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Docker Compose LAMP stack

Based on the Docker images, built to be fast, small and extendable LAMP stack.

I made this lab for my students with a windows 10 family installed in their laptop. The most powerfull technology is docker to have strictly the same lab for us. But docker can't run on this OS.

That's possible with this solution : a VirtualBox Linux VM with docker inside !

With virtualBox, this lab can run on Linux and MacOS too.

Stack and documentation

See READMEs for more details, like environment variables for images:

The LAMP stack consists of the following containers:

Container Versions Service name Image Enabled by default
PHP-FPM php-7, php-5 php-fpm [lordius/alpine-php_fpm]
Apache latest apache2_mpm [lordius/alpine-apache]
Nginx latest nginx [lordius/alpine-nginx]
Node.js node:alpine node [node]
Mailhog latest mailhog [mailhog/mailhog]
NGROK latest ngrok [lordius/alpine-ngrok]
Solr 6-alpine solr [solr]
PhpMyAdmin latest phpmyadmin [phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin]
Adminer latest adminer [adminer]
MySQL latest mysql [mysql]
PostgreSQL postgres:alpine postgres [postgres]
MongoDB latest mongo [mongo]
Redis redis:alpine redis [redis]
Memcached memcached:alpine memcached [memcached]
PHP-FPM-DATA php-7, php-5 php-fpm-data [lordius/alpine-php_fpm]
StandaloneFirefoxDebug 2.48.2 selenium [selenium/standalone-firefox-debug]
Portainer portainer portainer [portainer]

Download requirements


Virtual Machine

ssh client

  • Windows: PuTTY a free ssh client.
  • Linux and MacOS: nothing to download !

NetBeans IDE


Install and launch VirtualBox on your machine

Create a new VM "based on Alpine linux

  • Screen 1
    • Name: alpine2201
    • Type: Linux
    • Version: Other Linux (64-bit)
    • Mémory: 512 Mo
    • Hard disk: Create a virtual disk now
    • Press on « create » button
  • Screen 2
    • HDD File type: VDI
    • File space: 8,00 Go
    • Physical HDD storage: Dynamic
    • Press on « create » button

New VM configuration

  • Clic on the « Configuration » icône
  • Clic on the « Network » icône
    • Network accès mode: NAT
    • Clic on the « Advenced »
    • Clic on the « Ports redirection »
    • Clic on the « + »
    • Name: ssh2201
    • Protocol: TCP
    • Host Ip: take empty
    • Host port: 2201
    • Guest Ip:
    • Guest port: 22
    • Clic on the « OK »
  • Clic on the « Storage » icône
  • Clic on the storage unity: optic reader (left)
  • Clic on the CD/DVD icône (right)
  • Choice a virtual optical disk file
    • alpine-linux iso you have downloaded
  • Clic the on the « OK » button

Launch the VM

  • Clic on the « Start » icône

VM Install for frenchies

  • Localhost login: root (no password) and « enter »
  • Enter « setu » and « tabulation » and « ql » and « tabulation »
  • Keyboard layout: fr and « envoi »
  • Keyboard variant: fr-qwerty (fr-qwerty for the frenchies, it's a qwerty keyboard)
  • Hostname système: alpine2201
  • Network interface: « enter » (eth0)
  • Ip address: « enter » (dhcp)
  • Manual network configuration: « enter » (no)
  • New password: what you want but simple, it's a lab
  • Timezone: Europe and « envoi »
  • Sub-timezone: Paris and « envoi »
  • Proxy: « enter » (none)
  • Mirror number: « enter » (f to search best repository time response)
  • SSH server: « enter » (openssh)
  • NTP client: « enter » (chrony)
  • Disk to use: sda and « enter » (the VirtualBox HDD)
  • How would you like to use it: sys and « enter »
  • Erase the above disk: y and « enter »

