐁ includes

Note how you can trivially create PRs that update the changed files so the includes are always resolved automatically whenever you change any of the monitored files.

How it works

You can include content from arbitrary external files with:

<!-- include -->

# This my actual content

<!-- include -->
# Sponsors 

<!-- -->
[![Clarius Org]( "Clarius Org")](
[![Kirill Osenkov]( "Kirill Osenkov")](
[![MFB Technologies, Inc.]( "MFB Technologies, Inc.")](
[![Stephen Shaw]( "Stephen Shaw")](
[![Torutek]( "Torutek")](
[![DRIVE.NET, Inc.]( "DRIVE.NET, Inc.")](
[![David Kean]( "David Kean")](
[![]( "")](
[![Daniel Gnägi]( "Daniel Gnägi")](
[![Ashley Medway]( "Ashley Medway")](
[![Keith Pickford]( "Keith Pickford")](
[![bitbonk]( "bitbonk")](
[![Thomas Bolon]( "Thomas Bolon")](
[![Yurii Rashkovskii]( "Yurii Rashkovskii")](
[![Kori Francis]( "Kori Francis")](
[![Zdenek Havlin]( "Zdenek Havlin")](
[![Sean Killeen]( "Sean Killeen")](
[![Toni Wenzel]( "Toni Wenzel")](
[![Giorgi Dalakishvili]( "Giorgi Dalakishvili")](
[![Kelly White]( "Kelly White")](
[![Allan Ritchie]( "Allan Ritchie")](
[![Mike James]( "Mike James")](
[![Uno Platform]( "Uno Platform")](
[![Dan Siegel]( "Dan Siegel")](
[![Reuben Swartz]( "Reuben Swartz")](
[![Jeremy Simmons]( "Jeremy Simmons")](
[![Jacob Foshee]( "Jacob Foshee")](
[![]( "")](
[![Eric Johnson]( "Eric Johnson")](
[![Norman Mackay]( "Norman Mackay")](
[![Certify The Web]( "Certify The Web")](
[![Taylor Mansfield]( "Taylor Mansfield")](
[![Mårten Rånge]( "Mårten Rånge")](
[![David Petric]( "David Petric")](
[![Rich Lee]( "Rich Lee")](
[![Danilo das Neves Dantas]( "Danilo das Neves Dantas")](
[![]( "")](
[![Gary Woodfine]( "Gary Woodfine")](
[![]( "")](
[![]( "")](
[![Steve Bilogan]( "Steve Bilogan")](
[![Ix Technologies B.V.]( "Ix Technologies B.V.")](
[![New Relic]( "New Relic")](
[![Chris Johnston‮]( "Chris Johnston‮")](
[![David JENNI]( "David JENNI")](
[![]( "")](
[![Jonathan ]( "Jonathan ")](
[![Oleg Kyrylchuk]( "Oleg Kyrylchuk")](
[![Juan Blanco]( "Juan Blanco")](
[![LosManos]( "LosManos")](
[![Mariusz Kogut]( "Mariusz Kogut")](
[![Charley Wu]( "Charley Wu")](
[![]( "")](
[![Thomas Due]( "Thomas Due")](
[![Jakob Tikjøb Andersen]( "Jakob Tikjøb Andersen")](
[![Seann Alexander]( "Seann Alexander")](
[![Tino Hager]( "Tino Hager")](
[![Badre BSAILA]( "Badre BSAILA")](
[![Mark Seemann]( "Mark Seemann")](
[![Angelo Belchior]( "Angelo Belchior")](
[![Tony Qu]( "Tony Qu")](
[![Daniel May]( "Daniel May")](
[![Blauhaus Technology (Pty) Ltd]( "Blauhaus Technology (Pty) Ltd")](
[![Richard Collette]( "Richard Collette")](
[![Nick Vaughan]( "Nick Vaughan")](
[![Ken Bonny]( "Ken Bonny")](
[![Simon Cropp]( "Simon Cropp")](

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<!-- -->

The action is idempotent, so it is safe for it to run on pushes of the same files it changed via the includes (since no further changes will be detected).

NOTE: the included path must be relative to the including file.


  • Nested includes are not supported for now (the include keyword inside the HTML comment "directive" will be stripped on inclusion).

  • File processing order matches what the following equivalent command on the working directory returns via PowerShell:

    pwsh> gci -include [include] -exclude [exclude] [-recurse]

    This knowledge can be used to workaround the nested includes limitation by running the action multiple times with different sets of files.


Processes include HTML comments in files and inserts the included files




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