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Tencent Cloud SDK - v0.1.7-Beta

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@devmiek devmiek released this 06 Apr 12:27

馃榿 We are very pleased to announce that this is the 7th Beta release of the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python. In version 0.1.7 Beta we have added some new features and fixed known issues.


  • We've added an advanced feature called waitable operations to the Core package of the Tencent Cloud SDK for Python, which will allow developers to wait for a resource operation to complete (e.g., create serverless cloud functions) in a synchronous or asynchronous programming fashion.


  • The create_function_async and create_function instance methods on the serverless cloud function product client now have return values of the data type OperationWaitable, which will allow developers to wait for the serverless cloud function resource to actually be created.
  • The create_layer_async and create_layer instance methods on the serverless cloud function product client will now no longer return a layer version number with a data type Int, but rather a waitable object with a data type OperationWaitable, which will allow the developer to wait for the layer resource to actually be created.
  • The delete_layer_async and delete_layer instance methods on the serverless cloud product client now allow the parameter layer_version to be ignored or set to None, which will automatically delete all versions of the layer.

Tips: If the original return value of some high-level API has been replaced by a waitable object, the developer can obtain it by accessing the result property of the waitable object.

If you run into any issues, please let us know via the Issue Tracker on GitHub.