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feat: insecure support for chart-sync #7151

feat: insecure support for chart-sync

feat: insecure support for chart-sync #7151

name: Validate Pull Request
- opened
- synchronize
- edited
- reopened
- 'main'
- 'release-**'
# paths-ignore:
# - 'docs/**'
# - '.github/'
# - 'charts/'
# - 'manifests/'
# - 'sample-docker-templates/'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
issues: write
contents: read
pull-requests: write
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Validate Issue Reference
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
PR_BODY: ${{ github.event.pull_request.body }}
url: ${{ github.event.pull_request.url }}
PRNUM: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
TITLE: ${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}
run: |
set -x
echo "base or target repo : ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name }}"
echo "head or source repo : ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}"
if [[ ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }} == ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name }} ]]; then
export forked=false
export forked=true
echo "forked: $forked"
if [[ "$TITLE" == *"doc:"* || "$TITLE" == *"docs:"* || "$TITLE" == *"misc:"* || "$TITLE" == *"release:"* || "$TITLE" == *"Release:"* ]]; then
echo "Skipping validation as this is a PR for documentation or misc."
if [[ $forked == true ]]; then
echo "PR:Ready-to-Review, exiting gracefully"
exit 0
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Issue-verification-failed"
gh pr edit $PRNUM --add-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 0
### For ex: Fixes #2123
pattern1="((Fixes|Resolves) #[0-9]+)"
### For ex: Resolves
### For ex: Fixes devtron-labs/devtron#2123
pattern3="((Fixes|Resolves) devtron-labs/devtron#[0-9]+)"
# Get the pull request body
PR_BODY=$(jq -r '.pull_request.body' $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH)
echo "PR_BODY = $PR_BODY"
### Checks if PR_BODY matches pattern1 or pattern2 or pattern3 or none
### grep -i (case insensitive) -E (enables extended regular expression in grep) -q (this option suppresses normal output)
if echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iEq "$pattern1"; then
### Here we are taking only the numerical value ie. issue number
### head -n1 only prints the 1st line.
### grep -o -E "[0-9]+ basically outputs only the number between [0-9]+
echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iE "$pattern1" | head -n1 | grep -o -E "[0-9]+" | tr -d '\r\n' > issue_num
issue_num=$(cat issue_num)
echo "issue_num is : $issue_num"
elif echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iEq "$pattern2"; then
echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iE "$pattern2" | head -n1 | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '\r\n' > issue_num
issue_num=$(cat issue_num)
echo "issue_num is : $issue_num"
elif echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iEq "$pattern3"; then
echo "$PR_BODY" | grep -iE "$pattern3" | head -n1 | awk -F '#' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '\r\n' > issue_num
issue_num=$(cat issue_num)
echo "issue_num is : $issue_num"
echo "No Issue number detected hence failing the PR Validation check."
if [[ $forked == true ]]; then
echo "PR:Issue-verification-failed, exiting forcefully!"
exit 1
gh pr edit $PRNUM --add-label "PR:Issue-verification-failed"
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 1
### Here we are setting the Internal Field Separator to "/"
### read -r -> reads input from variable $url
### -a url_parts -> tells read command to store input into an array named url_parts[]
IFS="/" read -r -a url_parts <<< "$url"
# Remove the last two elements (repos and the issue number)
unset url_parts[-1]
unset url_parts[-1]
# Reattach the URL pieces
url=$(IFS=/; echo "${url_parts[*]}")
# Add the issue number to the URL
echo "$url"
response_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$url")
if [[ "$response_code" -eq 200 ]]; then
# Check if issue is open or closed
text=$(curl -s "$url")
echo "checking status of the issue"
if [[ $(echo "$text" | jq -r '.state') == "open" ]]; then
echo "Issue #$issue_num is open"
echo "Issue reference found in the pull request body."
if [[ $forked == true ]]; then
echo "PR:Ready-to-Review, exiting gracefully"
exit 0
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Issue-verification-failed"
gh pr edit $PRNUM --add-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 0
echo "Issue #$issue_num is not open"
if [[ $forked == true ]]; then
echo "PR:Issue-verification-failed, exiting forcefully!"
exit 1
gh pr edit $PRNUM --add-label "PR:Issue-verification-failed"
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 1
echo "Invalid Response Code obtained - error code: $response_code"
echo "No valid issue reference found in the pull request body."
gh pr comment $PRNUM --body "PR is not linked to any issue, please make the corresponding changes in the body."
if [[ $forked == true ]]; then
echo "PR:Issue-verification-failed, exiting forcefully!"
exit 1
gh pr edit $PRNUM --add-label "PR:Issue-verification-failed"
gh pr edit $PRNUM --remove-label "PR:Ready-to-Review"
exit 1
- name: Check SQL file format and duplicates
shell: bash
pr_no: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
# Fetch the latest changes from the main branch
git fetch origin main
# Get the list of changed files
git diff origin/main...HEAD --name-only > diff
echo "Changed files:"
cat diff
echo "Changed SQL files-:"
# Filter SQL files from the list of changed files
awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff
# Count the number of changed SQL files in the 'scripts/sql' directory
count=$(awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff | wc -l)
# Check if no SQL files were changed
if [[ $count == "0" ]]; then
echo "No SQL files were added, Exiting from this action."
exit 0
# Iterate through each changed SQL file
for filename in $(awk '/scripts\/sql\//' diff); do
echo "Checking File: $filename"
# Check if the SQL file name is in the correct format (i.e., it ends with either '.up.sql' or '.down.sql')
if [[ "$filename" =~ \.(up|down)\.sql$ ]]; then
# Print a message that the file name is in the correct format
echo "File name: $filename is in the correct format"
# Print an error message
echo "Error: The SQL file name is not in the correct format: $filename."
# Post a comment on a GitHub pull request with the error message
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "The SQL file name: $filename is not in the correct format."
# Exit the script with a non-zero status code
exit 1
# Navigate to the SQL files directory
echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"
cd "$sql_dir"
echo "SQL files directory: $(pwd)"
# Extract the migration number from the SQL file name
migration_no=$(echo "$filename" | cut -d "/" -f 3 | cut -d "_" -f 1)
echo "Migration Number: $migration_no"
# Count the number of files with the same migration number
migration_files_present_of_this_no=$(ls | cut -d "_" -f 1 | grep -w -c "$migration_no")
# Navigate back to the original directory
cd ../..
# Check the conditions based on the number of files with the same migration number
if [[ $migration_files_present_of_this_no == "2" ]]; then
echo "All looks good for this migration number."
elif [[ $migration_files_present_of_this_no == "1" ]]; then
# Only one file is present for this migration number
echo "Only single migration file was present for migration no.: $migration_no. either up or down migration is missing! EXITING"
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "Error: Only a single migration file was present for this number: $migration_no."
exit 1
# Migration number is repeated
echo "Error: Migration number is repeated."
gh pr comment $pr_no --body "Error: The SQL file number: $migration_no is duplicated"
exit 1