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A simple, efficient and easy to use Tencent Cloud SDK implemented in Python.


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Tencent Cloud SDK for Python

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A simple, efficient and easy to use Tencent Cloud SDK implemented in Python.

By integrating and using the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python, you can achieve fast and secure access to the Tencent Cloud API in an object-oriented programming manner, without having to pay attention to implementation details.

Features: Tencent Cloud SDK for Python supports full asynchronous programming.

It is important to note that you cannot use to call asynchronous entry functions. See the asynchronous programming example code for details.



With the Python package manager, you can quickly install the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python.

pip install tencent-cloud-sdk

If you want to integrate only the products you need, you can take a subcontracted installation of the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python. First we need to install the base package:

pip install tencent-cloud-sdk-auth
pip install tencent-cloud-sdk-core

Then install the packages for the required products, such as Serverless Cloud Function:

pip install tencent-cloud-sdk-serverless-functions

Tips: Please note that your uninstallation method should be the same as the installation method, otherwise some packages may not be removed.

Getting Started

With the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python, you can use Tencent Cloud products with Python's object-oriented programming.

Currently Tencent Cloud SDK for Python supports programmatic use in synchronous and asynchronous ways. Asynchronous way can write applications with better performance. Below we will show you how to use the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python in multiple consecutive code snippets using synchronous programming.

Serverless Cloud Function

For example, Invoke has created a Serverless Cloud Function:

Import Package

First, we need to import the packages we use:

from import errors
from import credentials
from import functions

Access Credentials

Next, we need to instantiate an access credential so that Tencent Cloud can determine that you have the right to operate.

access_credentials = credentials.Credentials(
    secret_id = 'AKIDF3sMOAU1pOgkmrKHchX6TZQ1Mo1C5qa7',
    secret_key = 'b4JL8fwxkIgsKMXGi39yYt0ECxZw4wZf'

The secret_id and secret_key given in the sample code above are demo credentials. You need to go to the Tencent Cloud Console to obtain credentials for your account.

Environmental Credentials

The best practice is to use environmental credentials. By default, the SDK will automatically search for environment variables named TENCENTCLOUD_SECRETID and TENCENTCLOUD_SECRETKEY. If you need to customize the name of an environment variable, you must explicitly initialize the credentials.EnvironmentalCredentials class.

File Credentials

Alternatively, you can use file credentials. By default, the SDK will automatically search for a credentials file named credentials.json in the ., ./.tencent and ~/.tencent directories. The credentials file contains 2 attributes, secretId and secretKey. If you need to customize the path to the credentials file, you must explicitly initialize the credentials.FileCredentials class.

By default, you do not need to explicitly initialize any credentials, and the relevant parameters should always be set to None or ignored.

Remember, please prioritize the use of environmental credentials or file credentials over hard-coded credentials. For more details, please see credentials.EnvironmentalCredentials and credentials.FileCredentials.

Product Client

Then, we need to instantiate a product client for Serverless Cloud Function:

function_client: functions.Client = functions.Client(
    access_credentials = access_credentials

The parameter credentials_context is optional. If you use the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python in a Serverless Cloud Function container, this parameter can be ignored or set to None.

Invoke Cloud Function

Finally, we try to Invoke a Cloud Function and get the return value. Suppose we have a Cloud Function hello in the namespace default of the data center ap-shanghai:

return_value: str = function_client.easy_invoke(
    region_id = 'ap-shanghai',  # Unique identifier of the data center
    namespace_name = 'default', # Name of the namespace
    function_name = 'hello'     # Name of the Cloud Function

The local variable return_value now has the actual return value of the Cloud Function.

The method easy_invoke will attempt to infer the return value in the given Cloud Function result and return the return value as a Python native data type.

Tips: If an error occurs for a given Cloud Function runtime, an InvokeError exception is thrown. The above exceptions are defined in the module.

Close product client

When the instantiated client is no longer in use, we should explicitly close it:


See the examples source code for the complete demo code.

Other Tencent Cloud Products

For Tencent Cloud products that do not yet provide a product client in the Tencent Cloud SDK, a universal client can be used.

Import Packages

As with the Serverless Cloud Function product, we need to import the packages we use:

from import errors
from import client
from import credentials

Access Credentials

As with the Serverless Cloud Function product, we need to instantiate an access credential. For this paragraph, please refer to the Serverless Cloud Function product getting started demo.

Product Client

Since the Tencent Cloud product we need to use does not provide a product client, we need to instantiate a universal client.

Below we take Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) products as an example:

cvm_client = client.UniversalClient(
    product_id = 'cvm',     # Unique identifier of the product
    access_credentials = access_credentials    # Access credentials

Use Tencent Cloud API

Finally, we try to retrieve Zone information operated by a given data center campus, which will use the Tencent Cloud API called DescribeZones:

action_result: dict = cvm_client.action(
    region_id = 'ap-shanghai',      # Unique identifier of the data center
    action_id = 'DescribeZones',    # Unique identifier of the Tencent Cloud API
    action_parameters = None,
    action_version = '2017-03-12'   # Version name of the Tencent Cloud API

Tips: If a given Tencent Cloud API encounters an error, an ActionError exception is thrown; if the given Tencent Cloud API response is not as expected, an ActionResultError exception is thrown. The above exceptions are defined in the module.

Print unique identifiers for all zones:

for zone_info in action_result['ZoneSet']:

For more ways to use Tencent Cloud SDK for Python, see our online documentation. Thank you!


The Tencent Cloud SDK for Python is open source using the MIT license, which means that your use is subject to the license, please view license details.

It is worth noting that the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python is using a number of open source dependency packages that are located within a package called tencent-cloud-sdk-common. Our use of these dependency packages is governed by the open source license issued with them, and details of the dependency packages can be found at Common Component Package.


If you encounter any problems during use, you are welcome to navigate to the Issues page to submit and we will be happy to assist you with the problem.