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Import data

Mathias Stuhlmacher edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

Import data

System creator

  • Module:
    • dfirtrack_main.creator.system_creator.system_creator
  • Version: v0.1.4 or above

What it is good for

This creator creates a bunch of systems with same subset of properties (but of course different host names / system names). It is useful for creating a lot of similar systems without the need of generating them by hand.

How to use it

You can find the creator in the systems list page at the button "Creator". Copy the content of the file (this file is strictly speaking just a list of system names) to the text field. Edit the rest of the data as it is needed. After hitting "Save" button the systems will be created. You certainly have to refresh the browser until the task is finished because it is asynchronously executed by Q Cluster.

System file importer (CSV)

  • Module:
    • dfirtrack_main.importer.file.csv
    • dfirtrack_config.importer.file.system_importer_file_config_editor.system_importer_file_csv_config_view (configuration)
  • Version: v0.4.9 or above

What it is good for

This importer imports a bunch of systems with same subset of properties (but of course different host names / system names) through a CSV file. All attributes can be controlled completely flexibly via config. This applies to new systems as well as already existing systems and their attributes. This is to prevent data from being changed unintentionally.

How to use it

You can find the importer in the systems list page at the button "Import systems via CSV". After hitting "Save" button the systems will be created.

How to configure it

Simply press the button with the wrench right next to the importer button. The configuration should be self-explanatory.