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Modify data

Mathias Stuhlmacher edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Modify data


  • Module:
    • dfirtrack_config.views.workflow
  • Version: v1.2.1 or above

What it is good for

Workflows are used to create one or more standardized sets of artifacts and / or tasks for systems. This is intended to avoid having to do this manually each time.

How to use it

Workflows can be applied to systems. This can be done at several points:

  • while creating a single system
  • in the single view of a system
  • when using the system creator
  • when using the system modificator

How to configure it

Workflows have a separate view in the main menu where they are created. For each workflow, it is possible to define one or more artifacts and / or tasks.


  • Module:
    • dfirtrack_main.modificator.system_modificator.system_modificator
  • Version: v1.2.0 or above

What it is good for

The modificator is designed to modify multiple systems at once. Only the attributes for a change are available, for which it also makes sense to change them for several systems at once. At the same time, it is possible to set how existing values are to be handled. Important: The values for systemstatus and analysisstatus are changed in any case.

How to use it

You can find the modificator in the systems list page at the button "Modificator". Select the systems you want to change. Edit the rest of the data as it is needed. After hitting "Save" button the systems will be modified. You certainly have to refresh the browser until the task is finished because it is asynchronously executed by Q Cluster.