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Which is the fastest?

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware). Each framework has to have two features; routing and parsing path parameters.


Last update: 2018-03-15

OS: Darwin (version: 17.3.0, arch: x86_64)
CPU Cores: 8

Ranking (Framework)

  1. nickel (rust)
  2. japronto (python)
  3. iron (rust)
  4. router_cr (crystal)
  5. spider-gazelle (crystal)
  6. raze (crystal)
  7. actix (rust)
  8. fasthttprouter (go)
  9. amber (crystal)
  10. lucky (crystal)
  11. rocket (rust)
  12. kemal (crystal)
  13. clusterpolka (node)
  14. iris (go)
  15. gorilla_mux (go)
  16. echo (go)
  17. gin (go)
  18. vapor (swift)
  19. aspnetcore (csharp)
  20. perfect (swift)
  21. sanic (python)
  22. polka (node)
  23. kitura (swift)
  24. clusterexpress (node)
  25. plug (elixir)
  26. phoenix (elixir)
  27. akkahttp (scala)
  28. express (node)
  29. roda (ruby)
  30. rack-routing (ruby)
  31. criollo (objc)
  32. jester (nim)
  33. sinatra (ruby)
  34. tornado (python)
  35. rails (ruby)

Ranking (Language)

  1. rust (nickel)
  2. python (japronto)
  3. crystal (router_cr)
  4. go (fasthttprouter)
  5. node (clusterpolka)
  6. swift (vapor)
  7. csharp (aspnetcore)
  8. elixir (plug)
  9. scala (akkahttp)
  10. ruby (roda)
  11. objc (criollo)
  12. nim (jester)

All frameworks

Language (Runtime) Framework (Middleware) Max [sec] Min [sec] Ave [sec]
ruby rails 183.065177 182.594138 182.784460
ruby sinatra 54.599611 54.235050 54.360554
ruby roda 19.539005 19.362119 19.428262
ruby rack-routing 24.912685 24.787798 24.857921
crystal kemal 5.239213 4.743690 4.857822
crystal router_cr 4.066965 3.929231 4.015780
crystal raze 4.274440 3.952904 4.073834
crystal lucky 4.407409 4.320964 4.377559
crystal amber 4.422603 4.302611 4.371277
crystal spider-gazelle 4.111804 3.961091 4.038874
go echo 5.706486 5.195444 5.458082
go gorilla_mux 5.688501 5.039164 5.442471
go iris 5.540159 5.014120 5.355044
go fasthttprouter 4.363762 4.202933 4.299051
go gin 6.022577 5.461489 5.817580
rust actix 4.239260 4.058780 4.103622
rust iron 3.980654 3.918856 3.944900
rust nickel 3.922851 3.836264 3.886912
rust rocket 4.922653 4.449431 4.709064
node express 15.727199 14.595424 14.948420
node clusterexpress 10.672635 8.388129 9.267956
node polka 8.788398 8.311747 8.478669
node clusterpolka 5.425973 5.079739 5.266841
elixir plug 10.217389 9.375499 9.780671
elixir phoenix 10.176699 9.456586 10.015052
swift vapor 6.805480 6.259005 6.561916
swift perfect 7.729230 7.527969 7.624530
swift kitura 9.018302 8.751379 8.857953
scala akkahttp 11.285840 9.558254 10.281555
csharp aspnetcore 7.064339 6.611566 6.810423
python sanic 8.930118 7.300009 8.129179
python japronto 4.255003 3.793259 3.926455
python tornado 99.925639 98.832093 99.228150
nim jester 35.604124 34.916220 35.241652
objc criollo 32.341102 31.504481 31.896720

Current target frameworks (middlewares)

See Development section when you want to add new languages or frameworks.

The rule

We want to know the response time (routing time), not a usability. So full-stack framework is at a disadvantage.

  • Each server has no special logics.
  • Each server's executable is named as server_[Lauguage]_[Framework]. (For example, server_ruby_sinatra)
  • There are only 3 routes
    • GET '/' return status code 200 with empty body
    • GET '/user/:id' return status code 200 with the id
    • POST '/user' return status code 200 with empty body


Required environment -> See Current target frameworks(middlewares)

By using Neph

Neph is a modern command line job processor that can be substitute for make command.

To compile servers and benchmarker,

> neph

For each language,

> neph ruby

For each framework,

> neph rails

See neph.yaml

By using make

To compile servers and benchmarker,

> make

For each language,

> make ruby

For each framework,

> make rails


You can take a benchmark by

> bin/benchmarker

For each language

> bin/benchmarker ruby

For each framework

> bin/benchmarker rails

For comparison (Comparing rails, kemal and in this example)

> bin/benchmarker rails crystal

If you take it manually, you can run each server by

> bin/server_[Language]_[Framework]

and run client by

> time bin/client

You can set # of threads and # of the loops of the request(there are 3 requests in a loop) by

> time bin/client -t 16 -r 1000

In the above example, 16 threads requests 1000 * 3 times. So 48000 requests are sent in total.

Using Docker

Setup servers by using docker is under WIP. Currently, crystal and ruby servers are supported. For example

docker-compose up rails

Then you can run your client by

time ./bin/client


  • Give me PR when you want to add other web frameworks
  • Give me PR when you can tuning each framework (under the rule)

Where should I modify when adding new framework

  • /[language]/[framework]/[codes] <- Project itself
  • benchmarker/ <- Adding it as a target to
  • <- Adding it as a target framework of the list
  • Makefile
  • neph.yaml (optional)

Anyway, you don't have to care about details since maintainer can fix them after merging it. The result will be updated by maintainer.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request






Which is the fastest web framework?






No packages published


  • Crystal 22.3%
  • XSLT 18.9%
  • Ruby 16.6%
  • Elixir 11.9%
  • Makefile 6.1%
  • Python 5.4%
  • Other 18.8%