Utilities install

  • Enter: apk add vim sudo nmap
  • Enter: apk adduser user1
  • Enter: visudo
  • Go to line 92 with arrows and press x when you are on the # to delete it
  • Go to line 93 with arrows la lettre x Installation d’utilitaires
  • Enter: :wq (: is important)
  • Enter: reboot


  • Go back VirtualBox GUI
  • Clic on Configuration
  • Clic on Storage
  • Clic on alpine iso file and on the CD icône at the right
  • Clic on « remove the disk from the virtual drive »
  • Clic on the « OK button »
  • Go back the VM console
  • Enter: reboot and press « return »

Port redirection on virtualBox for this VM

  • Clic on the « Configuration » icône
  • Clic on the « Network » icône
    • Network accès mode: NAT
    • Clic on the « Advenced »
    • Clic on the « Ports redirection »
    • Clic on the « + »
    • Put these rules:
Name Protocol Host Ip Host port Guest Ip Guest port
ssh TCP 2201 22
apache TCP 8080 80
nginx TCP 8081 81
phpmyadmin TCP 8082 82
Adminer TCP 8083 83
ngrok TCP 8084 84
mailhog TCP 8085 85
portainer TCP 8086 86
  • Clic the on the « OK » button


docker installation on the alpine VM

Remote handshake on Windows machine (PuTTY)

  • Port: 2201
  • Adresse:
  • User: user1 (created on alpine2201 VM)

Remote handshake on Linux and MacOS

  • ssh -p 2201 user1@

docker installation

  • sudo vi /etc/apk/repositories
  • sudo apk update
  • sudo apk upgrade
  • sudo apk add php7 git docker py-pip
  • sudo adduser user1 docker
  • sudo rc-update add docker boot
  • sudo service docker start
  • sudo pip install docker-compose
  • sudo pip install --upgrade pip
  • docker --version
  • docker pull hello-world
  • git clone
  • cd docker-compose-lamp
  • docker-compose up

lamp stack

Install lamp stack on the Alpine VM

Test lamp stack

Go to your desktop and launch a browser

To view the PHP info with the Apache2 in MPM mode use the IP: http://localhost:8080.

To view the PHP info with the NGINX use the IP: http://localhost:8081.

PhpMyAdmin is available under http://localhost:8082

Adminer is available under http://localhost:8083

NGROK is available under http://localhost:8084

MailHog is available under http://localhost:8085

Development with NetBeans IDE

  • Launch NetBeans
  • File > New project > PHP > PHP Application from Remote Server
  • Next
  • Project url: http://localhost:8080
  • Remote connexion
  • Manage
  • Name: alpine2201
  • Host Name: localhost
  • Port: 2201
  • Password: *******
  • Private key File: /Users/pascalgautherot/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Known Host File: /Users/pascalgautherot/.ssh/known_hosts
  • Initial Directory: /home/user1/docker-compose-lamp/htdocs
  • OK
  • Upload Directory: /
  • Next
  • Finish
Docker Toolbox Known Issues

If you want to archive your project on Linux and extract to use on Windows with Docker Toolbox just remove ibdata and ib_logfile* files in your MySQL data directory. Uncomment in docker-compose.yml section # build: docker/images/mysql/. and remove section image: mysql. Then run a command: docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up --build -d To verify work check that MySQL container run a command: docker-compose ps.


Similar to Windows section instruction.

Extra features

To enable Selenium check docker-compose.yml and uncomment related selenium and php-fpm-data sections. The same for other images not enabled by default.

To enable custom configs from files, please, check the image info and uncomment related image volumes section.

You can build own images based on base images. Check the php-fpm section for using custom image builds. The custom PHP-FPM image sample is located in the directory - docker/images/php-fpm.

For running multiple instances on your local machine, you can update the IP range or ports inside docker-compose.yml. For this, on your instance, change IPs to another range, e.g. from 172.55 to 172.54.*. The same are for ports.


This project is licensed under the MIT open source license.
